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Posts posted by Glosha

  1. nice outfit! I would live to see how you looked not only from waist down, but also to see how you dress on top for my personal experience and knowledge. If you don't want to show the face, then just blank it out in windows paint. Thanks in advance, G.

  2. lol, do they not have shops in Canada? :smile:

    We do, but I'm new and unfamiliar with the product. If I'll have heads up, then I will not have to dig through the hosiery rack in a shop, but just grab and pay: looks more like I'm helping somebody and not looking for myself. Not confident enough to dig through, yet. :smile:

  3. Hi, where is better to buy a black, non-transpared tights/pantyhose and which model? Maybe also some leggins. Just don't want to shave my leggs for wearing heels in public yet :smile:. P.S.: how to determine that tights/pantyhose have cotton in the knee. Just trying to reduce the sweatning in heels.

  4. I enjoy driving in heels. First times it was difficult as my calf were not used to angle, but after a few trips for 20-30 minutes I found comfortable position and now I can enjoy the drive to anywhere.

  5. beaztheelz* it felt amazing XD the best feeling was being out side in them and walking concrete and the road, i dont kno y but heels make walking up hill fun :smile: id like to hear my heels on the polish floor in a shopping center :smile:

    So why you wouldn't go to the mall that is far from the place where you live and where there will be no friends or relatives?

    You are doing great on car stops, so just keep doing it and you'll gain more confidence.

    Me, personally, love driving in my 4" Black Pleaser (see pics). I often go to some park where nobody of any whom I know will be and I don't care how people are looking at me. I'm still trying to find a shopping buddy, but didn't had a success.

    Just do it! Be a Man! If you wish it and dream about then you can do it!

  6. ...Definitely keep us posted.

    I will keep posting the progress. And I'm very thankful for such inspiring words.

    As I was thinking about this overnight I almost gave up, but now I have hope that it will work.

    I'm not wearing skirts yet. I have 1 long one in my drawer (see my pics) which I've tried once with heels in privacy, but she don't know about either that I posses the heels or the skirt.

    Maybe she pictured my in her mind naked with hairy legs and in black 4" heels. I think that even I wouldn't like such view :smile:.

    I'll try to talk to her today about this topic and I'll suggest to try the heels with jeans.

    Thanks again for bringing hope back. :smile:

  7. Interesting you could have some fun coming.

    I think you may have underestimated this lady or she's trying to prove how serious you are?


    I have a feeling that she's trying me: how far will I go to walk in heels.

    This is something that I actually have to think about as there are pluses and minuses:

    1. Plus: If I'll go for it and wax, I'll get to wear heels (most likely only indoor with my GF watching)

    2. Minus: She will not be happy of me wearing heels out in public. This even could lead to a break up or trouble in relations.

    3. Plus: I will be able to wear transparent hosirey and walk outside in skirts that are not ankle lenghth.

    4. Minus: As my folks not awaree of my HH interest there will be a lot of questions about bold leggs.

    5. Minus: Waxing for the first time will be a hearting (misspel here, can't remember the spelling) bitch with some bleeding.

    6. Minus: I will have to start maintaing hairless leggs. This is something that will bring some extra holes to the budget.

    7. Plus: I'll get better leg tan @ Mexico this Christmas.

    8. Minus: when the hair will start growing back it will start to itch (specially in genitals)

    So, to summarise all this I think the minus list is pretty arguing to the idea of me walking in heels next to my GF.

    What do you think about all this? Any suggestions? Maybe I've missed some points?

  8. I have the same problem. The way I've approached my GF about wearing the heels today is asked her: What I should do to be allowed to try out and wear the heels if I'll buy them (showed her the picture of heels I've bought and been wearing on the google images)? Her respose was: "Are you ok? You kinda weird in your thoughts and interests. Why in the life you want to wear them?" My reply was: "I like how they look and I'm interested in the feeling of walking in heels." Then she thought a bit and said: "You'll have to shave your legs and genitals and then we'll see." Also she added that she can't imagine me in heels. And start giggling. We've been together for almost 5 years (This Christmas we are going to Mexico to celebrate been together for 5 years) and I started developing interest in HH in last few months. So it is completely up to you how you want to break the news to her. read this forum for a bit more, think and maybe you'll have decide: either her or HHs. Regards, Glosha.

  9. November 11, 2011: My adventures in heels are continuing and I've went to the park in the evening, put on my black pleaser heels, locked them up and went for a walk in a park. Even though I'm new in heels, I had no problem walking in 4" and without any additional heat sources I have a feeling that they are stretching as it was comfortable to walk in them for good 30 minutes and then another 15 minutes of drive home. I didn't took any pictures as I have a picture in my jeans and heels in my pics. Have a good feeling that when my heels will stretch more I will drive to downtown or shopping mall at day time and will enjoy the outdoors.

  10. Try a stocking with cotton knitted into the toe and the bottom of the foot.


    How to see such thing when shopping. Never saw something like that during the shopping.

    P.S.: previuos post got screwed up: I had dayly update in my adventures and it all got combined into one. next time will write with dates.

  11. Here are the others:

    Hey everyone! It has been awhile since I have posted anything. I have been very very busy, but I have still had time to buy heels. :smile:

    Here a few that I have purchased over the last 3 months or so. Enjoy:

    Also had on my new flare jeans from A.E.

    Wow, you've got some nice collection.

  12. I still am worried about my pix floating out into cyberspace to potential employers and friends...

    Try identifying me by my avatar :smile:

    Have more courage and maybe just insert a picture of the shoes you love the most.

  13. again thanks for the comments!! i ove the look and feel of a skirt, its simlar to wearing thigh high boots in public like a lot of readers...besides if it feels good and looks good, do it!!

    True. I love the feeling being in skirt and heels. The only problem I have: a beard :smile:; even shaving regularly you can see black dots :smile:. How to fight it?

  14. Thank you for your support. We already 4 years together and I started to develop interest in females clothes a lot in past 3-3.5 more than it was before. Before I was just interested to wear pantyhose under the jeans. I tried her on Halloween: Asked if I can go for a party crossdressed. She didn't like the idea, supporting the statement that I don't have outfit and she's not going with me shopping for shoes and etc. (I'd like to emphasize that she didn't want to go shopping for that) But at the same time she occasionally have a desire to paint my nails or apply makeup on me, but in never happened, maybe we didn't had enough privacy (we leave separate along with parents). I've bought her a corset which she actually likes and few bodystockings, which she takes to Mexico this Christmas for the trip with me along with collars and cuffs that I've represented to her and we tried on on each other. So she's up for a some fetish, but I don't know how far I can push her now. Give me your opinion and life experiences. P.S.: I've tried to put an avatar picture, but it shows in account settings, but not in forum. Did somebody had such problem?

  15. Guys, I need your advise on how to introduce my interest in heels to my GF. We are in a long relationship, but I didn't proposed to her yet as we are not ready to live together. Just don't want to have a dissapointing momemnt if she'll have a verry negative reaction. As I have a pair of lockable black 4 inch heels, I was thinking to put them on, pick her up, give her a key and ask her if she wants me to takke them off or go public. What are you thinking about such idea? Maybe it is a bit off topic, but it is still on the line of courage.

  16. I really don't think so. I'm sure this is not the reason why.

    What is the main reason you develop a desire to wear heels ?

    Was it only to feel "what it would be like" and you got hooked on them ?

    You may want to read this thread or this thread to learn more.

    What ever the reason is. Don't worry, you are not crazy.

    High heels are only shoes after all...

    I think it is a rush of something different and something that society don't approve as "normal", but what is normal in our lives? :smile:.

  17. Greetings Glosha and welcome to HH-Place :-)

    BTW I would stongly recommend that you discuss about

    your "passion" for high heels with your fiance before you get married.

    Imagine what would happen if she finds out after ?

    Your desire to wear heels will not go away.

    I'm sure it would be a good idea to tell her about it now...

    This is where I'm starting to get confused a bit: I started to develop desire to wear heels recently. Am I getting bored of my girl?

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