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Jen J

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Posts posted by Jen J

  1. My personal choice is plastic or rubber. I have several pairs with all metal heels. So those are what they are. The hardwood floors are much better off with the softer tips and metal tips on a wet or snow covered slate walkway is a broken ankle waiting to happen. I am not a fair weather heeler and plastic or rubber is much better in the outdoor world. Jen J.

  2. RH. If there is whining, bitching or general venting needed this is the thread for it. No appologies needed. Also if there are triumphs, accomplishments or goals completed, they can go in here also. Mostly, if there is just some random thoughts or daily grind crap, this is definately the place. speaking of which; Drove back from DC and dropped off the sled at my friends place. It has been sitting for 5 months. Filled it up with new gas, and whammo!, started on the first pull. I love SkiDoos. Got back to the house and did some laundry, shaved my legs and actually got a decent nights sleep. Up early today and have crossed several things off the list. For anyone who follows this thread I hav a quick opinion needed. Do I (1), get a new phone exactly like my last. Blackberry 8703. It has taken all the abuse I have dished out and still is fantastic. Have a ton of accessories. (2) Upgrade to a newer Model, and trust that it will be as good as the other. I also have no accessories to go with it. Just curious what the opinion is. Thanks and have a great day. Jen

  3. Very nice I am glad to here about the great outing. A long time ago I went out to eat with my wife. I decided to wear a short skirt and 5 inch red metal heeled pumps. I figured why not. You know what? No one noticed and if they did they didn't care. I learned that most of the time it is a big mental mind game. Congrats and hope you have more stories soon. Jen.

  4. Hope everyone had as nice a weekend as I did. Went to Door County Wisconsin with the kids, hung with mom, fixed a bunch of shit and drank alot of beer. OK, still drinking lots of beer. To keep on the focus of this forum, I even installed another set of driving lights on the Jeep, start to finish, while wearing my favorite 5 inch classy, standard black pumps. In fact basically wore them all day, I love those shoes. Everyone enjoy their Sunday and may Monday bring only welcome suprises. All my best, Jen.

  5. Although true, I have quite a crack to my whip. Roniheels attempted to steal the icon using a bag full of heel tips to match the weight and trick the trap. He also found it is very difficult to run froma rolling boulder wearing a hobble skirt and 6" jack boots. Poor dear, squished flatter than a pair of flip flops.

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