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Posts posted by J-Nation

  1. it might feel pleasant now, but I hope you know about the condition often referred to as 'vibration white finger' which is a form of Raynaud's Disease. This can cause:

    # Tingling and numbness in the fingers, often continuing after use of machinery.

    # One finger temporarily turns white and may start to ache.

    # The finger turns white more often.

    # Other fingers begin turning white.

    # After several fingers turn white, the disease is probably irreversible; the thumb is not usually affected.

    # The sufferer experiences increasingly frequent painful attacks at any time.

    # In extreme cases the sufferer may lose fingers - this is more likely when the worker is using vibrating machinery at very low temperatures.

    (obviously you would substitute the part of the body in contact with the vibrating machine)

    It is usually caused by severe vibrations from equipment such as jackhammers, compacters etc but I wouldn't take any chances if I were you.



  2. When you say 'within the law', whose law do you mean? Don't forget that we are a widespread community where the laws of one country can differ widely from those of another. For example, doesn't France have quite strict privacy laws? Emma

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