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Status Updates posted by Rei

  1. I love that anime.

  2. Well, I'm glad you logged on. I was worried I was going to have to wait until tomorrow for a reply. XD

  3. And that's probably because I edited that little paragraph around 10 times. I have some irrational fear of coming across as ignorant.

  4. Ohhhh, ok. Cool.

  5. Holy crap, I love those boots in your profile picture!!

  6. I have to say, your entire album is awesome. I laughed so hard at the hadouken picture. XD

  7. Idk, I was bored, forum didn't seem very active last night

  8. I see, and about your musings of the future thread; you really think the world is that close to changing? It doesn't seem like it me, but maybe that's just because I haven't been out in them much. I guess that's a redundant question though, since you posted it already.

  9. I have no doubt you've been doing this for a while. :) I hope I get to see something with my own eyes to prove it is changing though. Like, I've never seen another guy in heels in person, and it kinda sucks. HHplace helps a ton though, I don't feel alone in this anymore. But, it's hard to tell if I'm just unlucky or if I live in a more close minded city.

  10. I feel like I need to wear heels more now. I should probably invest in some easier to walk in though lol

  11. Hehehehehe, 7 1/2" platforms. I know, I know. I can walk in them, except I find some thicker carpet too wobbly. I was trying to find my height limit. So, I was thinking somewhere in the 5 or 6" range with 1 or 2" of platform. I'm leaving for work, So I 'll be gone until this evening.

  12. And I'm back

  13. I take it you don't care for platforms? That's understandable, I just think they add a bit more........ meat, I guess, to the shoe. 3 1/2" of platform is a little ridiculous, but that was the point.

  14. Hmmm, well a 4" inch rise is what I like, now that I go back and read what I said i was even confusing myself. Sorry about that. I am not into really steep heels, like ballet or anything, if that's what you thought. Measuring the heel height isn't exactly accurate when there's a platform. It's like you need two measurements. My current ones are 7 1/2" with 3 1/2" platform. I was thinking of getting something along the lines of 5" and 1", or 6" and 2", so that there is less side to side wobble. I'll probably also find something in matte, not patent leather. I almost wish they would measure heels by the angle on instep and not by heel height, so the size of the shoe and platform would not make a difference.

  15. And sorry that you're having trouble finding single-sole stuff. :( I've only shopped online and had no idea about that until very (ilikekicks thread tonight) recently.

  16. I'm determined to figure this out. Maybe it could just have the height of the heel discounting any platform, and then the platform height (if any). So you could have just 4" heels, or 3",1", or 5",1/2". Or something. Maybe I'm just crazy lol

  17. Thank you for attempting to understand me lol. I might be too tired to think straight at the moment.

  18. How you doing? I had a pretty good day today. :D

  19. WOAH, you're a moderator now!!!!!! :o

  20. Well, don't drown. You're too awesome.

  21. Ok, I actually have something relevant to say now, but you don't have to get back to me now if you're busy. I currently have these boots (http://www.snaz75.com/pl-taboo-2021.html). And I was thinking of getting these (http://www.snaz75.com/pl-delight-2023.html). Lower platform, less chance of breaking an ankle, and I can get it in matte so it will look a bit less like, you know, stripper boots. Good choice, bad choice?

  22. My entire wardrobe consists of basically regular fit blue jeans, t-shirts, and an awesome grey jacket that I have had for a couple years. I am reaaally slim built (like 110 lbs) and have long wavy hair too if that makes any difference. I have no idea about skinny jeans because I've never tried them before.

  23. I think I'll stick with boots under the jeans for now. Once I get comfortable enough with just wearing them, I can get some skinny jeans and try that. I have noticed that there is a little bit of room left in the shaft even though it's as tight as it can get. Where would you even get the shafts altered? And also, what's a good way of dealing with excess lace?

  24. Oh that's funky, you're last reply isn't showing in the conversation. I just found it on your profile. Anyway, I need to find a phone book now lol. And wouldn't cutting the laces make it really hard to re-tie it because you're cutting the little plastic ends off and it would fray? Or do you just never re-tie them?

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