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Posts posted by Duck

  1. The obvious answer is to go down backwards!.......same as walking on the level. TA_DA

    With a nice moonwalking sort of action while listening to music so it just looks like you're really enjoying your walk home after a great day :roll:

  2. Since everyone found this thread again I should probably give an update/history or so. You see my mum has been suspecting a bit for a while after a few years ago she found a pair I had hidden in my room but I wasn't ready to say anything about it then. A few days after I came back home I waited until a day when it was just me and my mum at home and walked downstairs wearing about 3" chunky heel boots under jeans. It took her some time to notice like she glanced across after a while and then took a long second look. Then she said, "are they new shoes, why did you get ones with a heel?" I quite nervously explained and she didn't really say anything else. It was a bit like she didn't really approve but accepted that if I wanted to then ok. A few times since then she has commented that maybe I shouldn't wear them casually and they might look better with a suit. I didn't repeat this heeling when I was back home over easter so I'm still not sure what she thinks of it other than the semi-acceptance or so. I'm also not sure if she told my dad or brother, neither of them have said anything so I'm guessing not and that would be another hurdle. My friends at university don't know yet either although that is almost entirely by chance as I have walked around Cambridge several times in heels so I'm sure I'll meet someone I know soon.

  3. Like these but in black, they're really comfortable and easy to walk around town in. Some people probably noticed, I don't really mind but it was unusually quiet around with such rubbish weather.


  4. As people in UK will probably know, today was a bit stormy with the weather deciding to be mean. On my way to lectures it decided to chuck it down while blowing a gale and the rain stopped the moment I got inside. Anyway I knew that today I would be staying pretty late in the lab so as I have several times this term took some nice boots with me to wear on the way home. Finally after an amazingly sucessful day in which I now know that Rad51 shows very little cooperativity of binding ssDNA compared to recA at about 19:30 i headed out to a quiet place to change shoes and head home. At the time it was only drizzling a little and all seemed like a good fun idea. With boots sucessfully on I headed to Sainsbury's to get some food just before they shut or I would have no dinner :cool1: and all was fine. The moment I left the wind picked up the rain poured down, my umbrella imploded and I got soaked. In my battle with the elements I forgot I was wearing heels and the concept that men aren't supposed to wear them and charged on back home. Now reaching my computer, I would normally be thoroughly pissed off at the soaking but heels have saved me from despair ;)

  5. The sound makes no difference in a busy place. So as you walk confidently they'll be no difference in people noticing/not noticing. I find its a lot easier in a busy place where everyone is doing their own thing looking at something else than on a quiet road and you see someone coming and think that they must have noticed so you are not sure if they will react. Worst I've ever had were some strange looks.

  6. I've noticed before and most times someone is walk straight towards me around 20m away or so. Probably because I always check to see if they're wearing heels :santa_hat: As the foot lifts up and you see light from underneath with heels theres a little flick in the middle. Its quite cool actually because you know they're wearing heels but have no idea how high.

  7. I've been coming out a bit more in heels recently but always when I was unlikely to meet someone I knew. About a month ago I told a couple of good friends, the sort of people I knew wouldn't care. Anyway I they live in Aberdeen and I just got back from staying there for a week with them where I just wore heels the whole time. It was kind of strange being with people while wearing heels and it not being anything special. Just felt kind of normal after a while like the non-big deal that it is, if only the rest of the world could be like that. Now I'm back at home though trying to work out how/when to tell my parents etc...

  8. I've been out several times now with just 1 bad comment so far, but the patheticness of it kind of helped almost. Basically there were 3 builders that started by saying mate and few times and then you've got your mothers boots on. 1, I'm not their mate 2. They're mine 3. They don't have a point. If thats the best people can come up with against it what have you to worry about, this was in quite a busy area also and no one else around cared. I'm going to stay with some friends who live quite a long way from home soon, I don't know any people there except them and I told them about my heels thing a month ago or so and they're all fine with it. Should be fun :smile:

  9. I live in Bromley when I'm not at university Thighboots, I havn't been out there in heels yet but I can see no problems really with any places like that. I guess you might want to try going in the middle of a schoolday at first to avoid so many chavs in a lot of towns in kent though :smile:

  10. Any walk around city centres will show you those are very odd statistics, Between 2 1/2 and 4 inches are very common to see around far more than 5% although you don't see many higher than 4 inches unless its nightime drinkage.

  11. I think it depends how you wear it, with "normal" male type clothes strappy sandals wouldn't really look right and I think boots would be a much better fit. Iv'e never thought about heel height/earing size before but personally I think those huge loop earings look a bit silly who ever is wearing them but if you like them go for it 8)

  12. After everyone suggesting I try somewhere busier I decided to go out to Ipswich since its quite near and big. I was still pretty nervous but I put on the same boots while I on the train there and just act normal. I found my way into the centre of the town and there were loads of people everywhere but it didn't seem like anyone noticed or cared one bit which was nice. The only bad things were that I still didn't find the thing I was looking for in any shops around, really need a washing up brush! and it was absolutley chucking it down on the way back to the station, impossible not to get soaked at least I was wearing boots so my feet didn't get drowned. 8)

  13. I guess I was kinda worried about the sort of people I might find. Correct me if I'm wrong but I would think the worst kind of response would be from males around my age (20) or a bit younger and with it being during school time in a small place I knew they wouldn't be about. Maybe someone in the area could suggest a place, I'm thinking maybe, Ely, Bury St. Edmunds, Bishop's Stortford. I live in Cambridge which would probably be perfect if I didn't know so many people here and I would almost certainly bump into someone.

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