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girl from mars

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Posts posted by girl from mars

  1. I mean completely straight, but... Sometimes, wearing heels makes me feel a bit girly and a bit naughty. And if a guy notices the heels and his look lingers, I wonder. Is that a slightly lustful look? What sort of interest are my heels arousing? And then I can start to feel a bit flirtatious and maybe point my pointy toe in his direction, hee hee. I guess this is just another part of the fun of wearing high heels!

  2. There are some excellent 'boot cut' jeans in H&M in the UK. I wear them nice and long with spike heel boots. The hem drags slightly on the floor and should acquire a nice worn and frayed appearance. The heels make the occasional flirtatious appearance and the flare means the pointed (slightly uplifted) toes just peak out the front. Nice.

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