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girl from mars

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Posts posted by girl from mars

  1. Gorgeous boots, Trolldeg. Lovely looking leather, good height, nice shaped heel and deliciously pointed toes. Plus, I think calf length boots are super-cute so these are killers all ways round. I think when you see those cheeky toes peeping out of your jeans you'll be glad you became a convert! GFM

  2. Red Hot Chili Peppers: By the Way The Flaming Lips: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Coldplay: A Rush of Blood to the Head Kings of Convenience: Quiet is the New Loud Royksop: Melody AM All mellow stuff; no heavy rock I'm afraid. If I could only own one record, right now Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots might be it. People, I urge you to go and buy this record if you haven't already got it. Your inner calm is demanding it. You won't know how you lived without it. Your world is empty without it. You need it to complete you. It's what's been missing. Well, I like it.

  3. I doubt very much that DSS (The Department of Social Security) have anything at all to do with DSS Autos of Caddington, Bedfordshire. Of course, if any of the employees of DSS Autos were claiming benefits whilst being gainfully employed; then I imagine that the DSS may take an interest. I have no experience of DSS Autos, but in general, small garages are more likely to inflate the bill for a car repair than to condone social security fraud by any of its employees. That said, in case of any car trouble in the south beds area, DSS Autos who are located at Chaul End Farm, Chaul End Village can be reached on 01582 724452.

  4. Neither, of course, does BST (which you will know, if you've been paying attention, stands for British Summer Time) have much in common with BSL. This stands for British Sign Language and is a lot more use to deaf people than an hour's extra sunshine. Coincidentally, I have just been watching a programme about BSL. The challenges faced by those wishing to bring this form of communication to a wider audience were likened to those facing the Welsh in maintaining their national identity through their native language. Ironically, the extra hour of daylight gained through BST would no longer be of such great benefit to Welsh people keen to communicate via BSL, since I understand they now have electricity. Even in the valleys!

  5. Well I must admit I don't have any decent boots at the moment, but I did see a pair that I really liked by Red or Dead. Stiletto heels, pointy toes and very shiny. As soon as I have a pair I will post. Thanks also for your comments and I'll have at look at Faith and Dune's sites.

    Definitely sounds like you're on the right lines with those Red or Dead babies. Faith Solo has some interesting summery boots in right now. Long leg, high wooden stack-effect heels; nice and skinny, leather lined and leather soles. They're also good and pointy and even have a little metal tip at the front of the sole. (Like all the best shoes.)

    If I was a computer boofin* type, I'd post a picture or the URL at least. But I'm not, so I'd recommend a personal visit.

    Look forward to some more pics.


    * I am aware that boofin is a typographical error. I was attempting to write 'boffin'. For some reason I now prefer 'boofin'.

  6. Of course, BST (or British Summer Time) has little or nothing to do with BSE (or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). We tend to call the human strain of BSE 'Mad Cow Disease'. Not a tremendously important factor in enjoying a pleasant evening; perhaps in the garden of a local pub with some young friends.

  7. In the UK we put the clocks forward towards the end of March. We call this British Summer Time (as opposed to Greenwich Mean Time). Putting the clocks forward isn't the problem. Long summer evenings being a welcome benefit in a country that is so often grey and rainy. The debate usually occurs when it comes to putting the clocks back in October. Darkness at 4pm is rather depressing. The argument is often given that permanent BST would mean children going to school in the dark. Apparently, children coming home from school in the dark is not such a problem. As in Australia, I think it actually has more to do with farmers but I can't motivate myself to think what. Plus, we have been told that this subject is closed so I'm already on borrowed time. Then there's the length of my second paragraph which is causing me no small amount of consternation.

  8. Hey, like your new shoes Susan. Excellent pointy toe, good height and a lovely shape to the heel. Cool sole too. Those metal tips should stop the tip of the sole wearing out too quickly (as well as adding to the 'killer' look of course). You've also got a good collection of the best the high street has offered lately. I like the pink suede River Island pair for their combination of pink girliness and dangerously skinny heels. Those black Faith Solo's look good too. (Well, before you broke the heel off. Whoops.) So.... where're your boots? I know you've got nice ankles and all that, but they'll look even nicer with some soft leather gathering around them. And you don't look like you've got tree trunk legs. (No offence to trees.) Faith, Dune and River Island have had some gorgeous boots in lately and you can't have escaped the pointy toed, killer heeled fashion for boots around here. So, what's the story?

  9. I prefer the look of a larger foot in high heels. Say, UK 7 or 8. A natural consequence of maintaining the asthetics of the shoe design is that the heel must be higher for a larger size. I prefer fashion rather than fetish styles. A shoe that looks good in an 8 with a 4 inch heel, is simply not high enough in small sizes. With a higher heel, the look becomes a little less fashion and a little more fetish. I am also very keen on long ultra pointed toes. This is very much the current look in London and SE England, much to my delight. Small feet, high heels and short toes kind of adds up to Miss Piggy / Minnie Mouse to me. Now I like the Muppets, Disney and all that as much as the next guy. But not in that way, no. Sorry.

  10. I'm blushing writing this. When I was about 14, a youngish friend came round to see my mum. She was wearing a lovely pair of cream high heeled leather boots. Being polite, she removed them and left them in the hallway outside the 'downstairs cloakroon' (it's a toilet, you know the score). Without giving it too much thought, I grabbed the boots and nipped into the loo. I'd just got my jeans off and pulled one boot on when I heard, "Oh where are my boots? I thought I left them right here." Uh oh, I was in trouble. What could I do? I just called out, "Oh, I put them in here to keep the hallway tidy." Nobody in the house had ever put a pair of shoes or boots or even a coat in the 'cloakroom' before, and I wasn't known for my naturally tidy instinct. This was lame. I flushed the toilet and hastily removed the boot and pulled my jeans on. I casually exited to two extremely puzzled looks coming my way. Just smile and act naturally I thought. Yeah, right. With a face like beetroot. My embarassment was complete when I heard my mum's friend chuckle and say to my mum, "Maybe he was trying them on."

  11. If you're not after ultra high heels, have a look in River Island. They've had a good selection of stiletto heeled boots lately, in a variety of colours: chocolate brown; camel; tan; blue; pink; and even a distressed gold. Whilst shoes don't tend to grab my attention in quite the same way, I'm pretty sure their shoe selection is equally colourful. I know someone mentioned some pink suede stilettos from R.I. recently. I've seen them and agree that they are rather gorgeous. Faith is always reliable to be at the forefront of anything fairly avant-garde in footwear, so they've got to be worth a look too.

  12. Hi Julietta I'm sorry that you are so obviously hurting. I know from reading your posts that you are a fantastic, open-minded, positive, lovely person. Things can get complicated when sex gets involved. Plus, as you intimated, your friend may be scared of the opportunity you present him with. He's been living with a guilty, dark, secret fantasy that you are helping to make a reality. He may be frightened of the implications to his life in general of allowing this one aspect of his personality to emerge. You are a dream come true for him, but there's some truth in the old saying, 'beware of what you wish for'. Good luck patching things up, I cannot imagine that he would want to lose your friendship. GFM

  13. Definitely pair 1. No contest. Pair 2 are most certainly platforms. To me they look the type of sandal favoured by younger teenage girls. Pair 1 have much more going for them. They are slighter, slinkier and sexier. No plat, nice slim heel and an above the ankle strap. This gives the foot a much better look from the front I think. Pick number 1 and have a great birthday!

  14. Hi dheel Take comfort that everything you're feeling has been felt a million times before, by everyone who ever felt a bit different from most others. In the big scheme of things a guy prefering to wear what is considered a girls style of shoe is really not a big deal. If you've been reading the posts as a guest and now you've registered, you've taken a positive step. Take your time about things. Get used to wearing heels around the house so you can walk confidently. Like Julietta said, go for a chunky boot under long jeans. If you want, get them reheeled with a softer, quieter rubber. Get a black T-shirt with the band of your choice on the front and a denim jacket. Think rock star. You'll be too nervous at first to need to be concerned about being aroused so don't worry about that. First time, put your trainers on, grab your boots, get in your car or on a bus and visit a nearby town. (If you're near London, Camden's a good bet. Very bohemian.) Put your boots on and go for a wander. If you can walk naturally in them, I guarantee nobody will notice. I'd also wager that you won't be putting your trainers on for the return journey. Like the Dr Pepper ad', what's the worst that could happen? (Actually not like the Dr Pepper ad' at all. Bad example that one.) This is a great place to chat to like minded people, who as I'm sure you have already discovered aren't freaks. Well, not all of 'em! GFM

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