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Posts posted by Cinnamon

  1. Personally, I don't understand the concept of not re-heeling my shoes when needed, but that aside... If I know I'm going to be visiting somewhere with old, wooden floors which will be damaged if I wear stilettos such as in National Trust properties, I simply don't wear them. I'll wear a broader heel or even demote my footwear choice to flats. If I am asked to remove my shoes whilst entering somebody's home, I will happily comply and my friends who do ask this of guests supply one-size soft slippers so that stockings aren't snagged on floorboards and to ensure comfort. If I were fortunate enough to have a lovely old house with the original floorboards, I'd lay down a cheap carpet before having a party or hire a hall. In these cases, I think common sense and courtesy ought to be displayed from both parties. If you have concerns for your floors, look after them whilst also looking after your guests. And a good guest will be courteous to their host. I am not a member of the mentioned forum, and with so many unmoderated spoilt brats there, I don't think I'll ever become one. I'll stick to the civilised and respectable tone of HHPlace, thankyouverymuch :)

  2. Well, now that he's a banned user, there's no harm in saying it was Lil.Dan who was the culprit. It is reassuring to know that we ladies are looked after by the thankfully greater majority of gentlemen who frequent this site. Fortunately, he was so abrupt in his propositioning that there was no way I'd have been tricked into giving further details. Hopefully the high heeled hookers in town will put some calling cards low enough for him to lay his grubby little hands on.

  3. I ought to be back, nobody else quite understands my lengthy monologues about shoes quite as much as you guys :) I think I've been very fortunate then to have been immune thus far from such comments. Sure, I've had guys coming up to me in clubs asking if they could lick my shoes or chatting me up with my shoes being a springboard for conversation. BUT, I have never before been outright asked for sex because of my high heels by a complete stranger. That, for some reason, goes beyond an appreciation of my shoes. It seemingly reduces ME to a fleshy receptacle in high heels which I find rather offensive. I have always worn my high heels, they do not wear me. I am much more accustomed to the gentlemen such as Simon and their respectful attitude. Simon, you're absolutely right, there is no way that individual deserves the title of gentleman. I feel that it's people like that who give male heel fetishists a bad rep. Out of curiosity, Amanda, have you been approached with a similar message from a certain vertically challenged idiot? Certainly if he is being a sex pest, the Mods ought to be at least warning him that he'd be better off going into a phone booth in central London and finding a suitable calling card rather than offending the ladies on this forum.

  4. I've been away for a while, distracted by the hum drum of life and all the nonsense it has to throw at a person. Yesterday, I was drawn back by noticing I had a private message from a guy who seemed polite enough, so I responded. However, in the very next message he made it fairly clear that all he was interested was meeting up with me for sex. Despite having no idea of what I'm like, only having an idea of my shoe collection. Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I am completely astounded and offended by this individual's presumption that just because a woman is confident in her sexuality and is a member of a forum that focuses on a facet of that, that she is the equivalent of a cheap, digital streetwalker. Fortunately, this has been a one off experience whilst I've been here and I've found nearly everybody I've come across to be completely respectful. My reason for posting this? I was wondering if anybody else has had this assumption made of them. Perhaps even in real life. Is it a common misconception that women into heels are "loose women" who will open their legs for any old stranger who comes along and asks for it, and I've just been sheltered from it? If somehow I've put forward the idea that I'm promiscuous and not fussy about who I allow to get a piece of me in my previous posts, I'd certainly like to know because that was certainly not the intention. And if that's the case, I have some serious reassessment of my communication skills to consider. Oh and if anybody on the off-chance has the number of a hooker with high heels, do pass it on to me so I can give it to this little twerp so he can make his "dream come true" without offending any other random women in stilettos he meets. :)

  5. I once heard a rumour that Marilyn Monroe used to have her cobbler file down one heel tip a few mm in order to emphasise that wiggle. Not sure if it's true, or whether it works - have never really been inclined to file my heels down as an experiment :)

  6. I'm a huge advocate of corselettes, corsets and waist cinchers. I'm probably one of the more fortunate insomuch that I have the 23" waist whilst still retaining the girls and the ass, but even still, I'll wear shapewear underneath clothing to ensure smooth lines. I'm keen on the Rago open bottomed corselette with 6 suspender straps. Though it doesn't pull me in, it's more of a sturdy tight-fitting slip come suspender belt. For actual cinching, I opt for corsetry. I used to tight lace down to 18", but I've been out of the habit for a couple of years now, so have just bought a 20" cincher from Fairygothmother.co.uk. In terms of male corsetry, I have met many male tight lacers who have not had a great deal of issue finding suitable products. Good corsetry costs, no matter where you go. In an effort to save money, I've started attempting to make one which is time consuming even for a seasoned dressmaker such as myself. Given time and materials, it's easier to get somebody else to sort it out. The cincher I've just bought was £185. From a purely fashionable point of view, shapewear really is necessary to ensure that the lines of clothing aren't spoiled by the sneaky lumps and bumps that nature provides at times. Haute couture dresses as seen on the red carpet are rarely a bit of fabric hanging on the perfect frame. I think any well dressed woman or gentleman (and by that, I do not mean somebody who simply throws a lot of money at their wardrobe) will be conscious of the sillouette created and the importance of the helping hand that shapewear provides. I was pleased to hear celebrity stylists such as Gok Wan etc. encouraging the use of shapewear, however I think it has been somewhat stripped of any sexuality insomuch that it's all magic knickers rather than girdles. Saying that, I've seen a resurgence of vintage style shapewear appear in high street stores. Sonia Rykiel for H&M and Topshop are two examples that have taken the lead from brands such as Agent Provocateur and What Katie Did. It's just a shame that the muffin-top (or mushroom-top, as many display) brigade don't cotton onto the fact that Michelin man tyres aren't that pleasing to the eye and many could transform their figures into sexpot territory simply though careful choice of shapewear.

  7. I always use the gel "party feet" inserts and find that they extend walking time dramatically, though there's a limit. A few hours of walking around London shopping in 5" heels does push it, and often on one side more than the other for me due to postural imbalance (my spine is off to the left at the bottom and to the right on the top - not visibly though). If the pain is greater in one side than the other or comes on rather quickly, there may be something going on in terms of posture that is forcing poor weight distribution. In which case, a few months of seeing your local chiro is probably in order.

  8. Yeah, I guess Louboutin has to get my vote. Closely followed by Zanotti and YSL. I do quite like some of the Miu Miu designs as they go quite well with some of the more vintage looks I opt for. Gucci are great for comfort, though their designs can be a bit dull unless you catch a gem in the cruise collection or something. Sometimes Fendi have some eye-catchers too that make a trip to Selfridges dangerous :cry1:

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