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Posts posted by Sue13

  1. Hi Leigh, those boots are absolutely gorgeous. You're a very lucky girl lol And yes Heidi, to answer you question, I'm also one of those people who think boots offer more support than shoes. I wear boots most of the year but now the sun has come out here in the UK I've switched over to my courts for work and I noticed it straight away!

  2. I've never really thought about it to be honest, I just get in and drive and I drive in heels all the time. I have a pad that sits in the foot well to protects the back of my shoes and boots that I got from one of those catalogues that we get put through the door here in the UK and it works really well so no problem there. As for the dangerous side I don't seem to have any problem with the driving though I do know lots of my friends who keep a pair of flatties in the car to drive with and who often ask how I drive in my heels.

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  3. Hi everyone, I also get the "how can you walk in those" or "I love your shoes, wish I could wear heels like that" a lot of the time and I have to say that I find it flattering but I've also had a few negative comments as well which I put down to plain jealousy. But I have been called a "tart" a few times and once, when I was picking my sisters children up from their school, I was also called a "slut", it was behind my back and muttered as I walked past a group of "school mums", I think they were what the Daily Mail calls them "slummie mummies" its a right little clique I've since been told by my sister. Anyway I'd come straight from my work so I was dressed very smart as usual , a skirt-suit. Not tarty in the least and I'm definitely not a slut! I was abit upset to be honest but my sister told me that school playgrounds can be bitchy places and not to take any notice. As I don't have any children of my own I didn't know this!! Still, if you don't like somebodies shoes there's no reason to be rude about it is there? Sue xx

  4. How tall are you?

    5ft 10in

    Are you happy with your height?

    Yes, though I did wonder if I was going to get any taller when I was younger

    Does your height have any bearing on why you wear heels?

    No, not in the slightest

    What would be your perfect height?

    Probably the height I am now though to be honest thats only because its the height I am now

    How does your height compare to your partner?

    My partner is 5, 11 to 6ft, so when I wear my heels I'm taller than him though he doesn't seem to mind as he's bought some of my higher heels!

  5. I love to wear a pencil skirt with 4 or 5 inch stiletto's . I love it when the skirt restricts you from walking . I think its so sexy .

    That sounds familiar, guilty as charged!

    I always seem to be in skirts, (I only have one trouser suit for work), and I love them. I love the feel and the look and, if I say so myself, I think I have good legs. Also it shows my heels off to best effect, especially my boots.

    I do wear jeans sometimes as well as I also think that they look great with heels and can be really sexy. My partner thinks so too!!

    Now I've read this I feel really vain ;-)

  6. Hi, I think Roz is right. Its what you wear with them that will draw attention to them, ie a micro skirt! I wear 4" to 5" heels daily, in fact I'm wearing boots with 5" heels now, and I've only ever had compliments, and the obligatory "how do you manage to walk in heels that high" when I wear them. I don't know what you wear to work but if its an office then I take it you wear a skirt/trouser suit (or close enough), in which case you shouldn't really be wearing short skirts to work really. Thats just my opinion though but you must decide on that. Anyway have fun and enjoy S. x

  7. I've been asked this question a few times now and I have to be honest my opinion has changed a little. I would've said not sure originally but now, my present partner likes heels and has worn them a few times with me which, I have to admit, doesn't bother me one bit. I wouldn't say I'm convinced though its just that he's my partner and we do things together. So now my answer would be to let him have a go, it won't make him a bad person, just different.

  8. Yes is the quick answer, I'm a size 6(uk) and I'm 5'9/5'10 so I suppose my feet are a little small for my height but I'm very happy with them as it means I can have the pick of loads of styles. I normally wear 4"/4.5" heels though I can walk in 5" heels but 6" heels, though do-able are not for long periods.

  9. Hi sm I thought I'd give you a bit of advice from the female perspective on Faith boots, I have 6 pairs and Faith actually make their boots & shoes a little on the small size anyway, so you might have been better off buying the next size up. Not much help for this pair I know but its worth knowing for the future in case you buy another pair. S. xx

  10. My mum also loves heels, she even gave me a pair of hers when I was younger because I kept "borrowing" them. Now my feet are a larger size than hers so her extensive collection no longer fits me but every time I go around to her house wearing a different pair that she thinks are nice, boots normally, then she always has to try mine on. I suppose its pay back for when I was younger :>

  11. I've just read this article, but the Mail seems to have contradicted itself in the last week as it also said that its been proved that high heels DO NOT cause bunions, as they are hereditary and they used VB as an example saying even if she had the best shoes in the world she would have still had bunions. I think a lot of these "experts" just shout out the right PC slogans at the right time. Opinions are like a**holes - we've all got one. Sorry ed. I think it needed to be said by a female because if a male said it it would sexist or some such rubbish.

  12. I've been asked, mainly by women and its nomally at work but I have been asked by men on the odd occasion which, when it first happened, I thought was a little odd but since I've joined the forum I now understand a bit more so if I get asked now I'm still surprised but flattered and I normally say "your abit brave aren't you?" to break the ice abit which is always well received. Sue x

  13. I would think: "aren't my shoes great" people notice them! It happens all the time anyway, women and men. I normally get comments as well like, " your shoes are lovely" or where did you get those, I want a pair" Sue x

  14. Hi, I love wearing leather skirts too, whether above or below the knee, in fact I've quite a collection, as well as leather gloves, jackets and coats. But for me I like to dress up up and wear fitted clothes anyway, even my suits are fitted, as it gives me a real boost, even on bad days, to know I look good. Perhaps I'm a bit vain but I'm happy. I gave up smoking in 1990, so that ones out I'm afraid. I just compensate by buying more shoes and boots.

  15. My first pair we're a pair of my my mums that I "borrowed", all the girls in the 80's we re wearing these 2 - 3 inch omes but I had to to go one better and show off so I "borrowed" a pair from my mum which were just a plain black court really but they were 4 1/2 inches and totally unlike anything the others were wearing at school. They had a pointed toes like todays shoes and a really slender heels tipped wth a metal tip, I remember walking along the front corridor at school and they were loud!! I got into trouble at school of course, 500 lines I think but it didn't stop me. My mum was "less" pleased of course but she said they fitted me better than they did her so I could keep them, though not for school! They're long gone now but they're definitely to blame for my present addiction

  16. I'm with Roxanne on this one. Not always the best option for my feet I know, but HH undoubtedly look better with the pointed toe in my humble opinion. All my shoes/boots have pointed toes apart from one single pair of knee boots(my interview boots) but they're not stiletto heels they're a block type heel.

  17. I'm sort of "semi-stuck", if that makes sense, in that I can wear trainers but hard flatties become a problem after about half an hour. I have quite a high in-step anyway and I found heels alot more comfortable until I found myself wearing them all the time. I suppose its my own fault really because the minimum height is 4 - 4.5 inches but I have to say its not something I complain about as I love wearing them. Sue X

  18. Sue13


    I think you are right but it does give me butterflys thinking about it. So much not like me the attention thing, but it seems to invite be to dare. Have you done anything like this before? I would like to know how it feels and what happened, re-assurance I do need, I would like to dare but am scared too.

    Sarah G

    In answer to your question, yes I have done it, but only a small number of times to be truthful. I was also nervous the first time as well but I really enjoyed it but, in answer to your other question, how it feels probably depends on the individual. For me it felt great, in fact I went and bought some more clothes like a hobble skirt and mermaid dress.

    As to what happened, I had a great night but it was hot in my dress and I felt quite sweaty but it seems to make the rubber move easier though in some way.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong but, I have a feeling that you really want to do this but would like to be told to by someone to do it, I think YOU need to decide to do it, or not, as the case may be. Its got to be about you, and not what someone else wants.

    I hope this helps

    Sue x

  19. Hi Sarah I think you need to do what you're comfortable with, rubber is sexy but if you're not happy then it won't do anything. Having said that though, if you like a risk, and your just looking for reassurance then give it a whirl, I can promise you you'll get plenty of attention. The other bit about your boyfriend though, you'll need to talk to him about that but, like I said at the top, what you are comfortable and happy with. Sue x

  20. Hi Sara I wear heels all the time to work so I might be able to offer some advice on this one! Go no higher than 4" heels, boring I know but there is a comfort factor involved in this as well, ( and yes I can wear 5" heels )as people tend to look at the shoes first, I know, I tried it. Also stick to plain but smart shoes in black, blue etc with maybe a bow or buckle but nothing else because you'll draw unwanted attention to yourself and when your just starting it can be nerve racking. I also wear boots alot to work aswell, I love boots, with straight skirts, not too short though(again the attention thing) Use the same criteria for boots if you want to wear boots. Black is best though. I hope this helps, its abit conservative I know but when you start you don't want to cross any hidden "lines" and some offices have "sensibilities". anyway good luck with your career Sue XX

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