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Posts posted by jojo

  1. As I've posted elsewhere, in the summer months I regularly wear toe-nail polish. Usually dark colours, black, brown or wine, but have worn blood-red on occasion. Haven't tried a french pedicure yet but will be getting one soon prior to vacation. I usually wear sandals so my toes are 'on view' - no point hiding them! As for reactions, virtually none other than my wife who does not like it (not 'manly' in her eyes) but, to hell, I enjoy it and life's too short. Positive reaction from my manicurist who regularly paints my finger-nails but I think that should be expected, and also from my adult son.:o

  2. Today, Black nail polish on toes (by self) and Revlon 'Pink Nude' with French Tips (by manicurist) which I think looks really smart. I do try to grow them a little longer than 'normal', not excessively though (say 6-7mm tip) but do suffer from some breakages and flaking. However, persevering and improving. Have been considering a silk wrap on one particular nail that flakes very badly - does anyone have experience of these? Regularly sport polished toe-nails in the summer when sandals can be worn, with polished finger nails year round. I have never had any comments except from one male colleague at work (positive). I don't know if this is because people just don't notice (probably) or because they would feel uncomfortable making negative comment.

  3. I recall an amusing church experience. People were kneeling, taking communion (Protestant church, at altar.) One guy must have bought his wing-tips at a discount; As he knelt, his shoe bottoms were exposed for all to see, complete with their price, Magic-Markered on the bottom.

    Similar event at a wedding I attended; when the bride & groom knelt in front of the vicar, large white letters HE and LP were exposed on the grooms shoes. Whole church was in stitches (except the bride, groom & vicar who obviously could not see this).

  4. Why apologise? Because you knew you were going to say something that was probably unwelcome. You guessed right, it was. :roll:

    And yes, you might have followed Roz's lead, and started a new thread if you were going offtopic. Or added your remarks to the 'Worst Shoe' thread?


    The apology was hopefully to head off reactions like yours, but...........

    There are other posts in this thread that have absolutely nothing to do with the thread title, but...........

    And how is a comment about wedges going off-topic?

    Was just expressing my opinion and of course I do respect yours re: wedges. Have enjoyed your posts (but reserve on reactions) :o

  5. Hmmm.

    Certainly, not everyone likes platforms .....

    This going to turn into a "what we don't like" thread? :roll:

    FF2 - you say above you like wedges; I say I don't. You're opinion is allowed - mine isn't? (Where did platforms come into this?). I did start my post with an apology.........should I have started a new thread (seemed hardly worth it)?

  6. True, most or all are not married to a man who wears heels but there are some who have tried to get there husbands into heels since they have known me. (Being unsuccessful.)

    Oh, if only I wasn't spoken for, you could have got me an introduction:smile:

  7. I must be on a different planet than a lot of others here.

    99.9% of the women I know do not have a problem with men wearing heels.

    Some get a little excited (in a good way) over it, most are in the category of just be yourself and be happy, others are jealous that I can walk in 4-5" heels as well as I do and think it's cool and all, yes all, do not have a problem being seen with me in public and treat me as the man I am. This goes for most of the guys I know also.

    Yes, but how many are married to a guy who wears heels - I'll bet none. There's a difference knowing someone who wears heels and not having a problem and being married to a man who wears heels. Most will revert to attitudes similar to the partners of mt74, shyguy, and myself.

  8. My thanks to all who responded.

    Following comments in other threads I measured the heel height and find my 3" pair are actually 3 3/4" whilst the 5" pair are 4 3/4" so in fact there is only 1" difference. But what a difference this makes.

    Thighboot guy says:

    As you have discovered the difference between a 3” heel and a 5” heel does not fit the definition of ““slightly higher heels”.

    Yes, my naivety shines through - and even though there is only a 1" difference, it may well as be a mile! I find the 'lower' pair very easy to walk in, but really struggle with the higher ones. As you have all said - I'll just 'practice, practice, practice'.

    Thanks guys.

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