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Posts posted by PatentHeel

  1. I had a funny experience recently..... Buying shoes from a shoe shop isn't a problem for me, I just say they are a present for the wife. I get the usual 'oh yeh i'm sure' but that doesn't phase me. Recently though, in the excitement of buying a couple of pairs of patent platform shoes, I forgot to ask if they give refunds! Being a womans shoe shop the biggest size they did was an 8, which isn't a problem normally for me, except when the heel is higher. It is then that I have trouble getting into them for some reason. Anyway, gets them home only to find that I cannot get into them (bah!). Takes them back the next day and says that my wife couldn't get into them and how she complained that they were more of a 7. After giving them the story, they tell me that 8 is the largest they do and I'm told that they don't do refunds! It is at this point that my eyes go into overtime looking around to find something that I can exchange them with which I know for sure will fit. I ended up with two different pairs which luckily i'm happy with. Getting to the point, before you commit to buying any shoe, make sure they do refunds or else you'll be stuck with a credit note!

  2. Sorry, when I see myself in the mirror or see other heel-wearing men in pictures (particularly very openly with stilettos, sandals, etc.), I simply thinks that it looks wrong.

    For me it is the whole lower half thing and providing I wear them right, it doesn't look wrong at all.

    The heels are the main thing for me but they have to be part of a picture which includes legs and skirt. I like to wear stockings and feminine skirts so that when I look at my lower half I see a 'feminine image' (it was hard explaining this to the wife lastnight lol).

    When I look at other pictures on HHPlace as long as they appear feminine to me, it doesn't matter what gender the person is.

    Hope this makes sense.

  3. Good job Patentheels, and to your wife too, it's not easy for her to hear what you had to say either. I'm glad she listened and is understanding. Sounds like the same deal I came to with my wife, she doesn't want to see me in heels, but will accept that I do so in private.

    Lifting that burden of guilt and deceit feels good too. The only other thing I'd say is don't try to push things along too quickly after this initial acceptance.

    It certainly does feel good now that she knows about it and is okay with it.

    I certainly wont be pushing things for sure, I'm happy with the outcome, nothing will really change, just she knows about it now thats all.

    Obviously she was curious about the whole thing, asking things like how often do you wear them etc, but she says that it isn't impacting on our normal everyday lives so theres no harm being done.

    She understands that it'll never go away, especially given the fact that i've tried a couple of times to stop, and she is okay with it.

    We woke this morning, it was just like any other Saturday morning, but yet, it felt different for me somehow. I think its the relief of knowing that now I don't have any secrets from the woman I love and she geniunely loves me for the person I am.


  4. Tonight, I sat down with my wife and told her about my fetish for High Heels and about my private collection. Phew, what a weight off the shoulders! Slightly embarrassed, I told her everything. How it started, how I have tried to give it up, about finding this forum, how it has helped and why I like wearing the heels. She has been very understanding and says she doesn't have a problem with it providing I keep it to myself. She has no desires to see me in heels, but I explained that I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing them in front of her anyway. She did however say she'd be more than happy to wear them in the bedroom if it made me happy. She says she'd like to see my collection though out of curiosity lol. I said that's okay, but she's not having any of them. I showed her my posting here too, she even liked my avatar! I would like to thank HHPlace and those who post good advice here, you have been very supportive! Thank you PatentHeel :thumbsup:

  5. Some interesting reading here. To add.. I guess I blew my chance to be really open with my wife about my fetish for heels when we got married. At one stage before marriage I did tell her that I used to collect heels and that my mother and sister knew about it too. I think I told her that I'd outgrown the fetish and no longer needed to collect them. I got rid of my collection and tried to move on, but as we all know, it stays with you for life... Once again after marriage I began to gather a collection of sexy heels, but this time the collection included skirts, stockings and tights. They were carefully hidden and I would only ever get them out when I was on my own. Again, I went through a stage when I again tried to break the fetish by binning my collection (YES BINNING), a very regrettable move as I have since bought more off ebay! It is very true, yes, that it is dishonest given that the woman I love knows nothing about the collection or just how much I enjoy wearing heels. I live in constant fear that she will find my collection and fly off the handle. Finding this forum, as brought me very close to coming clean to her. I have almost told her everything in the last week and reading this thread today, I think it will be even sooner now. I think she will be hurt understandably, but given that no-one else is involved and that it isn't harming anyone, I think we'll be okay. I have no desire to wear heels in public and don't think i'd wear them in her presence either. For me, there is just something about wearing them and looking at them in the mirror that excites and she'll not understand that at all. I guess when I come clean, she'll not be happy about the whole heel thing but will accept me for who I am and tolerate my addiction like so many others who have learnt of their partners' fetish. Fingers crossed Actually I might just let her read this post. It is an honest and accurate account. Wish me luck. PatentHeel

  6. Do you remember how that started in your case?

    In my case, I believe that I can associate my heel addiction with a kid's tape that I listened to at the age 6 or 7. There was a thug lady in it who walked away, threatening the "good ones" at the end. She wore heel boots, walked backwards and fell over a string that the good ones hang up there. Afterwards, my friend and I got the idea to replay this situation with our mom's boots. And for whatever reason, heels and the thrill of not falling with them, or in more general terms, the challenge of walking with them, being restricted, etc., got stuck with me.

    I had a girlfriend who wore low heeled black patent court shoes with a bow on the front and white ankle socks. She let me try them on one day just messing about.

  7. I think it is the way males are engineered. Same way as most straight men are likey to be turned on by watching two women together, most straight females i've spoken with wouldn't be turned on by watching two men together. Again, I could be wrong.

  8. IAre you wishing perhaps to create for yourself, an image that you consider beautiful and arousing by dressing your legs in this fashion?.

    I wondered if this is often the case for you guys who are sexually straight but enjoy wearing heels around in private....or even in public?.

    Just me trying to understand again.

    Thanks patent heel for your interesting insight :thumbsup:

    A xx

    Hi Amanda

    Great to be asked that question, thanks for asking.

    To try and explain a bit more, if I can that is.

    Since starting senior school I've always had a thing for black patent leather shoes.

    Not just any type of shoe though, certain types like Mary Jane s, cross straps, buckles, anything with a bow or rounded toe styles. Nothing with laces though! (see my post in the Introductions).

    Something about them with white socks and lovely legs, just really made my head turn. As I got older, I began to notice patent heels alot more and they looked nice on females who had nice smooth shiny legs or with shiny tights/stockings and I found them extremely sexy and arousing. (Note: I like shiny and metallic stuff too).

    Even as I write this, i'm finding it hard to explain exactly, but all I can say is that they give an even greater feeling of exhilaration and arousement when you actually go the whole hog and wear the heels with the garb.

    Obviously if your in a relationship and your partner doesn't wear stuff like that it can be frustrating. Especially when you see other women wearing something that you like but you know that your partner wouldn't dress that way. Therefore, when I wear heels I'm trying to create an image of something i've seen and liked.

    As a straight male, I only like women and therefore when I wear heels I like to resemble a female as much as practically possible. Standing in a mirror and looking at your lower half in a skirt, stockings and your favourite heels is a big turn on, just like a straight male would be turned on looking at a sexy female in an adult glamour magazine.

    If its not practical to dress up and wear heels, the pictures I've taken are the next best thing. I can look at them at anytime and the feeling of excitment and arousal will come back almost instantly.

    I hope I have explained this a bit better and you do not regard me as a freak lol




  9. Mason My heads turned whenever I've seen patent heels ever since school days. My advice to you is to listen to the advice posted before and also do what I do below too. If I see something I like in the real world (ie a sexy pair of heels and nice legs on a woman ), I buy a pair of heels similar to those I saw and re-create the experience in the privacy of my own home. It is a very fun, exciting and satisfying experience. You can always take pictures too (see attached)! Kind Regards PatentHeel


  10. Rightyo, thanks for all the feedback guys! It was a tricky time, it took me nearly a whole day of confidence to go to a shop store, and say "Do you have these in size 10?" Haha. But it was worth it.

    As for wearing them in public, i'm still a bit shy about my liking towards high heels, so i'm being very low key. However I am slowly building up an outfit to wear them at clubs and parties, for my first public outings.

    Now what to get for my second pair...

    Way to go Gladius!! Very nice pair of Patent Heels there, good choice.



  11. Hi, I'm still trying to figure this out and looking for advice. I'm a guy that loves looking at women in nylons and high heels and wearing them myself. However, I'm totally straight and am not even particularaly intersted in pics of other guys in heels. I just love the way I feel when I wear them. Can't figure how I fit in, what community I belong to. Any suggestions?


    Join the club, you and me are very much alike. I love to see women in heels too. I'm also straight but enjoy wearing them and love to take pictures of myself posing in them.

    You can find many heel pictures on the internet, but nothing comes close to pictures of yourself wearing the heels that you like and posing the way that you like too! I try to make my pictures as feminate as practically possible because at the end of the day it's women in heels I like (Hope that makes sense).

    PatentHeel :roll:

  12. What a great story . How many Heels do you have now? Like your photo. I,m always taking photos of myself in heels and tights.

    Thank you. I've got about 8 pairs of black patent heels, 3 pairs of knee boots ( 2 black and 1 red), 2 pairs of black thigh high boots and 3 pairs of silver heels.

  13. Did some window shopping the other day, nothing better than having a browse in shoe shops to admire the heels on display. One could spend a fortune in those places! Finally got a power supply for my camera, can't wait to take some pictures of my heels and boots.

  14. I guess what i'm saying with regards to 'feeling like a pervert', is that it sounds like I intentionally set out to expose myself to all here. Yes, it probably does look that way given that I gave links to individual pics too.

    I just never gave any thought to who may be reading the threads, naively thinking that all who visit here would be above 18. Also, I guess initial reaction to my original pictures prompted me to show a little more too. Heels can do that to a person, wearing them certainly makes me feel sexy lol.

    Anyway, i've been looking in the dictionary today, i looked up the following words:

    pornographic, explicit, perverse and perverted

    Kind Regards



    Would you perhaps think the same of somebody else who did this amoung their own friends/colleages or left these images for other children to see?

    I see your point and agree entirely.

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