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Posts posted by -dp-

  1. Thanks for the pics!


    How do you know Gary's not sneaking around the house :biggrin: when you aren't around trying to pull those beauties on? :huh:

    Hmm, I can always do surprise check ins for you to guard those beauties. It would be hilarious if he got stuck in them.

    if he did... you can help him pull them off... :irked: don't get gary in trouble :D
  2. Hi -dp-

    the snow storm was an occasion for buying platform boots with a rational background. But you were already dreaming since years of wearing yourself high heeled boots or even womens boots - am I right? :evil:


    hmm... i wouldn't say dreaming for years... but i looked at it more from a functional point of view and my interest grew from there... :D
  3. dr1819 Thanks! I think we hung out for a total of about 5 hours that evening.

    On the Saturday night of the Heel Meet, admirer5577 and I were at ONE. I sat down on a couch near a woman and naturally used my Stuart Weitzman pumps as the ice breaking conversation piece.

    "Are those Jimmy Choos?" she asked me?

    "No, just Stuart Weitzmans," I replied.

    "I actually manage the ladies shoes department at <a major upscale retail store upstate.> paraphrased for privacy. In fact, I have a list of guys that I call when Manolos or Jimmy Choos go on sale" At this point, she pulled out her business cards and gave a copy to admirer5577 and myself.

    Then I asked, "Do they buy small sizes or large sizes?"

    Her response was as emphatic, "LARGE sizes...we keep their names very private"

    How is that for the small undiscovered world of freestylers that we live in?

    after the post from a fellow member regarding the amount of men purchasing payless shoes in large women's sizes, this isn't a huge surprise. unfortunately, they keep themselves at home with them.

    i know for myself, i will not wear some of my more risque footwear outside anytime soon; pointy toed, high heeled stillettos for example...

    a couple of years back, i overheard someone talking about designers making more thing for men's fashion, because a lot of guys are tired of wearing the same old things... maybe footwear will be an eventual evolution...

  4. ^ That's fair enough. I'll never street heel every day either - probably a few days a week at the very most. I love flats and trainers too much as well! It's just nice to vary my footwear like the girls get to take for granted.

    same here... i want to do this once in a while as a way to keep my fashion choices different and fresh. doesn't need to be every day. even on the days i wear my riding boots... i still get complimented on them (they can't tell how high they go since i wear them underneath).

    which reminds me of the time the art director complimented me on my boots from across the room once. i was flabberghasted how he saw them from that far being that my feet were under the desk and on the floor (with an under 1in heel)... but he wanted to check them out and had me put my foot on the trashcan and asked me to pull up my pants leg too... lol... i was a bit embarassed, but he always noticed what i wore and complimented me accordingly.

    oh, and if you guys are wondering, he is straight with a wife and kids... very nice guy... knew him for a long time as i've worked there for a long while as well.

    I'm just glad that you went outside and freestyled.

    Some people here try and make a big deal out of how much of their heel they show publicly, or how much of their boot they can show publicly.

    IMHO, thats not the point.

    The point is that you are getting outside and freestyling, no matter how much of your footwear is exposed. And for that, anyone ought to be commended. Its a much bigger step than many other closeted heel wearers in society have ever taken. And one small step for an individual, times 3,000 members, is really one larger step for our community as a whole.

    Again, thats just my viewpoint.

    this is not the first time i freestyled per se... but this is the first time i done so in pointy toed boots with what i consider a heel... (albiet a kitten heel i believe?)

    The first time I freestyled was when there was that huge huge snowstorm in 2000 or so... and my ankle high timberland boots got wet. I went into a shoestore and decided to purchase a pair of knee high boots for the hell of it... to keep the snow from getting in the shoe again. This pair of boots had a 4 in block heel and I was walking thru the snow, slush, and puddles without problems. I've even worn this pair of boots to my best friend's home, where both him and his family saw them but didn't ask any questions... they didn't see the heel because i had the toe side out and then threw my bag on top, but they saw that it went to the knees. Anyways, I digress... I have other stories involving this pair of boots as well, but maybe another time...

    I agree wholeheartedly with what you said... it took a good amount of time for me to finally get to this point and for anyone to go out in what is considered "women's shoes/boots" takes quite a bit of confidence...

  5. Depends. Have you seen the freestyle videos? Ignoring the boots over jeans look or the thighhighs with shorts look, wearing stillettos under jeans attracts minimal attention if not any at all! I'm just remembering kneehighs' first video in Central Park. Loads of people around, no-one notices.

    Obviously, we all have our own comfort levels and confidence issues but I think a guy can pretty much pull off stilletto boots in public without the stares.


    yup, i've been a relatively long time reader (and i read pretty quick), so i've seen that thread and read through it. i agree with you on the confidence levels especially, as this is something people have to work on their own.

    i am not striving to street heel on a daily basis, but once in a while is nice. :evil:

  6. To everyone that replied, thank you for taking the time to respond and for the compliments.

    -dp- Congrats on your outing. May I ask if you did this in nyc?

    yup, this was in nyc... i changed into them and took a very short stroll...

    Nice boots! Well done for plucking up the courage to wear your boots out. Now that nothing bad happened, maybe you can do it again - this time not using Halloween as an excuse. :evil:

    well, to be honest, i've been wearing my boots out, just not the pairs with sillettos and/or pointy toes as they attract much more attention...

    Congratulations, -dp- :D Quite a rush isn't it? Here's to many more outings and don't forget to let us know how it goes.

    it was a bit of a rush to be wearing them around an area which i KNOW have people around... if i have any other outings of interest, i'll try to report back.


    Now that Halloween is over, are you going to wait another year, or are you going to be a little adventurous from time to time?

    i might try being adventurous from time to time... no gaurantees... at least i have a few pairs of riding boots i can wear (which i always get complimented on from my male and female coworkers).

    Well done! First but not the last I hope. Like the heels.

    thanks again for the compliments, glad you liked them.

    on another note, why is it that we can only quote maximum two posts at a time? i had to go back and edit this post a couple of times to get the quotes in... unless the admin wants us to have many replies? :D

  7. since it was halloween, i took a opportunity to take a walk in something not too obvious... just street heeled a bit around the block a bit. i think a security guard at a building saw my footwear and might have said something, but i just looked at him, smiled, and walked away.

    i apologize in advance for the poor quality of my picture phone, but i use what i have at the time. :evil:

    really simple outfit of dark blue jeans, black long sleeve polo shirt, and a grey wool coat when i took my walk.


  8. I'm still not sure if it was the best decision to cancel my participation at the NYC heel meeting. Jan and me had planned to combine our participation at the meeting with a common indian summer holyday in the environment of New York. Jan was one of my best friends and he died some weeks ago unexpected by a brain infarct :evil: I thought that my job could be the problem but then I lost suddenly my travel companion.

    Nevertheless life must go on. I was curious on your report from NYC. You all have sent a lot of interesting reports and pictures. Encourageing to contribute again at the next meeting!

    nice greetings


    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, micha. It is totally understandable why you cancelled your participation for this meet because of that as it would be difficult to have a good time while you are mourning.

    As you said, life must (and will) go on...

  9. DSW was a lot of fun, and the woman that wanted my thigh boots was indeed disappointed when she found out that she could not buy them there at the store. I just wish that kneehighs could have caught more on video of me trying on that wonderful pair of boots before being found out by store staff.

    The store staff didn't allow videotaping? I never heard of that...

    I saw the look of disappointment in her face from the video, she is a beautiful woman with miles of legs. :D I would have tried to strike a conversation with her and see if she'd like to try those thigh boots. :D

    Those Cole Haan boots are certainly wonderful as I have the same pair as you in black leather. It's only the price that is unforgiving. :evil:

  10. First, welcome aboard dp!

    The boots are the Cole Haan Lydia in Brown Metallic Python (looks like bronze). DSW was selling them for $289.95, $160.05 off.

    Thanks for applauding my courage, but the fact is I'm way beyond needing courage to do something like this. If I see something I like, I'm gonna try it, and I really don't care what other people think, cause I get way to much enjoyment from wearing my heels in public.

    thanks for the warm welcome.

    to be honest with you, i purchased those same boots as you did at the cole haan outlet a few weeks prior except they are black leather. coincedentilly, they were the same price as dsw (go figure).

    i didn't see them offering the brown metallic python and would love to see a photo of them. perhaps, i'll go to dsw on 14th and check it out there. i wouldn't do what you did tho. :evil:

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