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Posts posted by zorro071214

  1. Hairy Biker

    Why not test with a pair of theese if it´s the heat that´s the problem.Posted Image.I htink they´ll do the trick.Made with aircondition :wink: .Don´t know mutch about bikes but it seems that your bike is a strong one.I´ve had a Yamaha AS3 23 years ago. Ibought it for 100Euro picked into small pieces into 2 cardbord boxes and I put it together in functional order. My age was 15 that time.I sold it without any profit after 3 months.Just fun to build it.


  2. Hey they were funny. :wink::D But the collor shine a little to mutch.Do they have them in matt black?I´d have to use socks in those to not get a cold :o I think they are ok for use indoors at party or at the pub etc.You´ll get noticed that´s for sure. Jankas

  3. Anna Rhinehart(wieght 100kg) also sat on his chest and broke some ribs.Ok that dosen´t matter case he died of the shoebeating.Nice to walk in "leathal weapons".Maybe I should stick to vedgies :wink: .Just kidding.I´m not a killer so thats no risk.Just a bad way to use stilettoshoes anyway. Jankas

  4. Hi Micha Like you siad I´m not doing this to save money or anything just trying to make a stile of my own(mixed favorites).I´ll post a pick just have to get the right glue first.Think i´ll get it from a friend who is a shoerepairer. If it turns out well maybe I´ll make some more differentshoes.As many say here on the forum:TOOLTIME Jankas

  5. Hi Hairy Biker Your avatar looks great. Can be beacuse I got a pair of my own.The only thing is that I have to watch my head in the doorways.I´m just 1,70 m but i can still feel the top doorframe toutching my head.They are easy to walk in but if you twist your ankle while walking I think youl break the ankle.The higher you are the harder you fall :wink:. What bike do you have?Thinking of the name.Have you ever wering heels when driving? Take care and BTW velcome to the hhforum no 1.Jankas

  6. Hi Bubba136 No I haven´t seen thoose but the opposite we have here in Sweden.I personaly don´t like the style.I prefer hole shoes and boots don´t like the wind blowing everywere.Designers try everything on us customers.Fun thing anyway. Jankas

  7. Hi everybody I´m making may own wedges in my hobbyroom.They are dryíng right now.Each shoe is made of 4 woddpieces so they ar about4-5".Haven´t mesured them yet They are not heavy even thy are made of wood.Ihave a piar of extreme pumps,each shoe way more than one of my ownmade? I´m going to put real leather on top with open toe.The instep is going to be beige soft thin leather and at last the sides of the shoe is going to be with syntetic leather.I´ll post a pic when they are ready. Jankas

  8. Welcome Ychelle (new one)? I would think you had English as second lanuage.Yes continue your story that would be intresting.keep up the good heeling and as many say here don´t bother about what other say, be your self.I do that and I´m still alive :wink: . Jankas

  9. Hi WarrenB I ´ve been into modelrailroading before.I had quite a big set of trains and stuff but sold it cause the missing space :wink: Should not done that.Now Í´m into building trains in G-scale 1:26 thats more fun cause it´s bigger and more detailed.I´m into making my own track from aluminium profiles.That was good you got the ship in same scale as the RR.I´m looking for theese old western loodboats with 2 big showelwheels(just the prints?)We don´t make them her cause lack of long rivers.Do you now any site or warf?Keep railing Jankas

  10. I´m alone in that room so that´s why it looks like it does.The green thing in the botom pic is a model of the Swedish old subway scale 1:26.And I´m working on several things at the same time like today I have been down doing a bit of subway,some on the boat in the first pic with blue hull and I´m working on a howercraft with Pc fans. There is one dangerous thing about a room like this.If I dont sweep up the sawdust it can explode if it gets to much in the air and a spark comes in so I have to sweep the floor often.There is also where i´m gonna make some own hh shoes(not for this topic .sorry).I do´n´t think I need many more machines anyway. Have a nice weekend everybody. Jankas

  11. Just wonderful pics and the pink/cerise nailcolor is like the one I have on my toes.It´s a lovley color.I have a pair of feetkillers also but don´t wear them just sit in them sometimes.No use to try to get the feet used to thoose would tak to long time.I like your corkwedges very much.I´m in for a steadier heel like block and wedges.Ok I have plenty of thinheeled shoes/boots but they are a bit unsteady until I train my ankles enough.Keep up the good picwork and ofcurse the great dairy/stories to. Jankas

  12. Hi Firefox I do put my soul in the models but I like building them so when I get one sold I´m happy that they choose my model and that I can get on with next project.In my hobbyroom I have 7 boats all from halfmade to ready.I build 2-3 at the time beacuse when iglue one it has to dry for an hour then I do something on the other and at the end I´m back on the first.It gives me som variation in the building and more fun.Ok there can be a backside to this that it´s very hard to keep parts seperated.I´ve sucseded allthe time yet. PJ I don´t think it has to be prioriti to make a model.The most important is a place without kids running around and you do it when you want to relax like therapi.It calms you down.I use to sit biulding and listen to music and the hours fly by thats a negative part I don´t have enough time.When I leave the place I´m relaxed and saticfied to hav acomlished something. Jankas

  13. Sorry to hear that about not being able to take it home.But fun that they thought they could sink it an did not suceed.You built it well then.Why don´t you look around to any warf or call archives for ships and buy a blueprint copy and build it again in the UK this time.I search for anything I want to build and will get it at the end. I got blueprints for the old Swedish subwaytrains so I´m building one in scale G thats 60mm between the track( a garden railroad).I was inspired by The LONDON toymuseum were me and my son was 9 years ago.I want to go back once.I´m also thinking of building a howercraft with fans from the Pc chassies.I´ll post a pic later from my hobbyroom in the basement.What I wear you can guess. Jankas

  14. Hi WarrenB When your going to build a ship like that do you try to get the blubrints then or just on freehand?I am a member of "club maritim".It´s for sailors capten´s and people like me hobbybuilders.I buy blueprints from Swedish warfsI can only get prints from Swed. ships. But if you want blueprints try any warf nearby your home.They will surley let you buy a copy.I payed 16 Euro for orginal blueprints to 2 ships with every measure and placement there is( No eletrical or hydraulic)But who needs that.Then you can build the ships in whatever scale you want. Jankas

  15. Ok thank´s for the explaining.It´s a smart way to keep track of special numbers.You can allso make names of a number by using the letters by eatch number ex.1=abc 2=def and so on.It is an oldie but goldie. :wink: And no one thinks i´m gay or wierd(that I know of).Are you into anything else than model building? BTW did ju get the drawings for that ship or just building on free hand? Jankas

  16. Hi WarrenB That would be a chalange to build in a scalemoel or radiocontrolled.I got drawings for 2 cargoships from 1950-60,one has the bridge in the back and the other in the middle.I haven´t started with thoose yet.But I don´t think I ever have seen one like yours :wink: Good luck. Hi MK4625 I wasen´t wondering about the boat´s name.I wonderd what mk4625 stands for.Sorry that i´m asking so unclear. Jankas

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