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Posts posted by jojo

  1. I've worn a toe-ring for several years now and find a properly sized full ring to be very comfortable. Previously I found the clasp type not to be so. I also have bought a couple of ankle chains but not worn these in public yet - maybe when i go on holiday.

  2. I am sort of freaking out my wife though, it seems each year I have slowly edged a bit closer to exploring the fem side of life. Not sure how far I will take it, sometimes I worry myself about that and wonder why I do it. Sigh :)

    Oh how I equate to this, but I do enjoy it:smile:

  3. On a serious note, we had to get rid of the bully/buffoon Brown and his cohorts who hadn't the backbone to challenge him. He had no mandate, nobody elected him PM, not even his own party (it's called Democracy). A Tory government would revert to type and inflict swinging cuts. I believe the coalition is the best we could hope for as the Lib-Dems will hold the Tories in check. Let's hope it works.

  4. [quote name='I have to suddenly conform to some un-written code that doesnt exist?

    Garbage, I'm free to express myself and say what I think within the confines of our community rules as much as any member here...']

    Of course you are free to express yourself Tech, you have on several occasions. But politeness costs nothing and criticism in such a manner is usually well received. Being "blunt" just gets peoples backs up....hence this thread moving well off topic.

  5. This is about my limit with nail polish on my fingers - just back from a manicure with Rimmel's French Rose and French Ivory tips. When on vacation I'll go for French White tips. I really envy guys who wear colour on fingers.


  6. I think, as tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, I'll go get me a bottle of nice green polish to brandish whilst out and about. Seems perfectly logical to me!

    Whilst I'm very much at ease wearing polish on my toe-nails in public, it's a very different matter with my finger-nails. I'm 'green' with envy (sorry:penitent:)

  7. I have both my nipples pierced. Initially apprehensive but found it was no big deal really - just a quick sharp jab and over with. Aftercare though is very important, keeping things nice and clean, and they took quite a while to heal completely. Go for it.

  8. To continue this thread; they are now making "men's jeans" with the rear embroidered pockets like "women's." That should make the other side mainstream really fast for us.

    This is nothing new - I (and everyone else) wore these in the mid 1960s in the uk. Glad they are making a comeback ;)

  9. As in other threads, always during summer months when I wear sandals most of the time. Sometimes french, sometimes black, wine, blue and occasionally red. :winkiss: I just think painted toe-nails look good on anyone and shows that you are concerned about looking good.

  10. I always hold doors open for the ladies, it is the way I've been brought up. Also, I always offer help if I see a woman struggling with her shopping and many a time I have given up my seat on public transport to a female.

    Its all part of being a gentleman, a breed which hasn't quite died its death yet!

    Not quite, but sadly on it's way. As others here, yes I open doors, give up my seat on public transport, make sure the ladies are always seated first in restaurants etc etc. But this 'gentlemanly' conduct does seem to be declining. My big bug-bear these days is not only the wearing of baseball-caps indoors (I was taught you should never wear head-gear indoors), but actually sitting at the meal table wearing them :w00t2: Unbelievable!

  11. I think if my wife found out it would be the last straw for her. She "puts up" with my nail polish and was even supportive when we were away on holiday recently, but has not been since our return. Consequently my heel wearing is limited to when she is at work and opportunity to street heel is very limited. I sympathise very much with HHLover but, whilst I don't want to risk my marriage, feel that the non-acceptance is a sort of control I'm not fully prepared to accept myself. These "feminine" attributes she sees as being not-manly and therefore un-acceptable, although I have no wish to appear feminine, just a man who wears nail polish and high heels. I feel that should these become main-stream, then she would be ok - it's what other people think that is her bother.

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