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Posts posted by Trinity

  1. After a long wait, my new Pony boots from Marquis have finally arrived. They look stunning, they are pretty easy to walk in and feel great. To say i love them is an understatement. The quality is so good. The pictures show the boots. I hope to take some pics of me in them soon. and i cant wait to wear them with my catsuit and pony head harness. let me know what you think of them.



  2. I guess the main problem is that if you express an effeminate side, then most people take that as being Gay. With regard to peoples expressions to your shoes, then no reaction has got to be the biggest form of acceptance there is. That is creating the norm.

  3. i am fortunate enough to have a pretty open minded partner who does not mind my bootloving. so i dont have to hide it from her. so i do feel for you guys that dont have that fortuitous position.

  4. I dont have a tattoo yet but i will get one soon. i have toyed with a ballet boot tattoo, but as yet i have a couple of choices that i will decide upon. I would consider a tattoo as remembering a point in time instead of holding one back.

  5. Peoples perceptions are radically different depending where you live, some areas are very cosmopolitan, and as such people on the whole just dont care/worry about what you wear. other areas are less tolerant. However what you wear is down to you and your own confidence, if you are happy to go out in heels then sod what others think do what you want.

  6. You see for me i think Ballet boots look amazingly stylish, and have such a unique sexy look, that you simply can not get with any other kind of shoe. For me they have to be the ultimate heel.

  7. Well you are correct in what you say, as certain women in heels are deemed to be powerful and dominant (dominatrix for example, and powerful business women) and i guess women in high heels exude a certain ammount of confidence too. But there are lots of instances thatmen deem as Girly. For instance you dont see women in heels running for a bus or power walking. So as men we view that in a certain way, so if the roles were reversed that is how we would be viewed.

  8. Under the scenario I first posted, if heels were considered to be only for the men's wardrobe and we didn't have the attitude that women should wear them, would men feel encroached upon when they hear of women heelers? What kind of world would come from this situation?

    Now that is tricky to answer, i think men would feel encroached upon, but only because of the way we think today (what we are used to thinking).

    IF men had always worn heels, our complete psyche would be different and we would not be the macho people we are, i could well have transpired that women were the percieved dominant sex, which would mean that men would be a lot more demure and "feminine" As a result i dont think we would feel encroached upon in general, but there would always be some dissenters.

  9. I think this is a great and very thought provoking thread. The world would be a very different place, and considerably more fashionable, as in todays climate men really get the raw deal on fashion. Women have such a massive choice of what to wear, where our selections are not so great. The only downside is that with women taking so long to get ready, that if both sexes were in the same boat, going out for a night might take a while to get out the door!!

  10. Hi Nicko, i am pretty new to the site too, but you have come to the right place, i hope you too find everyone warm and friendly. We all like our boots/shoes in different ways, but the thing is we all like them!!! Welcome and i hope you enjoy yourself.

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