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Posts posted by kfsteve391

  1. Congratulations Jeff on another fine outing. Sounds as if the Black ladies got a nice view of you. You may have looked nicer than they did. Your skirt looks sexy on you as does the whole outfit. You are doing what most of us would never dream of doing. I say more power to you. I'm sure you are having a ball.

  2. My first time out was last December. I met the AzShoeNut for coffee at a nearby Starbucks. I wore a pair of strappy wedgies with a 1 inch platform and five inch heels. I wore the longest pants I have with them. At first driving in them was a little strange. I was very careful to leave plenty of room from the car in front of me. We sat inside and talked for a good while. A few people glanced at my feet but that was it. I was rather nervous but it was a fun time. By the time we left I was on cloud nine. I felt as if I just accomplished one of my life long goals. Have gone heeling several times after that with my wife. It is fun every time. For those of you who have never done it, I recommend trying it. You will love it.

  3. Congratulations on your latest outing. I like your outfit. The 19 inch black skirt shows off your legs very nicely. I bet you looked great walking from your car. I would have to say you look sexy. Keep up the good work.

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