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Posts posted by LuvsStiletto

  1. On 12/23/2020 at 4:40 PM, RonC said:

    Yeah, I just could not imagine going through that whole scene at this point in my life.  No thanks....

    Given the current landscape, I think it would be very difficult to find women that actually like heels.  It seems that few want to wear them at all these days.  But I am with you, as if I were single and looking, at this point, I would need to find a woman that still enjoys, and more importantly wears, her heels.  I don't think I could do without that.  I'm not saying that I'd want someone who wore heels daily, but is it really that big of a deal to wear a pair of heels for a couple hours out to dinner?  Sure seems to be these days, though I'm guessing you're finding them!

    Covid is certainly putting a damper on things, especially on women wearing heels. Many woman who would normally wear heels to the office, no longer need to actually go to the office, due to Covid. I have worked in an office environment, most of my adult life. One of the things that I enjoyed most, was seeing an almost endless parade of women, walking down the halls, sitting in meetings, at their desks, on their way to the lunch room, wearing their stiletto heels. The sound of the heels clicking on the marble floors, as women pass by, in their 4” heels, was heavenly fuel for me! With office employees mostly working from home these days, the need for women to “dress up” and head to a full day of work at the office, has diminished accordingly. The other factor, is that with so many restaurants closed or working on reduced capacity, in many states, many women who would normally enjoy accessorizing their “date night” dinner outfit with heels, are now grabbing diner-to-go, at the drive thru window, or opting for pizza or an order of chicken chow mein, from an establishment that offers free delivery. I have spoken with many women who normally wear heels, who have taken the stance, that they are not going to get all “dolled-up” with a nice outfit, makeup and heels, to have to stand around in queue, with a mask on, waiting to enter a fine dining establishment, that is only operating at 25 percent capacity! My own girlfriend who loves getting dressed up, mostly so she can wear a nice outfit with heels, is now like, “let’s just eat at home tonight! I don’t feel like doing the whole makeup and heels thing, with Covid going on!” 

    Prior to Covid, there was no shortage of women who wore heels daily, to work, dinner/night out, etc., in my region. I do think that there are some regions where you are more likely to see women wearing heels, than others (pre-Covid). I live in a densely populated part of the country, so it has always been fairly common to see women in heels, especially in high-end retail environments, offices (financial services, insurance, etc.), fine dining and entertainment venues, such as the symphony, theatre, etc. In my experience, I have always been more likely to frequent establishments that have a higher probability of finding women in heels. The order line at Taco Bell at 2:00 PM on a Tuesday afternoon, in a small rural town, where Taco Bell’s only competition, is the local pizza joint, who’s dining area consists of two booths, one of which is covered with stacks of pre-assembled pizza boxes, is NOT going to be my first pick of places to do heel spotting! Lol If I want to see women in heels, I go to places where women in heels are likely to be, and right now, with Covid, women who normally wear heels, are not really in those places. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, Pierre1961 said:

    Sorry but I disagree. 

    When i hear a woman “ you should try wearing heels” it just she wants to tell you: can you imagine the pain I am bearing to please you.. 

    only a few are sincerely in love with heels  And these ones are the ones who would accept the less a man in heels 

    Sorry about that ..It’s my outspoken evening!! 



    7 hours ago, Pierre1961 said:

    Sorry but I disagree. 

    When i hear a woman “ you should try wearing heels” it just she wants to tell you: can you imagine the pain I am bearing to please you.. 

    only a few are sincerely in love with heels  And these ones are the ones who would accept the less a man in heels 

    Sorry about that ..It’s my outspoken evening!! 


    I’m speaking from the experiences that I have had, with dating women. Others may have had different experiences. There are many different opinions on how women will react to men in heels, or what women are “screening for”, based on the experiences we’ve each had. I’ve been very fortunate, in that I’ve had the opportunity to date many women over the years, who have been very open to me wearing heels. It’s more of a function of the fact, that I “screen” for women who like heels, and don’t waste my time with those who don’t. I come at the whole issue, from a place of abundance, rather than one of scarcity, which works for me. The woman I’m with now, I’ve been with for four years, and she loves heels, and has no issue with me wearing them. This is because I screened for that. If after a year, she started giving me a bad time, about it, we would not be together today. I just know what I want (not that heels are the ONLY important factor, because obviously other things matter tremendously, as well). The fact remains, though, that without the understanding of where I stand on the heel issue, I won’t even bother to explore all of those “other things” that also matter tremendously! I’m highly confident in my ability to seek-out women who are on the same wavelength as I am, regarding heels, because my “system” of finding such women, is highly dynamic. I’ve always treated it as a quest, or a game, in my own head, and not as a chore. I’ve made it fun for myself, and by making it fun, and “light”, I’ve had very good results. Some relationships don’t work out, due to other reasons, and that’s fine. Not every relationship or potential relationship works out, and I would rather that, then get stuck in a relationship, with someone who gives me a bad time regarding heels. Life is too short! I realize not everyone approaches it the way I do...

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Cali said:

    But unicorn hunting is really really hard.  

    I too make it clear I wear 4 inch heels and I won't get involved with a woman who has an issue with my heels. Life is too short to live that way.  However, the number of women that would not get weirded by it drops off dramatically as you get older. There's a lot of "it okay BUT not for my man" at my age.

    There are definitely many “it’s okay BUT not for my man” women out there, that’s for sure! lol Women with that mindset (which is perfectly fine, btw), simply make it a whole lot easier for me. They don’t realize it, but they are doing me a favor! I waste a lot less time with them, which enables me to move on to the next woman. One thing that made it easier for me, is that I tended to only gravitate to women that I could tell ALREADY had a thing for heels, to begin with. Their (consistent) heel wearing was actually one of the main things that attracted me to them. My rationale has always been, if they already love nice heels, it will be easier for her to understand why I love them so much as well. It may seem counterintuitive, based on how many women are competitive amongst each other, especially when it comes to fashion choices. However, I find that the “right” woman really does not see a guy as “competition”, which makes them more agreeable to it. I’ve had countless women I’ve dated over the years say things like, “you should try wearing heels for a day”, or “if you only knew what we women went through, by wearing heels every day”. These things are music to my ears, because I seize on the opportunity to respond with, “what if I already know what it’s like to wear heels all day?” I like the playful women, who will respond with, “ok hot shot, show me you can walk in heels!” Often when you get that out of the way, she’ll be like, “wow, you really CAN wear heels! What else do you like to ‘wear’?” Lol

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  4. This is an easy, clear answer... NO! 

    I won’t get involved with a woman who is “against” my heel wearing, or who places any sort of arbitrary restrictions or limitations on where or when I wear them, period! I get the issue out in the open, very early on, usually by the first date. If they are not accepting of it, there is no second date! Life is too short, to be shackled by the notion, that a woman who would never in a million years, accept a guy telling her she can’t wear makeup, or have the type of purse she likes, or whatever, but that it’s okay for her to say, “sorry honey, I don’t mind you wearing heels at home, when no one is around, but as far as wearing them outside the house, forget about it!” Or worse yet, “that you can’t have or wear them at all”. That’s NOT the type of relationship I want to be in. I would sooner be in no relationship, than have my desires concerning heels, be “managed” by a wife/girlfriend. I’ve written about this before; for me, it’s non-negotiable! I’ve been in a nearly four year relationship with a woman who is very accepting of it. I am fortunate! The good news is, that you can be fortunate too! There are plenty of open minded women out there. You just need to find them.


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  5. I remember the first time that I went out wearing 4” stiletto heels, vs. the 4” chunky/block heels that I had been wearing out, up to that point. The only real “difference”, was that of which was in my own mind. I was wearing lengthy boot cut jeans, which covered much of the tall, thin heel, however, whenever I walked past a shop window, I could see that a portion of the stiletto heel was still very much visible. In other words, the jeans helped cover them to an extent, but the combination of movement, the high heel “clicking sound” on the pavement, and the obviously pointed toes, clearly gave it away, that I was wearing stilettos. Despite all of that, aside from a few individuals quickly glancing at my choice of footwear, then carrying on, with whatever they were doing, it was basically a non-event. I find most people truly don’t care what type of shoes a stranger is wearing. At least for me, once I got over the “hurdle” imposed in my own mind, the experience itself is definitely exhilarating, but also somewhat disappointing, in that, the reactions you expect from passers by, often don’t match the expectations you set before you head out. It’s a good thing, in a way, but it also “robs” you of some of the “attention” you may or not have been expecting. When you experience enough of these instances, you begin to realize that most of society is more concerned with what they have going on, at the moment, than with some random guy they’ve never met, who happens to be wearing heels. Go at your own pace, but realize it’s only footwear. To those of us, who love heels, it’s obviously more, but most people who may notice, simply have too much else going on in their routines, to afford it much more, than that passing “glance”. Good luck!

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  6. 23 minutes ago, Shyheels said:

    I agree. You deserve the new pumps.

    Hopefully you won't be served by the undeserving, a gum-scheming clod who overcharges you on a box containing two left shoes, a black size 3 and a brown size 14 (it averages out 8 and a half, so that's near enough, whaddya complaining' for?) 

    Thanks! You deserve some new heels too!  I'm heading to DSW later. Now that it is spring, I'm thinking I deserve some strappy heels as well. 

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  7. 7 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    Hint: Dry goods

    Exactly. The real irony is, Will Munny's famous line, "deserve's got nothing to do with it", is actually a false statement, because he did in fact feel Little Bill "deserved" what was coming to him, just as he thought most people who got shot "deserved it", except for maybe his buddy Ned, and that prostitute. Munny is about settling scores, so in essence, "deserve", at least however that is defined in Munny's mind, has everything to do with getting pumped full of lead! One of the main reasons he showed up in that town (aside from the little fact that he needed money), was because he thought that Quick Mike and Davey Boy needed to get what was coming to them, for harming the prostitute. You see, deserve has EVERYTHING to do with it, no matter how we justify it, or even if we downplay the significance of it, to satisfy our own minds. Most humans, (and many other animal species) primarily act out of greed and vengeance. Two of the most powerful motivating forces known to exist. Sure, there are those humble, well-meaning folks who mostly act out of charity, but I suspect even many of them, are capable of acting out of retribution if someone they care deeply about was harmed or slighted in some way. I know many otherwise meek, humble, generous, and good natured people, who have a mean streak, a mile long, that seems to come out of nowhere, once they or someone they love are crossed! i suspect that what people feel they "deserve" is one of the largest factors contributing to our growing entitlement society! Everyone wants everything, and they want it now, and they want it for free or next to nothing. If they can't get what they want, it's someone else's fault, and it's time to start trashing stuff. Deserve has everything to do with what is going on in society! Corporate fat cats feel they deserve millions in bonuses for running companies out of business, and entry level workers feel that they deserve $15.00 an hour, with no experience or education, all, for flipping a hamburger, and screwing up your order, because they didn't pay enough attention to detail to see that you asked to "hold the mustard", yet they trimmed out your burger with mustard only! I would think the customer who is paying ten bucks for a burger, fries, and soda, deserves to get it the way it was ordered, yet what he gets in return, is the opportunity to wait around and waste more precious time, while they try to figure out what happened, and remake the order. So that customer, if smart, gives the establishment what they "deserve", for hiring incompetent, help, by not giving them business in the future. It's ALL about what everyone deserves! That being said, I feel that I deserve to go out and buy some new pumps later!

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  8. 22 hours ago, meganiwish said:

    So why would you answer if you want it to be dropped?

     I did not say that I "wanted" it to be dropped. I said I "would have dropped it". There's a difference! I'm not the one who necessarily "wanted" it dropped...everyone else was! However, I would have dropped it, if no one replied. So my question is, why on earth, would anyone keep responding, if THEY wanted it dropped? I'll go all day! I'm a tenacious mo fo!!!

  9. 58 minutes ago, Cali said:

    LuvsStiletto I would recommend the discount card.  I had very good service at DSW and have made many purchases.  I had sale associates help me find shoes, show me the location of different styles and help locate my size.  They also have a great return policy, so if I order shoes on line and they don't fit just perfect it very easy to do a store return.

    I have had many chats with the checkout women.  They see I'm in heels, so they ask if I found the shoes I was looking for or tell me your'll love these - I have a pair too.

    I absolutely hated shopping for men's shoes - they never fit.  Shopping for women's shoes in person (aka shoes that fit) is so much fun.  The variety that's out there is seemingly endless.  So many shoes BUT only two feet.

    I agree! I've always had good experiences at DSW. I will sign up for the discount card the next time I am in the store. I would have done it that day, however I was running late, and did not want to take the time at the checkout. Purchasing and trying on women's shoes is much more fun, and exhilarating! I love that moment, when a sales associate realizes that you are purchasing heels for yourself, either when they ask, and you explain it to them, or when they first notice that you are wearing heels or trying on a new pair. There's just something about that split second, when it registers with them, that you are getting them for yourself, that feels like a rush! It is amplified, when they signal acceptance, and begin helping you find what you are looking for. In all the years that I have been heeling, and trying on women's shoes in stores, it has pretty much always been a really positive experience. I did have one sales associate (a guy) in a Baker's store back in the early 90's, who gave me a strange look when I was trying on a pair of pumps, but he did not say a word; it was more like a raised eyebrow sort of thing, and after that, he just went about his business. The female associates have always been more than helpful and willing to discuss their preferences when it comes to the heels they wear. It's much easier to discuss heels with women, than most guys think, especially if they know you also wear them. I think the part that I enjoy the most, is when a female associate that you have seen many times prior, wearing flats each time, suddenly is wearing stilettos on your next visit to the store. There's something about a woman whom you've only known to be a wearer of flats, and then you see her in heels. It is hard to describe, but I have always liked that moment, when I discover a woman whom I've seen many times before, never in heels, and alas, I see her again, and she is in heels! Maybe it is because as much as I enjoy wearing them, I really do love seeing heels on women as well.

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  10. I purchased a pair of pumps at DSW recently. The ones I wanted were in the back of the store, so I headed there to try them on. Trying them on was pretty uneventful, as there were not many people in the store at the time. There was one sales associate wandering around, and I'm pretty sure she saw me take a box from the stack and open it, and she may have also seen me try on the pumps, however, she was a few rows away, and never made an effort to work her way towards me and ask if I needed any help, so I just tried them on, boxed them up, and walked to the register at the front of the store. The cashier was a female, in her mid 50's, I'd say. She was also a heel wearer! I caught a glimpse of her black, single sole 4" stiletto pumps on the way into the store, when she was out from behind the cashier counter, helping another employee with something. As far as I could see, she was the only female employee in the store, who was wearing heels. She opens the box, checks to see if both shoes are the same size, then boxes them up again, and asks if I have a DSW member discount card (which I don't, but probably should...). She was one of those overly pleasant types, who felt the need to make a lot of idle chit-chat and ask numerous questions, in an effort to pass the time, as she cashed out my purchase. It's not that I don't like pleasant people, but I'm not one to share a lot of personal information with someone I don't know, and when I'm in a rush (as I was that day), I'd rather just have a smooth, efficient transaction, without being put through the third degree. However, it is what it is! As she's getting ready to put the box into a bag, she looks up at me and says, "I bet she'll love these!". Out of all the random comments and questions she tossed at me, THAT was the one I had been waiting for! I looked her in the eye, and replied, "she already has a pair; I liked them so much, I decided to come in, and get some in my size." Without missing a beat, she says, "well you both have good taste, this style is on my wish list, but I may not wait for hubby to buy them for me. I think I'm going to have to purchase them myself". That was the perfect opening to ask if she planned on getting a pair for him, too, and although, even if he isn't a heel wearer, I know she would have played along, and had a good laugh, but for some reason, I chickened out, and did not go there. The experience was proof that most of these sales associates are used to men purchasing heels, either for their wives or girlfriends, or for themselves. She did not seem surprised or taken aback whatsoever, by the fact that I mentioned they were for me. It was if she had had the same interaction with male customers 1000 times before. Which she probably has! I say, go in, try them on, and have fun with it. Life is too short to worry about what strangers think about a guy in heels! 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Bubba136 said:

    This dead horse has been thrashed long enough.  Everything that can be said about this subject has been expressed.  LuvStiletto, your opinion has been noted.  So, let's move along?  (I've never found anything posted in the girls section to be particularly helpful, anyway.  For the most part, girls hardly ever express the same level of enthusiasm for high heels as most of us, anyway)

    I would have dropped it LONG ago, but people keep responding to my last posts, reiterating what I already know (or what has already said by others, as though they  are telling me something I don't already know, just to "sound good" and "police" the thread! If people truly want to drop it, then by all means, let's not reply to what I'm writing now, and let's get onto a different topic altogether! Because if people keep responding, I'm going to answer them! I can pretty much guarantee, someone will reply to this, saying the same thing you, and a half a dozen others before you, have already said!;-)

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  12. 16 minutes ago, meganiwish said:

    I've always said, if you're desperate to have an input in the girls' form, PM me and I'll do it for you.  Otherwise, whether it's ridiculous or anachronistic or ironic and amusing is neither here nor there.  It's the rule.  This is how rules work in something where membership is voluntary.  You have the choice to obey the rule or not be a member.  It's not rocket science, nor is it moot.

    Evidently, there is an assumption, that just because one doesn't agree with a rule, that they must have a desperate desire to do it. I'm glad so many people feel the need to remind me, that this is a "rule"! Oh, no...IT'S A RULE!?!?! Let me be clear... I have no desire to post in the girls' forum! Never did, never will!!! As stated BEFORE....that doesn't mean I can't disagree or have an opinion, and it doesn't mean, that just because I think the rule is ridiculous, that I am "desperate" to do it!!! The two are not mutually exclusive. I thought I had made that clear, in an earlier post, but I guess not. If people didn't express their opinions, or dissent when they don't agree with something, this world would be a sorry place! At least, much sorrier than it already may be! I totally understand it's the "rule", and that I am here voluntarily, however, I'm no sheep! If I don't agree with something, I say it! 

  13. 1 minute ago, Shyheels said:

    Why don't you just ignore it and post whatever topics you want to post in the For Everyone section and move on? Surely the mere presence of a disused Girls Only forum isn't causing you pain? 

    It's not causing me ANY pain at all! Like I said, I just began to find the whole thing wholly ridiculous and profoundly ironic and amusing! 

  14. 12 hours ago, Steve63130 said:

    Whether we agree with the rule about men not posting in the girls only section or not, this is Tech's forum. He's the owner and makes the rules. We're all his guests here and we need to respect that. If you don't like it, you are free to create a competitive forum elsewhere if you think you can do it better. I'll warn you that it's a lot of work that goes underappreciated. The rule being debated here was not instituted based on fairness or gender equality; it was because men were running rampant in the women's section and chased the women away. Tech wanted to create a safe haven for them because some guys just couldn't play nicely in the sandbox.


    You're right! It's his forum, and he can do what he wants with it. That doesn't mean others are not entitled to an opinion about it, though. I looked back at the post history of the female only forum here. It's more of a case, that there were not many women participating there, to begin with, than it was, that hoards of women got "chased away". We are talking literally, about a handful of women...about as many as currently post in the guy's forum now. The gals have had a forum all to themselves, ever since the rule got implemented, and their forum barely gets any use. There are a total of 21 pages of activity in the female forum, compared to 163 in the male forum! This appears to be a case of guys "wishing" women were more of an active part of this site, then they ever have been, or would have ever been intended to be..."fantasy" compounded with "night and shining armor syndrome", where guys rush in, to "save" women from guys asking how women feel about guys wearing heels...as if the ladies needed "saving" from something very few were barely participating in, to begin with! The more I read and look back on the history of this whole thing, it becomes more clear, that this is about a bunch of guys who want to get a "special star" on their homework...ie. brownie points from the flocks of ladies who are not even present, yet desperately wishing for women to have their own set of crayons, so to speak, so we can all sit around and read what types of heel related topics they post amongst themselves, unencumbered by droves of aggressive, thoughtless heel wearing guys, who may have had a few questions about a female perspective on heels, but drove them ALL away! Except, it didn't really drive them all away, because there were never many to begin with, and what few there were, are posting in the for everyone section and in the guy's section, because there is nothing going on in the female forum, even though they have had it all to themselves, for a while now. I just think the whole thing is more laughable, than anything else, because it is so evident how desperately guys want ladies to be part of a site, that by and large, they were never interested in to begin with. It's kind of funny, because it just points to the fact that guys are more approval seeking than women these days, and clearly need to be the knight and shining armored defenders, of what is quickly becoming the stronger sex (women do and wear whatever they want, and ask not for permission, or make apology. They wanted to start wearing pants, they did it! They wanted to start wearing heels, they did it! They wanted to start wearing male cummerbunds to formal events, they did it!) Meanwhile, guys are like, "is it ok if I wear 1.5" block heels to work?" The irony is truly uncanny! 

  15. 19 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    Well, if the girls forum is hardly ever used then why do you want to post on it? If there are topics there you think might be worthy of discussion in the Guys' forum or the For Everybody forum there is nothing preventing you from making an identical post on either of those venues, thus  leaving the girls forum for the exclusive use of the women who do occasional like to post on it.

    I never said I, myself wanted to post in the female forum, only that males not being allowed to post in that forum, is a double standard. I am of the mindset that there should only be one forum, for anyone to post in. Imagine the outcry, if women could only post to other women on Facebook, but men could post to whomever they wanted. Like I said in my previous post, it's pretty much back to the way it was originally, because the few women who post, post in the guys' forum, because they have no one to talk to in their own, so having a separate forum for them, that men can't post in, without getting "dinged", just seems totally pointless to me, which was the point of my original comments. I could care less about actually posting in there, myself, but that does not mean that I didn't observe how ridiculous the whole thing is.

  16. 6 hours ago, at9 said:

    This topic has been discussed on several occasions here at HHP. Shyheels correctly summarises the situation. I can remember a time when the rule of "no guys in the girls forum" didn't apply. Guys used to post often inappropriate comments in the girls forum; we have precious few female members at HHP and they deserve to be well treated. There was never a problem with girls posting in the guys forum so no rule was needed.

    I suspect that there is little day to day moderation of HHP at present as Tech (the forum owner) has many other commitments and there are no other moderators at the moment.

    All I'm saying, is that they have had their own "girls only" forum for some time, and it hardly gets used, even though men are not allowed to post. What few females do decide to participate on the site, end up posting in the guys' forum, because there is nothing going on in their own. Hence my point...a certain number of females and a certain number of males will participate, despite the restriction. I find, that most women who wear heels, don't feel the need to come into a male dominated website to discuss high heels with other females. Females have the luxury and benefit of wearing heels pretty much wherever and however often they wish, without much thought. Though many may love to wear heels, or love how wearing heels makes them feel or look, to them, wearing heels is merely a societal and functionally accepted part of being female. In other words, to women, wearing heels is about as big of a deal, as wearing lipstick, or coloring their hair. They may casually mention they bought a new pair of heels to a girlfriend, but most don't feel the need to get into a forum, to specifically discuss heel wearing with fellow females. Sure, some hard core females who are addicted to heels may, but the vast majority don't or won't, hence why you don't see many females on the site. Guys are here for the acceptance, the comradery, and the support, that most women don't need when it comes to wearing heels, because they wear them whenever they want, with little to no fanfare. It's no big deal to them. As for fashion...it's basically the same thing, most are not coming onto a male dominated heel site, to discuss heel fashion, with mostly guys. They have their own forum on this site now, and there are a handful of posts from within the last five years, which pretty much proves my point. I'm just calling a spade a spade. HHP is a great place, but let's not fool ourselves, most of the reason this site exists, is to have a place for GUYS to discuss heels! Sure, females are welcome, but the stats pretty much speak for themself. And no matter how you slice it, or try to justify the rationale as to why guys were disallowed from posting on the female page, it still boils down to being a double standard. I remember a time, when  pretty much all topics about high heels were discussed by both men and women on the experience project website, and it really wasn't a problem. If any males on this site were guilty of not being civil or kind to females' posts back in the day when they could post in the female page, then maybe then, those males should have been reported, marked, or blocked, or whatever, but to totally keep guys from posting is a double standard. Again, there's nothing going on in the female forum anyhow, so what few females are active here, are posting in the guy's forum, which puts the whole thing back to the way it originally was, anyhow. It's just my opinion, but the whole thing just seems totally pointless, no matter how well intentioned it may have been. The net result, puts it back to the way it was, and there are still very few women participating on the site, despite the fact they have their own forum, no matter how badly guys here want to pretend that masses of women want to come onto a site largely regarded throughout the internet, and male heeling world, as a place for guys to discuss heeling with other guys, to talk heel fashion with other women, who instead of being here, are out and about wearing heels. 


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  17. 5 hours ago, CAT said:

    It's not a guide line I still have a mark for 1 accidental post in the girls. I think it's rediculous 

    I agree, and also find it totally ridiculous! Getting "marks", is so reminiscent of childhood, schoolyard, middle school demerits and other b.s.! I for one, don't need to be "set straight"! I do as I please, and have zero interest in being PC! I despise double standards in all forms, and while I don't blame the girls who wish to post in the male forum, that does not change the fact that it still is a double standard that guys can't post in the girls' forum, and I don't see the point in using a lot of fluff, to soften the fact that at it's core, it is very much a double standard! I agree with some of the other posters who indicated that we should not make a gender issue out of discussing the very thing that we all seem to be trying to eliminate gender issues about, to begin with! The bottom line is that there will be a certain number of male posters and a certain number of female posters, whether there is one big general forum, or if there are separate ones for girls and guys. The last time I looked, the girls' forum didn't seem to be a thriving metropolis of activity, simply because it was carved out specifically for females, so I really don't see the point, other than to create division. 

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  18. Yes, I enjoy wearing cowboy boots, but not so much because of the heel, but because I like the Western look of a cowboy boot. Altbough, it is nice to be able to "get away" with wearing a higher heel as a guy. For me, a 1 1/2" - 2" underslung cowboy boot heel, really isn't much of heel, though! Especially, since I wear 4" - 4 1/2" single sole stilettos fairly regularly. One thing I do enjoy, is wearing cowgirl boots that somewhat pass as a guy's style in terms of the leather tooling and stitching, but that have an obviously higher heel than most cowboy boots. I'm talking cowgirl boots with heel heights in the 2" - 4 1/2" range. Usually, these heels are still somewhat blocky and stacked, but also narrower than the traditional cowboy boot heel. Occasionally, I find a pair of stiletto cowgirl boots in a style I like, and when I do, I add them to my collection. So, yes, I do enjoy wearing cowboy boots!

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  19. It sounds like you are already having a fun trip! Nice truck btw! Hopefully, you will still be able to incorporate some heeling, into your adventure! Unfortunately, as far as size 12-13 heels and stores go, I agree with Ron C, you won't find many 12-13's in places like DSW or Famous Footwear. I'm pretty lucky, in that I'm a 10 in women's, so generally I don't have much of a problem finding my size in styles I like. When I shop, I do take note, however, of the larger size selections. You'll find that the selections drop off drastically, in places like DSW, after size 10. You will sometimes find 10.5's or 11's in some boxed styles found on the main sales floor, and also, often in the clearance racks in the back of the store. As far as 12's and 13's go, there will probably be a few specimens of 12's in the clearance racks in the back of the store, but they most likely will be one-off styles, and it will be a total hit or miss, as to if they are a style you may like, as often, they are not the same brands and styles that they feature on the main sales floor (they bring in a lot of clearance items exclusively to be sold as clearance). Although I have, I almost never see 13's in those stores. Sometimes I do see a random size 11 or  12 in a Marshall's or T.J. Maxx, but again, we are talking very limited, and the majority of the time, they don't even have a section of the rack devoted to those sizes, so they are just mixed in with the 10's. Unfortunately, brick and mortar shopping in the USA isn't what it used to be. Online is definitely where it is at, namely eBay (for large sizes) especially if you are looking for anything that retailers deem to be too difficult to move off the shelves. Heck, half of the time, they don't even stock enough of the stuff that actually does move! 


  20. I agree! finding a great gal who is cool with a guy's heeling, starts with knowing what one is willing to accept, or not accept, when it comes to a relationship. I found that being honest with myself about wearing heels, helped me find women who were more accepting. When you start compromising who you are or what you want out of a relationship, then you get exactly that... women who feel it's within their right, to tell you what you are "allowed" to wear! To me, that is just crazy! Can you imagine, if a guy were to tell the same woman, that she could not wear heels, or red lipstick, or a skirt, or whatever? She would be like, "just watch me!", and then, she would proceed to kick said guy to the curb! Why should a guy have to step back from his desires, especially when a woman would never put up with it, if the situation were reversed? I say, that if you are a guy who wants to wear heels, just do it, and tell your romantic interest what you do or want to do, and be up front about it as soon as possible. Life is much easier, when you start it off that way...

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  21. I make it a point to disclose my heeling with a new or prospective girlfriend, as soon as possible, usually on the first or second date. If they take issue with my desires, as far as wearing heels is concerned, then it ends there...there are no further dates! I'm not willing to compromise, when it comes to my wearing heels. They either accept it, or they don't, and if they don't, then the relationship does not progress! Their loss! I've been lucky enough, to have many girlfriends who accept this part of who I am, including my current one, so for me, there is no reason to limit or compromise my heel wearing, based on what she will "allow". I am not interested in gaining permission from a woman I may be romantically interested in, so I can wear heels, be it in private or in public, or face other imposed "restrictions" by said romantic interest, such as only being able to wear certain styles or (lower) heel heights, etc. If she isn't 100 percent on board with my heel wearing, she's done, and I move on to the next gal who is. It's that simple! So to answer the question, I just tell them straight up about my proclivity for heels. No games, no stories, no sugar coating it, no "softening the blow", no anything, except, "oh, by the way, I enjoy wearing heels both in private and in public. Is this going to be an issue?" And that's it! They either say "yes", or "no", but I don't change my routine or my heel wearing preferences to gain favor with any woman. I've been in plenty of short, medium, and long term relationships with women who accept it, and I'm not about to deal with the ones who can't or won't accept it. I understand some guys are already married with kids or whatever, and need to think about how their heeling affects the established family unit and their status quo, however, that is exactly why I won't begin a relationship with someone who can't deal with my heeling. I deal with it up front, so I don't need to deal with the b.s. later!

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