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Posts posted by Nina

  1. Here's the pics of my NewLook stilettos. There's some focus on my feet too, as if I didn't there would bound to be a pile of emails from guys wanting to see them, so.... I have worn them pretty much all the time, and the outer sole is hardly showing any wear at all - it's also very grippy in the wet. Even the heel tips seem to be a really hard plastic. Since the pics have been taken the tips have worn down a bit, but considering the roads I was walking on.... The insoles are wearing mind you, but that's normal.




  2. Just wondering what everyone's vital-stats are, relating to shoes? Specifically shoe size (UK/US/EUR), and width, and what height you are with your "usual" everyday heels on. I take a size 7½ - 8 (9-10) (40-41), normal width, and I'm about six ft tall in my 4½ inchers. Just a thought that crossed my mind....

  3. I have heard the usual "how can you walk in these?" too, which is annoying due to the fact that these women could also wear them no problem if they would only TRY!! All they have to do is build up to it over time - no point in slipping straight into four inch pointy toe stilettos immediately, though even that would be quite possible. One of my pet hates is the eco-warrior types who wear flat hemp shoes and such like. Yieeww!! As far as slutty comments, I haven't heard any, but if I did it would not put me off one bit - there is a lot of sad people out there trying to bring others down!!

  4. Yes, blokes are not wearing stilettos out in the real world as far as I am aware, and that's a whole different ball game. Especially if you have to run for a bus, or walk elegantly over a distance on rough paving whatever, including being in a hurry. Walking about in the office is simple by comparison. And most of us wear them for hours on end. I often wear pointy toe stilettos - I love them. I don't really get any problems other than a bit of pain on the tops of my toe joints, mainly the middle three toes. I suggest you give pointies a rest until your toes feel better, then try to find shoes with a slightly roomier toe box. Do you wear nylons?? I find wearing them makes my feet slip further into the toes of my shoes, especially when my feet get hot which can get uncomfortable now and again. Maybe even try classic almond toe stilettos for a while - they're just as yummy! As far as toe removal surgery... OMG that's horrible:penitent: Nobody wants to see toes missing!! I can't believe women ever did that - all they needed to do was practice, bit at a time, slowly getting used to their shoes. Hope this helps:wavey:

  5. I usually wear 4½ inch heels all day, but I reckon I could manage a day in 5½ inchers no problem, as I have UK7½ feet. It depends where about one is walking. I mean if there is long walks involving rougher tarmac or cobble stones etc, it can make things much more difficult. Add nylons to the equation and a shoe can slip off easily. :) An ankle strap would help here though. That's a point about blokes wearing heels. I think when most guys say they wear such and such a heel height, they are talking about walking around the house. There is a BIG difference to walking out and about all day in the above mentioned conditions!!

  6. I love metal heel tips - I always replace my plastic tips with them when they wear out. They last FAR longer, sound really cool, and are just, well, sexier! As for actual metal heels, I have one pair at five and a half inch. They are extremely sharp tipped and can do an awful lot of damage to things. I find them easy enough to walk in though, and again, they're sexy!

  7. Thanks for all the replies! I'm not wearing heels excessively then, it appears - glad you all wear them for long, long stretches every day! I have done a forty hour or so stint one time, falling asleep in them etc, and my feet were fine. Those were "only" four inch, but I could do that in fives no problem if they fitted well. Maybe I will soon! I have only a couple of favourite pairs at the moment and they get worn twelve to sixteen hours a day, maybe wearing one pair three days in a row and the other pair the rest of the week - it just depends! :)

  8. A lot of you seem to wear them for a long time every day! I thought that maybe I was wearing mine for excessively long periods.... I don't get any real foot pain other than the tops of my toes if I'm wearing nylons in pointy shoes - my toes tend to slide further into the point. Anyone get that problem? I don't want to start wearing gel pads - I hate them! 6inforever, that's amazing that you wear heels that high all day - I admire you! May I ask what size of shoe you take (UK)? I take a size 7 or 7½ but could only wear six inch heels for a few hours.... I will practise though. I often wear the same shoes day in, day out, so I tend to wear them out fairly quickly. Maybe that's what I need to do with the really high heels, so that the shoes will shape themselves to my feet better. M:a, that's a shame about not being able to wear heels to work, so I hope you wear them lots and lots at the weekend!

  9. Hi there, How long do you typically wear heels each day - like when you put them on first thing in the morning, through your working day etc until you take them off again? It's just that I worry that I wear them too long sometimes. Not that I am experiencing any problems - it would just be nice to know what all you others do! I often wear four inch plus stilettos for at least ten hours every day. Nina.

  10. Just bought a new pair of black patent pointy stilettos from NewLook in size 8 - I love them!!

    They are so comfy! Amazing for shoes that are at the cheaper end of the scale. I have hardly taken them off today. The heels are only just over 4½ inches which makes them fine for work and going out. And when wearing them with nylons, the shiny golden inner sole feels lovely against the soles of my feet and underneath my toes. I'll have them worn-out in no time!!

    I'll get a picture or two sometime soon, but here's a link to them:



  11. I would never feel out of place wearing my stilettos. I wear them as often as I like. If I get lots of looks, great!! I would be most upset if nobody glanced in my direction :-) As for overly eager advances, well classic pumps have pointed toes and even a half hearted kick from them in a delicate area is going to hurt a guy. Don't forget that ladies :-) Nina.

  12. Well I have got the metal tips on the heels now - what a difference, and what a sound!! The standard plastic tips wore down to the nail so quickly, in about three weeks, though walking home on bad road surfaces certainly didn't help! But they certainly do feel comfortable, and sturdy. Being patent I find my feet do get very hot in them with or without nylons. Mind you, closed toe high heels tend to be a bit like that anyway. A good excuse to dangle don't you think? :roll: Nina.

  13. Two weeks ago I bought a pair of Pleaser Seduce 420 in black patent with five inch heels - and they are amazing!! I love them!!!! I had to order them in size 9 (UK), and I'm normally size 7. I think the box said they were 8½, but either way, with a set of suede heel grips they fit absolutely perfectly. In fact these shoes are unbelievably comfy - I could wear them all day, every day... and that's exactly what I have been doing, and I feel soooo sexy in them!!! One problem though - I will replace the plastic heel tips with metal ones, as the heel tips are already showing serious wear, especially when I was walking on a single-track road today with rough tarmac on it :-( I heartily recommend all you girls buy a pair ASAP!!! Nina. :roll:

  14. I feel sexy in high heels - much more so than normal. Next time you are out and about, say shopping or in a café, try this: Just sit innocently dangling your shoe, rocking it back and fore while you are reading a magazine or drinking a coffee. The amount of times I've caught some guy looking at my feet - it seems to drive them nuts!! And it makes me feel sexy too :santa_hat: I often wear four inch classic black stilettos, sometimes five inch - usually with black nylons, that's what makes me feel best. Just realise how much power your feet and heels hold over guys - that should pep you up a bit!!!

  15. Just had my longest stint yet in high heels. They were black patent classic pointy toe shoes with thin four inch stiletto heels.

    I put them on at 2:30pm on Saturday and didn’t take them off until 7:00am this morning!!! That’s forty and a half hours!!! I did just about everything in them. Thing is, I had to run an errand first thing, so only took them off for less than an hour and put them on again for at least another two!!!

    I only had a bit of discomfort in one of my toes but that’s it, no other discomfort at all – and I don’t use these silly gel pads either! When I started out, I wore four inch shoes and couldn’t bear them for more than twenty minutes. Within weeks my feet adapted totally. I would advise other women here to persevere without these pads – just take it a bit at a time. Your feet WILL adapt, and you get better feel, grip and poise without them.

    In case anyone is wondering, I did wash – just couldn’t take a shower :-)

    I didn’t wear nylons though I usually do – so it may be a bit more uncomfortable after some time, as I find my toes slide right into the toe point putting more pressure on them.

    All things said and done, if circumstances permitted, I could easily wear them way longer than that – and I really do love those shoes. They are getting pretty worn now, but I always wear them… and I love the click of the steel heel tips!!!

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