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Posts posted by PostCode

  1. Let me explain. One of our children has gotten himself in trouble with the law and in doing so has put our family in such a situation that we no longer have the time to maintain the site or keep it up because the presence of it may, in some way, influence the judicial system against him. I wish I could go into detail but I can't. All I can say it that it had to go because of personal reasons. I would like to thank everyone though for the opportunity to make MIssy's site a great place. We miss the site but probably will never start another one. Again, thank you for your concern and I hope everyone understands. Thank you.

  2. The portion from mid thigh down isn't to bad so her walking ability is impaired but not drastically. From that point up it's pretty restrictive though. She can't bend over or crouch down either. It's rather expensive, but well worth it. Look forward to many more of her in this. In addition she got a few nice pencil skirts and some lace boddy socks. Those might take a bit of imagination to come up with the right outfit to use with but we'll do something.

  3. We don't have a problem with others posting her pictures on other sites and such, as long as the logo remains in place and credit is given. As for our site, I know it's not been updated in some time. There is a reason for this. Before Missy left for her protracted business trip, we spent some three days shooting hundreds of images to use while she was gone. However, due to a hard drive failure, those images were lost. I have some images backed up on CD's from previous shoots, but these are older ones. So, under Missy returns from her business trip, no "new" updates will go up. I'm trying to stretch the updates out a bit, with one coming up here soon, until she gets back when we'll be hammering the site with an update a week. We don't have any plans of closing the site down or forgetting about it. I've put a lot of time and effort into it and want to keep it going for quite some time. The forums are going to be either be upgraded to a newer version of the same software or a new type of software will be used, most likely vBulletin if we go this route. Other changes include the completion of the stories section with Chucks stories, more screen savers, and many more images after she returns.

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