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Posts posted by shorty82

  1. How about wearing a pair of shoes with chunkier heels? While there are things out there to widen the base of a stiletto temporarily (seen them linked to from here before) they only widen it a little. A chunkier heel will spread out the weight more and reduce the chances of ruining the treadmill.

  2. I like those ankle boots. How did you get so lucky to be 6'5" and were size 12 or smaller... I also am a barefooted 6'5" but wear a men's size 13 - so I have to step up to a woman's (US) size 15! I wear the shoes in picture - Oxford stilettos - as my daily heels, but, like you, mostly travel unnoticed.

    Just lucky I guess. I just have naturally small feet.

    You won't hear me complaining about their size! :w00t2:

  3. Stopped by Target and Walgreens on the way home today. At Target I don't think anybody noticed my heels but a woman did at Walgreens. I was walking down the aisle that cuts across the middle of the store when I passed her. I saw her look down at my shoes, up at me, then down at my shoes again. As I turned down the aisle I saw her look at me again. She didn't say anything and I just kept going like a man wearing heels is no big deal, which for me it isn't so much anymore. I couldn't tell from her expression what she thought of seeing me in heels.

  4. I'm getting there, guys. I am less hesitant than I used to be and try not to care what others might think. I stopped by the CVS on my way home tonight and did a bit of walking around the store seeing if there was anything I needed (didn't have the main thing I went in for). The store had a few people and there were employees about the place stocking. If anybody noticed my heels they didn't react in any way I noticed.

  5. very nice corset , id like to find one that i can hook in front cause when i hook them and then try to turn them to the back my belly gets in the way.

    The majority of corsets, both off the peg and custom, hook in the front and have rear lacings.
  6. I work over 100 hours per week and make well over $100 per hour.

    Over 100 hours a week at over $100.00 an hour? I find that very hard to believe. To work that much you'd have to work over 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. Nobody can work that much and keep their sanity, nobody. The human body just can't handle it for long. When do you sleep, when do you spend time with your family?

    Also, I know of no job that pays $100.00 an hour. I'd love to know as I could work a lot less hours than I do now and be quite comfortable. I'd have my rent and all my bills paid in one or two 8 hour days and still have money left over

    Before taxes the math is approximately $480,000 a year, or $ 40,000 a month, or $10,000 a week. If this is true then, sorry, but that does, IMHO, make you rich. Very, very, very, very few people pull down 6 figures like that.

  7. I don't get your post. How are people getting testy when people mention the word "gay"? I haven't seen it. Don't let other people's opinions bother you. If someone says something you don't like you can always choose to respond or to ignore it, just like in real life. If they say something you find offensive then that is what the "Report Post" button is for and just let the wonderful moderators will take care of the situation, that is their job. Also, what does Obama have to do with the price of beans? (old saying) Everybody is entitled to their own opinions even if it does not agree with yours. While it is obvious you think McCain would have been the better choice for President it is also obvious that the American people as a whole thought Obama would be the better choice. There's nothing wrong with your opinion, it just wasn't the opinion of the majority of people. It doesn't matter to me who is in office, they cannot take away my love of heels or of this country.

  8. Some jokes from Mary Poppins. They are all from the scene at Uncle Albert's house. Oldies, but IMO goodies.

    Bert: Speaking of names, I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith.

    Uncle Albert: What's the name of his other leg?


    Bert: Uncle Albert, I got a jolly joke I save for just such an occasion. Would you like to hear it?

    Uncle Albert: I'd be so grateful.

    Bert: Well it's about me granddad, see, and one night he had a nightmare. So bad, he chewed his pillow to bits. To bits. The next morning, I says, "How do you feel, Granddad?" He says, "Oh not bad, a little down in the mouth."


    [bert and Uncle Albert are laughing at Uncle Albert’s tea-party]

    Bert: I always say there's nothing like a good joke.

    Uncle Albert: And that was nothing like a good joke.

  9. Had to run to the 24 hour CVS down the road to get something to snack on (the cupboard was bare and I was hungry). I went in jeans and my boots. As these are regular guys jeans the entire heel was visible as I walked around the store getting what I needed. I don't think any of the few people in the store noticed but if they did they didn't say a word or react in a way I could see. I'll admit I was a little chicken as I stayed on the carpeting as much as possible and avoided the tile as I didn't want to draw attention to the shoes.

  10. No offense heelluva but your post is nearly impossible to read. Please use proper English to the best of your ability, not the street slang or whatever it is you're using and please use paragraphs. It doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look stupid. I had a hard time reading the post and I speak English as a first language. There are a number of people on this board who speak English as a second language and probably have an even harder time reading the post.

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