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Posts posted by -dp-

  1. To explain this as subtly as possibe - it is the 'art' of how a male to female cross-dresser hides away his 'personal parts', in order to achieve a female outline 'downstairs'.Now....back to boots and jeans.....

    OKay, thanks for that information... :silly:

    Perhaps someone on the website team can change the topic to:

    Pants: To tuck or not - seems to be a serious question.

  2. Well, good for you, my friend! I only wish I could find boots like those in my size (13W), I'd happily show them off any and every chance I got!

    The largest size they carry is 12. I'm not sure if you want to attempt a smaller size.

    I am actually wearing a full size larger since I intend on walking around with them and wearing thicker socks. Thanks for reminding me, as I have to return the 12 wide calf which was also purchased.

  3. How on earth can anyone even THINK of hiding great looking boots such as those? That would almost be considered criminal!

    Thanks for the compliment. I admire the way they look when I see my profile in a mirror. :-? Having worn them outside for half the week consecutively, I received the following reactions:

    :unsure: A few smiles [from women only]

    :) A lot of looks [double/triple looks from women, confusion from guys]

    :silly: Some disapproval [one each from a woman and a guy]

    It's a traditional bell curve. Honestly, most people just don't give a damn.

    My friends (one guy, one girl) questioned me about it, thought they were a bit feminine, and gave me a little bit of a ribbing. However, both of them didn't care and whatever makes me happy. I feel very fortunate to have great friends and and awesome girlfriend.

  4. -dp- and like minded.

    I thought this was called HHPlace. The HH stands High Heels. Why are there people here praising the ugly shoes? Where have I gown wrong ?


    The question was "To tuck or not". It didn't specify into which type of boots.

    Flat boots may look ugly for some and beautiful for others. It is only a matter of taste.

    Note that riding boots are the perfect boot style to be worn with pants tuck into them.

    -dp- :-)

    Those are very nice boots and don't worry about the double takes from women :silly:

    Women are simply not accustomed to see a man wearing such nice boots !

    Here is what I think those women were thinking when they saw you and your boots:

    First look = "Wow those are nice boots. I would not mind having the same !"

    Second look = "It is a man wearing them ! This man got a lot of ..... and I like it !

    Happy heeling all !

    spikesmike, thanks for your reply and your concerns, but as danielp stated, the thread topic is about tucking in pants or not. I understand this isn't the first time you put the proverbial foot in your mouth. Take care of your ankle injury.

    danielp6406, I wholeheartedly agree. I received a few smiles from women while having my legs completely stretched out and boots in full view. :unsure:

  5. I never tucked my jeans in my boots until my girlfriend suggested I do it. So I did today, with the boots below. They go all the way up to my knees. Got looks from both men and women, but nothing was said. People are probably too busy with their own lives to really care. Women seem to notice more and sometimes do double takes!

    I was pretty confident walking around and even if they said something, I wouldn't have gave a damn anyways. LOL!

    Posted Image

    Going to meet up with some friends for dinner and see their reaction to this too.

  6. Actually the best thing I have seen of late was on Good Morning America. (early morning US news) Nike Shoes has recently unveiled plans to make a line of heels (and traditional men's dress shoes) that integrate sneaker technology. The female hosts were all really happy when they got to try them. they all said its the closest thing to wearing sneakers and they look very stylish and just fantastic.

    yes, cole haan adopted this technology.

    on another note, i have a pair of boots which feels really comfortable to wear all the time, no matter how long i'm in them made by cole haan and didn't use this technology yet.

  7. I've seen a couple if instances myself being that I live in NYC Where? 1. All my experiences are in NYC When? 2. 2005, 2006 Who? 3. a) In Alphabet City in Manhattan, some guy walked past me and a girl going to dinner. Didn't really get a good look because I didn't notice until he turned, but the sound was definitely HH clack. From the slight glance, he looked to be in his 20s (early or mid?) and was wearing block heels, 3 inches or higher. :D Once on a subway platform in brooklyn, two guys came down the stairs with two women. They looked to be late 20s, or early 30s. Might have been out of towners as well (sounded like they spoke Korean?). Anyhow, they wore riding boots on the outside of their pants. They were definitely women's boots tho. Heel was minimal, about 1 inch... Noone really thought anything strange of these occurances -- at least none that I saw... :wink:

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