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Posts posted by ShyHeelGuy

  1. Just had a second look at them, and the strap looks as though it was one piece going straight under the insole. Will take them down to the cobblers tomorrow if I get the chance, probably best to get it done professionally as I dont think glue on its own would be quite up to the job. Quite annoying though as they were a relatively new pair of heels :irked:

  2. Thanks for the replies guys :irked: The shoe's straps were never stitched in in the first place, there are no stitching holes in the strap, just adhesive marks. I have ordered some bostik leather adhesive which looks as though it covers all the bases. Will see how it goes.

  3. Hi, My girlfriend had a bit of a tumble a couple of days ago wearing her pleaser delight 609 shoes, and the ankle strap on one side has pulled clean out of the shoe. Now before I go and melt the strap away using the wrong stuff, what glue should I use to glue the strap back in place? It's an easy repair job, but my life wouldn't be worth living if I get it wrong :irked: Cheers! SHG

  4. Welcome ShyHeelGuy! You are not alone. Talk with you girlfriend about it. She may be more receptive than you realize. Trust me you are not rambling to this group of high heel lovers and wearers.

    Thank you! I know I will talk to her one day about it, its just plucking up the courage to do so. I do admire those of you who go out in them everyday in public, wish I had the guts to do that.

    And its typical, I go on about a pair of heels, then don't include the link!

    This was the link to the very similar dune heels:


  5. Hi guys, Where to start with my story . . . About 2 years ago, my girlfriend invited me to go with her to her prom, and I couldnt help but notice the gorgeous pair of dune 4.5/5" spike heels she was wearing at the time (these, minus the detail on the toe, just the black strap across them). Unfortunately, she is a womens size 4 UK and I am a mens size 11 UK, so stealing them to try wasn't an option :( So, I kept looking and looking longingly at various shoes online, and developed a hatred for my feets large size. Almost none of the shoes I liked went beyond a size 8/9. Then I was browsing youtube and came across the pleaser range of platform heels and fell in love straight away. So I finally got the courage to click the buy button a couple of weeks ago on a pair of pleaser xtreme 809 heels. Turned up a day later :smile: it was like christmas had come early :smile: I was very surprised to find I could walk very easily in them without keeping my knees bent :irked: Anyway, I absolutely love wearing them, but I only do so when Im on my own and no one else is about. I am quite frankly scared sh****** about what other people would think if I was to come out the closet as a heel wearer (hence the alias :cry1:, especially my girlfriend. This is one of the reasons I signed up here, there is no prejudice and narrow mindedness to people expressing themselves how they want to, and it is a breath of fresh air. Other than my heel fetish, I am an average, straight, hairy heavily built chap standing at around 6'2 (without the heels). I have various interests including sailing, kite surfing, mountain biking, anything radio controlled (especially helicopters and jets) and now wearing heels. A right mix and match :smile: hehe :smile: I have done enough of an introduction now and have probably bored most of you to tears with me rambling on :smile: I look forward to getting to know more of you people! Cheers!

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