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Posts posted by astrid

  1. No Knives in the UK? I have been there many times. I did not know that.. What about mace, pepper spray anything?

    The police in Ireland, where I come from, dont even carry guns or mace or anything like that. I love spending time in the US and visit New York an awful lot but the whole gun culture is the one thing that I find uneasing.

  2. I'd say its true alright. I know a guy who got hospitalised after getting hit by a woman with a stiletto. He was walking down the street with his wife and they came across a couple fighting. The guy was punching the woman full force and so the lad I know stepped in and pulled the man away. Anyway, the woman, who nose was busted open at this stage, came up behind him and hit him across the back of the head with the heel and split him open. The moral of this story is never to get involved in a domestic argument!

  3. Hi,

    I got lucky, very lucky. Was out and about shopping one day and went into a designer shoe shop that was closing down. I got a pair in there for silly money, €160 or something like that. The shop owner was really nice to me and was happy to get anything for them because she was shutting shop in a matter of days. I posted about it in more detail on the forum last year.

    On fit, I find them fantastic. You notice the quality when you put them on compared to any other boots I own and I have spent €150 or so on plenty of pairs of boots. I have posted links to mine from my album below. The heel height is really nice for me but its my limit to be honest. I only wear them in-house. I dont want to ruin them and the heels would get worn really quickly if I wore them out and about.

    However, much as I love them, I couldnt justify spending €799 on them. They are worth €300.00 max, in my opinion.

    How are you finding yours?




  4. Hi, Im off to New York staying in Manhattan near Times square at the start of next month and have a few non-heeling related questions for those that have been or even those that are resident there, if we have anyone. Wont be bringing heels as the security is bound to be horrific and I dont want the hassle or bringing any unnecessary attention onto myself. I have been told that the security in NY can be a nightmare. Firstly, I want to do some serious ice-skating while I am there with lessons, preferably 1-1 but group is good to. Can anyone suggest somewhere that does them? I have emailed (eg : Bryant park) a few of the rinks about this but got no reply. Secondly, I want to do some running in central park. I am pretty advance so dont mind hilly routes. Can anyone direct me to some decent sites with advice. Finally, any special do's and sont's? Astrid.

  5. Astrid, I can't believe you got a pair of Jimmy Choos for that bargin price! Why don't I ever find such sales?

    Would be great to see some pics of the boots.

    What size did you get and do they run small?

    Just put 3 pics in my album.

    I got them in a closing down sale in a shop in Ireland. An awful lot of shoe shops in the Republic are closing down or have closed down because of the recession and I got them from one of them 2 days before they shut down. They ran on credit and the banks wont lend to them.

    I take a 41, which is the biggest Jimmy Choo size, I think. The sales lady was adamant that they were genuine when I bought them and was just delighted to get something for them, as she was obviously going to the wall but I was a little suspect on that front. However, I compared them to a pair in a posh shop in Grafton street and can see absolutely no difference in look or feel. They are incredible comfy to wear and a joy to have.


  6. I went shopping last week but couldnt find anything to suit my taste. I just dont like this seasons boots for some reason. I bought a pair of Jimmy Choo knee high boots a month or so ago and I think that may be my shopping done for the next few months. Before anyone asks, I got the Jimmy Choo boots at a scandalously low price €160 in a closing down sale. I was questioning if they were real but the lady assured me they were and they came with the Jimmy Choo London box etc. I went into a shop in Dublin which has the same boots on sale for a cool €799 to compare my purchase and they are the real deal or the greatest fakes on earth. Closing down sales are frequent in Ireland at the moment. I think the sales person/owner was just happy to get anything for them. Will stick up photos this weekend, hopefully.

  7. Hi all,

    Opinions wanted and welcomed.

    I have always had a deep deserve for jimmy choo boots and whilst window shopping in Dublin city centre, I stumbled across a wonderful pair of boots. I have googled them and I am 99% certain that they are the ones below.


    Anyway, after falling in love with them I looked at the sole to see a price tag of €799.00. Is this too much for a pair of boots?


  8. There was a piece about this on BBC breakfast this morning just before 9. You had one lady claiming that women were being forced to wear high heels in work against their wishes and she started firing out stats about the harmful effect of wearing heels e.g. as heel height increases the physical pressure increases greatly. She didnt go beyond 3 inches because Susanna jumped in and changed the direction of the discussion. The other lady was a high heel wearer who said she always wears heels of 3 inches or so to work and would feel uneasy or incomplete wearing flats.

  9. You should probably have posted this in the tech support thread. However, the avatar option is located in the "Settings & Options" section of your 'User CP' which is located under the 'Blogs' option on the top menu. Make sure your picture is within the limits (100 by 150 pixels or 20.0 KB (whichever is smaller). If it isnt, you can resize it using imaging software. Drop me a PM if you cant do it. Astrid.

  10. c. A scour of Ebay has pulled up one pair, and again they are in the States which means the Tax man will get his chunk of my money - when they have them in my size... :)

    Get the ebay seller to mark the package as gift. You will have no problems with the taxman then.

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