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Posts posted by kfsteve391

  1. I got my first pair of heels six months ago. I visited a nearby mall. After looking at three small shoe shops I checked out a department store. I told the sales lady I was looking for a pair of strappy high heel sandals and they were for me. She disappeared for a few minutes and then came out with about 10 pairs of shoes for me to try on. With her help, I found a pair of silver strappy sandals. They fit nicely and are extremely sexy. As I was paying for them, I told her that I have been wearing thongs and panties for the past two years. When I told her I like the frilly, girlie kind, she said mine were sexier than hers and the ladies she works with. My advice is to just go in a store and be upfront with the sales people. They have a lot of knowledge and are there to help you. Take advantage of what they have to offer.

  2. I have 13 pairs of heels and four are pink. So I guess that says something about my opinion of pink heels. I want a sexy, feminine look and pink suits the bill just fine. They go well with many clothes and can not easily be mistaken for mens' shoes.

  3. Same here. I have gone for walks in my neighborhood in the evenings in heels. Most have been in four inch wedgies, too. Have worn strappy high heels, also. Want to get more used to walking in them before I venture out in the day. My heels are all very sexy and feminine. Have four pairs that are pink! I do not know what kind of reaction I may get. There is no way my heels could be mistaken as men's shoes.

  4. I know the feeling you experienced. I check out all the ladies in their stappy high heel sandals and must say they look great. I buy the exact same kind for myself and look and feel just as sexy as they do when I am wearing mine. It is a wonderful feeling knowing that you are wearing something that is sexier than what the ladies wear. It is kind of like beating them at their own game.

  5. I was at Payless this morning looking at heels. As I tried on a pair of pink wedgies with 3.75 inch heels a well endowed lady suddenly appears and says she likes those pink wedgies. At first I thought she was an employee trying to make a sale. She said she likes shopping for shoes. She said they fit me very well as my toes did not hang off. Also commented about them looking sexy and very feminine with the thin little straps. I told her that is exactly what I was looking for. We talked some about out favorite shoe stores and then she went on her way. It was a wonderful experience that I had because I tried my heels on instead of just buying them and hoped they fit. I showed them to my wife and she said they were alright. Coming from her that was quite a compliment. It turned out to be a fun time at Payless.

  6. Yesterday started out the same as any day. I took my dog for a walk. When I returned home I took off my socks and shoes and put on a pair of green strappy high heel sandals with four inch heels. My wife had just gotten home from a two week visit with her sister in the midwest. I thought if I am ever going to do it, now is the time. In making my way to the kitchen I walked through the hall with a wood floor and then into the kitchen with its tile floor. My wife was in the family room, which is adjacent to the kitchen area. I know she heard me coming. I fixed my breakfast and was commenting to her about the food ads in the morning paper. She came over and stood right next to me as we looked at the ads. Here I am standing there in four inch heels and not a word from her. My heart was racing as I was ready for World War III. Later in the day I came out to the kitchen for supper in a pair of T-back sandals with 4.5 inch heels. Again, not a word. When we had almost finished eating the doorbell rang. I answered it wearing heels! It was my neighbor reminding me I needed to take him to the airport. He did not see my sandals as I stood back a bit. The next morning at breakfast I did the same thing. My wife cautioned me about wearing my heels in the hall as it has a laminate wood floor. She does not want me to damage the floor with my heels. At dinner time I put on a pink and white pair of wedgies. I showed them to her and she said those are fine. Is this the same woman who absolutely blew up five months ago when I showed her my first pair of strappy high heel sandals? I remember her telling me those are womens shoes and I should not be wearing them. I guess all things change with time. The ice has been broken and I am so very happy. I can finally wear my sexy heels in front of my wife.

  7. Ladies do it all the time. Why can't we? At first some guys are so nervous and self conscious they will buy anything in their size. I have become much more selective than I used to be. I want something that fits reasonably well in addition to looking sexy and feminine. I am also more concerned about the price. I guess all this happens with time and experience.

  8. You have to be in the right frame of mind to go in a woman's shoe store and ask to try on heels. It is a fun and rather daring experience, but it is not something most of us would do everyday. It is almost as if you have to decide before entering the store that you are going to do it.

  9. Sounds as if the sales lady in Shy-by journeys knows what it takes to make it in sales. She made your shopping experience a positive one. In a down economy like we are in I would think more people in sales need to go the extra mile as she did. I'm sure you will be a regular customer and tell all your friends, which you already have. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I agree with HappyinHeels. All the sales people I have dealt with have been very courteous and helpful. I always tell them up front whatever I am buying is for me. If you make up some kind of story, they may have their doubts. You have to remember those sales people know it is their job to sell. They do not care what you buy or what you do with it after you leave their store. So many of us are worried about what others will think. When I go shopping for heels I tell the clerk I want something that is super sexy and very feminine looking. That is what I want and what I get.

  11. I got my first pair of heels five months ago. I visited a nearby mall. After checking out three women's shoe stores, I tried a department store. The sales lady that helped me was very courteous and helpful. I told her right away they were for me and I was looking for a pair of strappy high heel sandals. She found just the right pair. They are silver and very sexy looking. It was such a thrill to walk around the ladies shoe department in high heels. It was a very fun day. Since then I have added another 11 pairs. I guess you could say that I am sold on them.

  12. Welcome to the group. I have only been wearing heels for five months. Mine are all strappy high heel sandals. I love how nice and sexy the ladies look in theirs. I want to look like they do, so I wear the same thing. As far as walking in them a lot has to do with practice and attitude. Happy heeling.

  13. This is why I prefer to buy mine in stores rather than on the internet. I like to see what I am getting and check to see I am getting a reasonably good fit. I have found the sales people to be very helpful and courteous. Be sure to tell them upfront the shoes are for you, instead of making up some kind of story. Half the fun is walking around a women's shoe store in high heels.

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