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Posts posted by TXGuy

  1. Basic question. For the male that just likes to wear heels. Are they considered to be included in the LGBTQ definition? 
    How do those that are fully embraced by those letters consider a male who just likes to wear high heels?

    Came up in a discussion after the SCotUS opinion a few weeks back. 

    Those that are going all the way with women’s clothing may be self explanatory. Although in some cases it seems experimentation and they may not consider themselves as the T part of LGBTQ yet.

  2. We watched the movie: Welcome to Marwen last night. Although they did not show it in the previews, the story is about a person who was severely beaten because he admitted to wearing high heels It was a pretty good movie in the end. It failed pretty bad at the box office. A pity though, if it had done really well, a lot of people would have seen a positive look at a man who like to wear high heel shoes…

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  3. 1 hour ago, pebblesf said:

    What a coincidence buddy....I too was in Orlando Thursday evening, staying right down the street from Disney at The Orlando Marriott.  I took a walk in my Sam Edelman boots to Subway, had a sub and a smoke.  Too many kids in the hotel I was at, but I guess that is to be expected....

    You know, I thought about messaging you to see if you would be in town. The issue with my travels is that they are at the mercy of the customer to a certain extent and I can’t plan to much. If my time at the customer had run to 6PM on Thursday, I would have gotten to the hotel later (working 2 hrs outside Orlando...) and probably would have just gotten some take out. Probably should have. The fridge in the room went bonkers a little after midnight, wasted an hour dealing with that. An employee and I took it out to the hallway. Then I couldn’t get back to sleep worrying about getting up at 4:30 to catch my flight.. This is also one of the few trips lately where I was on my own. Been running a team lately, who do not know about the heels...

  4. 6 hours ago, maninboots said:

    Great that’s fantastic progress, it’s onwards and upwards from here mate, enjoy yourself and don’t forget to post pictures, we’d all love to see them 

    Yea, this trip was short, not much time to stop and take pictures. Get to the hotel, see if there was an opening to eat, immediately leave for Downtown Disney. Back, sleep. From the time the alarm went off at 4:00 AM, it was get going to the airport... Man, close to $300 for 10 hours in a hotel... Anyway, same shoes as in previous pictures above.

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  5. Pushed myself a bit farther on the trip home. I’ve been wearing Clarks light brown leather booties on the plane lately. I guess they can go both ways, they have a 1.5 inch heel. Anyone who would look would know they are women’s. After my trip out last night, I was feeling a bit more daring. I was thinking over night to wear my Clark’s Mission Alfa booties on the plane ride back. Technically, they are supposed to be 2.5 inches, but my ruler measures 3. I never thought I would wear heels that high on a plane ride, go through security, sit next to people for 3 hours. But this morning I just thought go for it. I have to do it. Everything else was packed away and checked luggage. I figured once I left the hotel wearing the Alfa, there was no turning back. I would have to wear them everywhere for the next 5/6 hours. Felt great the whole way. I’m looking forward to the next trip. ;)

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  6. I was out again at probably my favorite place to go walking around. Quick business trip to Orlando. Quick trip for dinner to Downtown Disney, which may be Disney Springs now. Thousands of people. Hard to find parking in their huge parking garages...Food was pretty good at Maria & Enzo's. Easy to get a table when  there is only one. Most people wanting reservations are in family groups of 3 or more. Wearing the same heels as last visit. There is a market there, but not much in the terms of high heels. Disappointing in that regard..

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  7. I have experienced what PleaserFan is describing. At 180lbs, the heels I was wearing did this and how noticeable it was determined by how fast I walked so that the heel was put under tension in that it was slightly closer to the front of the shoe until Intook my weight of. It may that some are better at heel toe in which the heel tip doesn’t flex. I’m not sure if it is the heel that actually bends, or the heel “rotates” toward the front of the shoe at the point the heel connects to the shoe body. The particular heels I’m referring to still look solid in the heel, but they do seem to flex. I’m not sure how many stilleto shoes are designed to be really strong/rigid under a man’s weight(assuming 180 lbs+). I assume shoes are made to support a certain amount of weight, but there has to be a max, otherwise they would be outrageously expensive.

  8. I believe it is due to how you put your foot down, at least in terms of heel first when walking. As you put more of your weight on the shoe, and prior to the front part of the shoe taking any of the weight, the heel is bending a bit toward the front of the shoe. Assuming the heel is out in front of  with the heel at an angle to the ground as you put weight on it. As you have all your weight on both front and heel, the heel remains slightly flexed. As you walk forward, as weight is removed from the heel, and the point friction/weight is less than the flex/spring force, the bottom of the heel slides back along the floor to relieve the tension. How much you hear depends on how fast you walk/take weight off the heal relative to the time the flex tension is working again the friction of rubbing against the ground.

    This doesn’t happen with a wedge...

    Or at least in my opinion....


  9. $1B??? I’m not a fan of Private Equity firms. They are the ones that probably loaded NW up with the loans in the first place and leaves them in horrendous shape with no room to maneuver in a downturn... 

  10. I was out on another short business trip last week. A quick in and out with a lot of work with the customer. But I found some time to put my heels on and go take a walk. I posted the pictures of these boots way back on August 10, 2016 in this thread. Man, time is flying... The first night, I just went out to a restaurant near the hotel and then to the local Barnes and Noble. I had work to do back at the hotel for the next day. After that meeting, I drove back to Orlando to stay in a hotel near the airport. I was wondering where to eat, I check the restaurants at Downtown Disney. Or Disney Spring now or something. I check online and saw I could get a reservation. I sort of just dived in and left the hotel where the those boots again, leaving any other shoes in the hotel. Started getting the butterflies when I arrived because the place was packed. They have huge parking garages now and the first one was already full. Drove to the next one, farther away from the restaurant. Got out of the car, joined the crowds and headed to the restaurant. I probably stood out, but not for the heels. I’m wearing boot cut Levi’s, and most people were in shorts. At the restaurant, I was seated out in the middle of the restaurant near a busy walk way, everyone able to see my boots. Sitting down, my jeans rose up way above the heel.  Maybe it was just me, but I was getting the idea a bunch of the workers were walking near the table and looking down. I was OK with it, had a great conversation with the waiter. Not about the shoes... Afterwards walked around Downtown Disney. Among litterly thousands and thousands of people. A few hours of walking. It felt great.

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  11. The original thought behind the question way back when was for me to come up with a good description that my wife can understand and accept. Putting better words in my mouth as it is.  ;)  I’ve had many discussions since then about this topic with my wife, and I’ve come to one conclusion. No matter how many ways I can describe why I love to wear high heels, there is no way for her to really understand it. I think of it like this now. I love cars as well, all kinds, especially the ones I have gotten to drive, whether they are mine or not. I’ll call out rare ones on the road and point them out to my son. My wife does not understand that as well. It just does not make sense to her. Hasn't for the last 20 years. For her, or anyone else with no love for heels, it is like a leap of faith to just come to an understanding and accept that I love to wear heels. When that happens, I have no clue.

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  12. On 24/10/2017 at 9:14 AM, maninpumps said:

    Why do you need to rationalize why you wear heels ?

    She is my Life Partner. Making her good with the situation is just as important...

    I've been thinking on this while reading the posts. That I'm looking at it as really 2 questions, 1-Why do I love High Heels, 2-Why do I want to wear High Heels. I believe the second is easier to explain to someone else. The first I'm thinking not so much if they do not have the same feeling already. For example, I love cars, I've owned many over the years. My wife just can't see a car that way no matter how much I describe why I love cars. This being the first case. She likes shoes a little, but not enough to purchase more than she needs for day to day. I can browse and want to purchase every one that I find interesting. I love HHs more than she, plus toss in why would a man like them.., Now the 2nd case, why wearing them, possible to convey I believe. 2 weeks ago we were up at the state fair where GM had a driving experience set up. We both got to test drive the new Corvette. For me, the thrill of actually driving, experiencing something I love was a huge thrill. For my wife, cool, but not the level of thrill I had. But she understands why I wanted to drive the car even if she can't see what the big deal is over something with 4 wheels. The same with high heels, just looking is not as great as the experience.

    I love high heels, the reasons don't necessarily have to make sense that I do. It was not a logical choice that I decided I will like this because of A or B. I was just really into them. So if that is the case, should the fact I am male discourage me? Why?

    Woaa, how do I change text size on a phone??? Sorry...

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  13. Why do you wear high heels? I’m trying to find better words for why I love to wear high heels. My wife has known about this for years, but has never been comfortable with the idea. I’m wondering if my reasons can be better. Or, is there a better way/better words of/for describing why I want to wear high heels. I put it here in the everyone branch because I think everyone’s opinion is relevant.

    First, I have a thing for high heels, fetish, attraction, thrill, (lack of better words at the moment) for seeing them, and the experience of wearing them makes it first person vs just seeing with no actual feeling. The desire to wear is not a sexual turn on in itself. Having said that, seeing my wife wear a pair of high heels, the idea of my wife and I wearing the same pair of heels (only imagined up to now ;) ), or her telling me to put on a pair of my heels for an intimate evening alone together (a few times, but love it a lot more…) definitely is a turn on. But my just wanting to put a pair of heels on and walk around is not. 

    The reason for the desire to just walk around is the one harder to get the reasoning across. The fact or experiencing the action of walking in high heels is a definite thrill. More akin to listening to your favorite music live. The live experience creating the thrill. I feel great, I’m doing something that I love to do. I do not want to write too much now. I’d like to hear more other descriptions to see if what you feel may be a better way of describing how I feel.

    Also for me, I’m not trying to reach my feminine side, or at least no higher than my ankles. I like high heeled boots mainly, but also wedge sandals, mainly for the simple fact that a lot of times it is just too hot for boots.  So no other interest in cross dressing, or being gay, I’m straight. But I have no issue for whatever anyone else wants to be.

    I know there have been other threads. But I think it is good to rehash a topic every occasionally, with the new people that are on any given time. PS, for another topic, but I recently went back in the Men’s branch, started from the beginning and slowly read thought most of the threads. It was a great read, if a long-term project. There were a few similar threads over the years. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, jeremy1986 said:

    Both are cute - and are not overly feminine. a good choice to build confidence! 

    You can see two other booties I still take with me on trips on the #3 "tab" of this topic. Can't take them all, I need some regular shoes for work. Yea, I'm not into the feminine look. Just the heels. I have a few sandals, mostly wedge, but I have not worn them out heeling. No pumps. When I'm out, I still like wearing Levis  and I believe the booties look best.

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  15. 5 hours ago, pebblesf said:

    You are making amazing progress!  Sounds like you are having success using the slow/low and steady approach...

    I don't know if slow and steady is the intended approach. My kids do not know, and with them home for the summer limits opportunities. Most of my heeling takes place when I am out of town for work. Which comes and goes. 

    Lately, when I do go, it is LA, Denver, and Melbourne, FL. And the trips have been short, with not that much time for heeling, which is one of the reasons I expanded it to the travel part.

    if I ever know I'll have time, I shoot you a message to see what's possible.


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  16. 14 hours ago, Cali said:

    It's not the security staff, it the others in line behind you and the person(s) sitting next to you for 4+ hours.

    I agree, I was never really concerned with the Security Staff. They have been looking into my bags for years seeing a bunch of heels. Walking among other people, and sitting down with a stranger for a few hours adds another dimension to being out and about.

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  17. What airline? Most of my travel is on SW. Miami and DFW are not one of my typical destinations. Melbourne, LA, Denver.  I'm still not that confident. I'm choosing malls to walk to get the experience of walking around crowds of other people.  Shoe stores and restaurants because I'll be there for a bit and people who see me will be there for a bit. If that makes any sense. Still working up to being totally out in the open. I don't believe I'll ever get as far as shorts and heeled sandals though. ;) I do wear sandals at home.

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  18. Yes, it is hot. Down here in FL.

    Heading out today. On the way to the airport, stopped of at a newer, larger mall near the airport. I was wearing my regular Levis, not the boot it, so there was a good two inches of heel showing. No hiding them now. It was lunch time and was it busy. Not Christmas time busy, but the parking lots looked pretty full and people going in and out. It was just about 12 noon/lunchtime. I hesitated a bit, but finally put my heeled boots on and got out of the car. Walked in with others. I did the same as the last two days, except the shoe departments all had at least 10+ people in them. I took my time browsing, but the sales people were to busy to talk to, and there wasn't anything I wanted to try on. I also browsed the Nine West store.   I walked the entire mall with no problem. Two of the sales people you see selling things in the middle of the mall tried to get me to stop after they noticed my boots, but I had to get to the airport. Pretty good stop.

  19. I just had a great past two evenings. I brought a pair of brown Clarks Lida Sayer high heel ankle boots on my trip.

    First night, Tuesday after work, got back to the hotel to change my shoes for the evening.  I walked out the front door of the hotel, during a busy part of the day where other people are also coming back for the evening.  A lot of other people here on business.  I wore only my boots and brought no other shoes so I cannot chicken out last minute. First stop was something to eat.   If I want to eat, I have to walk in no matter how crowded a restaurant may be. I went to a local Olive Garden, there was a short wait for a table, and I was standing around with a few other people waiting for tables.  If people looked, they could easily have seen I was wearing a heeled boot.  But I really do not know if anyone noticed. The dinner was good, I sat in a booth with my legs out straight and crossed, the Levis riding up high.  But I doubt any one saw, I did not stick them out into the aisle or anything.  Very uneventful.

    Afterwards, I went to the local mall, planning to look check out the high heeled shoes in Dillard’s and Macys.  I intentionally walked into the JC Penney’s on the opposite side of the mall so that I would have to walk the length of the mall out in view of everyone.  I assume some people may have noticed.  I checked out Dillard’s first.  I took my time walking around the shoe department, picking up a few heels to look at closer.  I did not see anything I really wanted to try on.  Definitely not to buy tonight.  The saleslady asked if I was OK, I told her yes, just browsing, and that was it.  I moved on towards Macys which meant another trip out in the mall.  Macys had even less than I would have been interested in.  I took my time waling back through the mall.  I made a stop at the local supermarket next, walking across the entire store looking for what I needed. By this time, I’d been out for about 4 hours and needed to get back to the hotel to prepare for the next day.  Walked in, went into the little hotel store, bought some drinks.  Other people were walking around.

    Tonight, same start, except I went to a Longhorn Steakhouse near another mall about 23 miles away.  This place was way crowded.  I had to wait 40 minutes for a table.  After a long day standing most of the time, I do not want to sit at the bar.  I got to sit after about 10 minutes, and for the next 30 minutes, my heels were out for everyone to see. I noticed a few people look, but no comments.  The table I had, tuned out to be a half booth next to the bar.  Sitting in the booth part, I was 10 feet away facing everyone sitting and waiting for their table.  I know if they cared to notice, they would be able to see my shoes, I had noticed the shoes of a woman who had sat there before me while I was sitting waiting for my table.  Steak and beer was good.  Before leaving, I hit the rest room which meant I had to walk the entire restaurant and back.  Afterwards made a repeat of the previous night at this mall.  Same plan, walked the entire mall to get the stores.  At Dillard’s, it was empty of the customers and the sales girl asked if I needed anything. I said I was browsing, to which she asked for who.  At this point she noticed my shoes and suggested myself, which I said yes. I browsed a bit, but did not really see much.  I did stop and pick up a high heeled boot to look at.  The sales lady saw and asked if I wanted to try it on.  I knew I was not going to buy it, but why not try it for the fun.  She got it for me and I walked around for a few minutes.  We talked for a few minutes, she said I was the first man for her to look at buying heels to wear for himself.  But she was OK with it.  I had a pretty good time.  After leaving the mall I ran over to a Barnes and Noble where I checked out a few books for about 40 minutes.  Then it was time for more work at the end of the night.

    It's been a pretty good trip so far.



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