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Magic Heels

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Posts posted by Magic Heels

  1. Corsair I recently went through security at Gatwick Airport in boots with a heel similar to yours and I was not asked to remove them. A young lady in 4 inch heels had to remove hers. Perhaps, in Europe, men's heels up to 2 inches are more usual than in the colonies!!

  2. One consideration, particularly for we Brits in our manual gear cars, is the position of the pedals. If they are well off the floor like a Volkswagen I have had no difficulty in heels up to 3 inches. Maybe a stiletto heel could catch in a carpet so perhaps a rubber mat would be safer. I have been driving for sixty years, the last thirty os so in heels of 2 to 3 inches and never had a problem!

  3. JeffB I agree with you. I have never married but I have never fancied another fella so I guess I must be straight. I have worn high heels and a skirt for pleasure but not for any sexual reason. I just enjoy the look.

  4. Yes, I am 79 but don't feel it! I do wear heels but only up to three inches. I was waiting for a flight at Gatwick the other day in two inch heeled boots. I saw several lovely ladies in heels but no other fellas. Pity!

  5. My first time was at a vicars and tarts fancy dress party back in the 70's. My girl friend at the time insisted I go as a tart in high heel boots, tightly laced corset and mini skirt. The evening was painful fun! The first time for real was, like many it seems, a late night stroll to the post office. I was surprised at the click-clacking which echoed around but no one noticed. And yes, I think it did put my heartbeat up!

  6. Yes, I have been told that I am brave wearing a red shirt. An old friend once told me "Do what you want, you are only going this way once!" It takes some courage and I would like to go out in long boots and skirt but it is a trifle chilly here at the moment!

  7. You are quite correct. At my time of life I do not care what people think. I just wish I could pluck up enough courage to go out in a skirt over my knee high boots. Maybe when the weather gets warmer!

  8. Thanks for the gracious welcome. My first experience of heels was when i was on holiday in Spain in the 1980's. I saw that most Spnaniards were wearing higher heels then my standard half inch ones. Since I am a bit vertically challenged I bought some male shoes with two inch heels which i found very comfortable. They were formal enough to wear to the office and I did so. When I went to my tailor for a new suit he was delighted because he could slant the trouser bottoms like a guardsmans uniform so that the front crease did not kink. Thus the back covered the high heel. My male friends never noticed but I recall that my secretary did and thought the shoes were very smart indeed. So the seed was sowed but that is a story for another time!

  9. As a politician might say, it depends what you mean by feminine. Do you mean the boots/shoes or the person? I think high stilettoes and peeptoes are feminine but cowboy boots are masculine. Personally I wear high knee boots with a skirt because they look better that way. I am slim so i can wear a snugly belted skirt and long boots, so I am feminine from the belt downwards but have no desire for ear rings or a wig so I am masculine from the waist upwards!

  10. Hello! I came across the HH website a couple of days ago and I am now a member. I have enjoyed reading about your escapades and am delighted that there are so many folk whose eccentricities are the same as mine! I get a kick out of wearing my heels and a skirt, too. I don't have any hang-ups about wearing heels out and about but have yet to venture out in a skirt. Maybe I should get a kilt!!

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