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Posts posted by chrisinkilts

  1. Didn't even wear on Father's Day. I've been arguing with an ingrown toe. It's a very long standing issue. When it starts to hurt it's time to see the pedicurist, my wife who is very happy with the recent progress of the toe. She keeps teasing about nail polish too. TIme will tell if she will relent and "paint" them.

  2. I haven't forgotten about the wedding video. We're currently wrapping up production on a dance performance and once that is out the door, we'll be working on the wedding. I'll see about grabbing some screen shots one of these mornings.

  3. I was the videographer for a wedding yesterday and the ladies put on a show of heels. This was my first black/hispanic wedding and they dress to the nines. I think almost every lady started in heels and some really high ones, 4 or 5 inch on parade. The thing that got me was the guy with heels. He was short, definitely looked like he could have cut a rug in the disco days, he had at least a 2 inch stacked block heel, which brought him up to regular guy height. It may be that he wore just to be normal height. If I have any shots of the heels, I'll post them. There's about 40gb's of video and stills to wade through. That was a long wedding.

  4. I'm going to take a cue from my daughter's dance instructor who is very very good by the way. The girls are not allowed on pointe until around 14, and they have to take a pre-pointe class. So I think probably 11 is too young. They are still growing and it their feet and ankles (that's the important part) and legs are strong enough they could really get hurt. If they start too early they could end up permanently disabled.

  5. Considering some of the more "freestyling" I've worn to Walmart, although very tame in comparison to several on this forum, I think about ending up on a POW post. For those of you not familiar with it, you can take a look here. http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ I would have to think this does not help our cause for the most part. One good thing about the site is it seems to be primarily Walmarts in one central area of the country, I've never seen a post from my neck of the woods.

  6. It's true they are fairly unisex in appearance. They shouldn't be noticeable really at all unless you looked a the back of them, then it would be obvious they are from the female side of the aisle.

  7. I left work at luinch time and switched to my 2 inch wedges. I went to Walmart with buying a fishing license and I need some sheer hosiery other than suntan. I headed into the store which was very busy and made my way to the back corner where the sporting goods are. Hopped into line to wait only to find that they could not sell licenses today. So I headed across the Walmart to the clothing section. Everything has been moved around. I found the aisle with the hosiery, however there was a lady there purchasing underwear, and she took a very long time. So I wandered around keeping the aisle in view. I ran into a friend who was shopping. we had a short conversation and she did not show any sign of recognition that I had 2 inch wedges on. We went on our merry ways and I managed to get back into the aisle and grab four pairs of Sheer Energy and one pair of Hanes Seasonless Tights. Overall, as busy as it was no one took note of my footwear. This Walmart serves the people that live in the city, it's rough and tough and filled with people that think very differently than myself. It's also the oldest Walmart around. Not sure I want to go buy too many more pairs of shoes at this point.

  8. I needed to get to the bank. I put my wedges on when I walked out of the office and before I got in the car, slipped on my 2 inch wedges. My feet were clearly visible as my pants cuff does not come down far enough. I'm wearing Sheer Energy Suntan Support today. I wear Sheer Energy on most days its above freezing. Usually there's no more than 1 or 2 customers and a couple of tellers. Of course today there were a dozen or more people there. Nothing happened, no one noticed. It was great. I enjoyed it. It may not seem like much, but I'm attempting to post for the benefit of all. Myself, and to encourage others, those who find this old hat and those that are behind me and scared to walk out the front door.

  9. I'm wearing these 2 inch heels today, and they feel pretty good. Took a half day for my sick kiddos and I've been walking an standing and they feel good. They did hurt my feet when I had them on a few weeks ago, but it seems that wearing the 1 1/2 heels in helped condition my feet, they don't feel so high either.

  10. Yep, the good old home inspection: Is there a house? Can I stop and see it? You have a fridge with food, four walls, a roof and some toys. Ok, thanks. That's about all we had for a home inspection 3 times. They want it to sound scary, its not and they don't even look in all the rooms.

  11. I'll way in on this as we adopted our niece after taking the birth mother to court. It's certainly in your rights to wear what ever you want, but for a court decision it is best to be very conservative. I wear non-medical support hose for leg health. I've done it for almost 4 years now. When we were in the process, none of my wife's family ever saw the hose. We didn't want to give them any reasons to slow down the process. It took five years to adopt her. My mother-in-law has possibly seen me since in hose and shorts, but may not have noticed. For the sake of the adoption I would play it straight and conservative. When it's over, then wear what you want and it won't matter. Here in the US, you can give up your kid any time, but once you adopt you can not give them up ever. The words family and court should never be in the same sentence.

  12. Thanks for the link Steve. I usually get the crocs with holes for ventilation, but I wanted the unvented ones to finish out the winter. Nothing worse than getting slush in your crocs and soaking your tights with ice cold water trying to get from the car to wherever you're going. I plan on buying a pair with vents for the summer. Those Italian ones do look nice.

  13. I've been wearing Crocs for a very long time. Due to my work, sitting and standing and on concrete floors in our labs. My feet hurt often. I do put a lot of wear and tear on the crocs, usually one pair per year. This year I'm buying 2 pair. I've bought one pair so far. This is a shoe designed for work environments food service, health care, hospitality, and more.

    They have a little heel, 1 1/2 inch heel. Very easy to walk in and comfortable to stand.

    Crocs Work Women's Neria Slip-Resistant Clog


  14. I stopped back at the grocery store this morning, a lot more people there, again, no one took notice of the heels, even stumbled on the side walk a little. I've got too many bottles to redeem at lunch, so I'll go back when it's real busy and load them in the counting machine. Then pick up a few items that I need. Hit the gas station later. I'm not sure I want to wear them at work yet. Lots of issues there on that idea.

  15. I'll just hijack it back! This morning I went to a major grocery store, walked all the way through the store to the far back corner to pick up a couple of clearance items. I wore my heels. That was the longest walk I've taken in them to date. There were not very many people around and it felt like a long walk across the parking lot and the store. Nobody noticed as far as I could tell. Even had a conversation with another customer in the checkout who let me go ahead as I had two items and she had a cart. Just as I thought when I started wearing hose 4 years ago, nobody notices and nobody cares. Wear what you want.

  16. Name: Chris Age: 37 Gender: Male Location: New York (state) Occupation: Adult Education Height: 5' 10" Weight: too much Shoe size: men's 10 What's your favourite heel style: don't know yet What's your favourite shoe style: comfy Do you wear your heels outside: yes What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: trying 2" for now ( B) Your highest heel height: 2" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: everyday for a little while ( B) Your highest heel height: everyday for a little while, I have only one pair Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Always hosiery for leg support, rarely wear socks Anything else you wish to add:

  17. Stopped at a Tim Horton's last night. grabbed the heels and put them on, standing next to my car. I had to walk across the parking lot and into the store. I headed right for the restroom and when I came back out, maybe the clerk noticed, since he was squatted down in front the counter doing inventory or something. It was crowded in the front seating area. The jeans that I had on are a little short to cover the top of the foot just above the vamp. I did heel pop a couple of times stepping to far and too fast. Thanks to a dead car, I'm home all day with the family out of the house till well after dinner. I'll be wearing for a good part of the day.

  18. Okay. I wore them for short periods of time, not a lot of walking. My heels were popping and my toes were scrunched, and the vertical height of the toe box is problem I think. I will persevere and see if comfort improves as they are broken in. Do I need a shoe stretcher? I have large toes. I tried the shoes on in the store, 11's were too tight and the 13's were too big, the 12's were just right. I just had them on again and the toe box is squeezing down on the end of my toenails. Some stretching maybe in order to make a little more room. My toenails are pretty short, but I do have big toes. Here's the new shoes paired with a pair of jeggings I picked up at Target. I wear non-medical support hose for tired legs, so I slipped on some suntan Sheer Energy.

  19. I just got them! The first store had them on hold and unavailable. I dashed across town and picked them up at another Payless. Clerk was great, checked to make sure it was a complete set, both shoes same size, and with right and left, no comments, just check out, with another customer right there, about to ceck out. Put them on in the car and drove back to the office. The office is like family, all rednecks, probably not a good idea to wear. I do want to practice though, just as soon as I can. It was easier than I thought.

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