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Posts posted by dblair

  1. If you are looking for opinions on style, it may help a bit if you provided a picture (or link to a picture) so we know what shoes we are talking about. As far as the "all male" clothing thing, I would say that regardless of what side of the store you pick your clothes from, heels on a guy will look weird to the vast majority of those who will notice. The real question is how many people will notice, and what percentage of those who notice will be rude enough to express their disapproval. Personally, I would say that I dress somewhat conservatively, and I only wear "men's" clothing with my high-heel boots, and yet I occasionally get some nerve racking and scary reactions. Ultimately, you have to decide what you are comfortable with, and then just go out and do it.

  2. jwhite44: Regarding the heel height on the Crissons, they are 3.5" high. I know that's not very high, but it's a bit higher than I thought they were going to be. I plan to start wearing them to work soon, as soon as temperatures drop a bit (we're in a bit of a heatwave here right now).

  3. @dblair

    I could imagine myself walking into work in those and not a word being said. £90 here in the UK - I don't think I could buy those without the missus noticing the drop in savings! I love them though. How are they to wear?


    CRabbit: They were a bit expensive for my financial situation as well, lol. They are very comfortable though. My only complaint is that the zipper being on the outside makes them a bit more difficult to get on and off (compared to the usual inside zip). I bought them with the idea of wearing them to work, but haven't do so yet...somehow the heel looks higher in person than it does in the picture, but I still do plan to wear them to work.

  4. Just wanted to offer my congratulations to the Boston Bruins and their fans. Before the series started, I didn't think Boston could even put up a fight against a Vancouver team that seamed destined for cup glory, but in the end they were unquestionably the dominant team in the series! Cheers Boston, good for you!

  5. Well, as you can see, many here are tired of these assumptions and are therefore somewhat defensive regarding their masculinity. Simply put though, there are no 2 guys on this forum who are alike, just like no 2 people anywhere are alike. Some here are some are gay, some are straight, some are bi-sexual, some wear skirts and dresses and hose, some don't wear any woman's clothing other than heels. If it were possible to take a totally honest and unbiased pole of the public at large, I suspect that the percentage of straight/gay/bi-sexual men is the same, regardless of whether they wear heels or not. Just my 2 cents, on a thread that seems to be already beaten to death.

  6. Hey Conor1974, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I'm not sure if I agree with your methods, but I love your determination :unsure: And, as heelman said, you definitely do not need to dress entirely in woman's clothing to wear heels in public, but it does take some time and consideration in order to figure out what "men's" clothing will work. Also, some heels will incorporate much easier into a male look than others...you'll figure it out :silly:

  7. I'm so jealous! I wear high-heel boots quite regularly, but never at work (at least not during business hours). I often think, during the workday, how much I wish I were wearing my boots at work. I wear them out in public at night during the week, all day on the weekends, and at home every day of the week, but It is still not enough. I would be in high-heel heaven if I could wear them all day at work too, but sadly, I believe high-heels at work is completely off-limits for me.

  8. Your sense of guilt has nothing to do with wearing high heels. It has to do with the fact that you hide it. It is normal to feel guilty about keeping secrets from those that are close to you. Nobody feels "guilt" over their choice of clothing.

  9. JeffB -

    I’m not sure I like the red and light blue combination, maybe a black or dark blue turtleneck would offer a little less contrast.

    Did you just say that you aren't sure about a tee-shirt going with blue-jeans??? Or that red and blue are somehow incompatible?

  10. Well, I wouldn't be at all surprised by the negative reactions if this was just any anonymous heeler, but I am a bit surprised that people are dumping on a famous and respected celebrity like Lenny for his look in this photo. After all, it seems that most people have a different set of rules and boundaries for celebrities than they do for average people. Just look at rock icons from the 70s like David Bowie. Perhaps the masses are even less tolerant now than they were 40 years ago. I'm sure that Lenny doesn't care though, and neither should we. Moral of the story: Just do your thing and don't worry about pleasing the masses :silly:

  11. What would you guys say you look at first on a girl, her face, boobs, bum, legs or heels? Or would you just take a sneaky look at the whole package?

    Hmmm, I guess I would go with whole package. Great hair can be very sexy too :)

  12. This must have been a very slow day for news. It would be different if the kid was a lot older, but a 5-year old? At that age, there is no such thing as fashion, sexual identity, or cross-dressing...the dress is simply a toy. In a few years, it's likely that the kid won't even remember playing with dresses. Oh, but wait, he will remember because he will likely be ridiculed by his peers about how his parents had put him on national TV and wrote a book to show how much they support his cross-dressing. Good on the parents for not restricting him to toys that they feel are "for boys", but very bad judgment for exposing him to the world over it.

  13. They look nice (I like the black better). I'd say they have stilletto heels. Are you meaning you usually wear pumps vs boots?

    What's the actual height of your pair (website says 1.5" - 2.5", that seems a bit low).

    Thanks jwite44.:) I do always wear boots...but to me at least, a stiletto heel is very thin (especially at the bottom) whereas these are somewhat chunky, even though they do taper a fair bit. I would say that the heel is about twice as thick as what I would normally consider to be a stiletto heel. As for the heel height, it is actually a full 5" inches, I don't know why it says 1.5 - 2.5 on the web site. The slope of the arch is probably closer to what you would get in a 4.5 to 4.75" heel, due to the thickness of the winter sole.

  14. dblair ...

    Those are very nice boots and congratulations on your find. I know what you mean about being used to wearing stiletto heels. It is a different pace and stride in shoes or boots with high, but not stiletto heels.

    Thanks roniheels. It was actually the black ones that I bought, but I just realized that the link I posted is for the brown ones. Anyway, I went out to the park today and took some pictures and posted them in the gallery :)

  15. Great post, Confused...you don't need to be confused anymore. It was less than a year ago that I told my girlfriend (first person I ever told) about my love of wearing heels. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to say, and yet when it was done, I wondered why it was so difficult. She kind of laughed at first, but then wanted to see them on me right away. She has been entirely cool about it and now I wear my heels almost all the time, with the exception of at work and while sleeping. I guess my point is, try to share this with your girlfriend (sooner rather than later), and don't be ashamed. Even if she reacts negatively at first, she will surely come around if she loves you. Having the freedom to wear your heels anytime you want is an awesome feeling.

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