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Posts posted by "Wellies"

  1. I think that I will keep them. With very thin socks they are already wearable and the bootjack is solving the problem of taking them off. Though it is not practical to carry the bootjack around everywhere. Thanks again for the replies. Great to hear from you guys in the USA, I thought you a would have some experience with cowboy boots.

  2. Help please

    I have just bought my first pair of quality western boots, they have a pointed toe and a 8cm heel (3.25 inches). But there are two problems. First they are a little tight across the little toe, in length they are fine. But the main problem is getting them off. In fact I am finding it very difficult to pull them off.

    The question is should I exchange them for the next size up or should I just stay with them because in the end they will stretch to fit my feet.

    Anyone had similar experences?

  3. A question for the guys, have you tried elevator shoes? Not quite the same buzz and excitement as possibly wearing 5 inch stilettoes around town all day but you still get the effect of high heels if the increase is high enough in the shoes.For the shy or beginners surely one way to start. Just thought it would be interesting to know what the forum members experiences are of them if any. Or do you consider as cheating?

  4. I think it is sad that people can't let the past fade away. Nina's telling us about jeers from some Finnish folk is a case in point. Someone of Nina age can't possibly be responsible for what happened during the Second World War. And to make matters worse for Nina she is not Russian! Even if she was Russian it would make no difference. If anyone is to blame, then blame the politicians. You will never win Nina, but you seem to have plenty of friends in this forum.

  5. I remember reading an article in a magazine that men will be wearing heels in all walks of life. that must have been in 1969/1970. I didn't believe it. We all know about the 1970's. So with that in mind we must first get the ear of some shoe designers, then the popular magazines and finally a celeb or two. How one does it I don't know, but I think it is the route required.

  6. The main problem is for me, I want heels in a man's style like western boots. Even stillettoes if the style was suitable would be fine. Boots in general are the only ones that I could consider wearing. A personal choice I know, that not many members will agree with, but each to their own. So in answer to the question, yes.

  7. Hi Everyone

    Another new member, yes I do wear wellies a lot living in rural Southern England. But I have always been devoted to High Heels especially when worn by my wife. But sadly over the last ten years, due to a problem with her big toe, she has only worn flatties. However times are changing when last September she has found some brown-heeled boots that she found to be comfortable and now she is looking for places to go so she can wear them. And of course she did not take much persuading to add another pair of the same design in black.

    Of course in the 1970’s when it was fashionable for men to wear heels I wore them with and without platforms regularly, even to work. So did everyone else. I look forward to the fashion returning; I can’t understand why it hasn’t before now.

    Best wishes to you all.

    “Wellies” :santa_hat:

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