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Posts posted by new_look

  1. I have to agree with people, these could be an opening. Generally unheeled, im quite a sporty dress person i.e. with trainers etc, so these would do great to be the same and be 'heeled' at the same time. However ill stick to my guns and still think that the ones with the point tow and a billion laces look like a high heel wrestling boot. not my cup of tea :lol:

  2. i sense excitement in the words of Heelfan. I may appear a boring norther fool but believe me the excitemnt is with me too, can hardly wait. Yes the elephant will lift whne im with oyu people as im sure, but will it lift off me at doncaster station? time will tell. Ill be on my own this time with no Jade to push me out of the car

  3. surely this place is supposed to abandon the image of gays and corssdressers and emphasize that we arent trying to be women, just enjoy wearing the footwear which is only manufactured to be put out in the ladies department. i cant see the link to feminine features about a piece of leather with a bit of wood at the back, only that people accept it as so. it snot like other female stuff, eg a dress, which is shaped to a womans figure, or a miniskirt to hug their asses. At the end of the day, we all have the same legs.

  4. l like its the weight of an elephant or something in comparison holding me back, but once im away from that and ive took the step out, you couldnt stop me for all the money in the bank of england. i love it. i just need that initial push. Im sure that will eventually become easier. lookin forward to a great day. ive always been fond of london whatever the reason to visit, nothing like a trip to oxford st and a quick visit to a mcdonalds :lol: also looking forward to joining Heelfan with his ovation to our legends Fox, xa & co...

  5. i do read the sun and as yo usaid fox it is for a light read for the not so thick bank workers like myself (here i go again) but it seems to be the type of stuff most people take notice of anditd be nice to see something in there to break down the barrier for the lads that wanna do what they want

  6. why do so many of the statements apply to me. i must be an adict too :lol: not that i care i admit i am. I think the one id like to be more familiar with is when im walkin down the street in my heels, they become so natural that i forget ive even got them on. itd be a nice milestone. hopefully might kick in at the London meet as i will have nothing under 4.5in with me

  7. was an article in The Sun today, said high heels proven not to damage knees of women, but the problems are linked with being overweight. was slightly annoyed how the paper outlined that w'women' can now be ok to wear heels. It seems us lads would benefit by a good word from the tabliods.

  8. it was the best moment that i can remember when my gf was agreeable about my heels. Id played it smart for a while cos she is a special lady and not wanting to put her off so quick i played it smoothly. After jokin around saying i was gonna buy some heels and saying why shouldnt i etc she said i wouldnt be able to walk in them as they kill her feet. I challenged her to find me the highest pair she could so i could prove her wrong. And she did, but 4' is high to her, and it was an easy win. She thought i was jokin when i said the shoes wasnt just so i could prove her wrong, but soon realised i wasnt when i wore them again and again. Shes now fine about it and its nice to have the support. I think once she saw that it didnt look that bad, she wasnt bothered, i think the mental image of a man in girly shoes plays horror tricks in some minds.

  9. so far in my not so long experience ive noticed that its girls that notice more. U get some puzzled looks as if they are really makin sure that they really saw pointy toes on a mans feet then they give you a puzzled look. That happened loads of times when we went down blackpool front. The lads dont usually bother to look, but its them that would bother me if any. They either wanna make an excuse for a fight of try to embarrass you, and new people to this get embarrased easily as you get into a bit of Me vs World feeling when you go out in heels. Thanks for that tho xa!

  10. OK confirmed will be there on saturday for 1st meet, in heels for definate, complete with stilettos in a bag now i have the 'protection from the crowd' so to say from our veterans. Should be one of the early ones as my train gets in to Kings X at about 9.20 all things being ok. I hope i can locate you all bearing in mind i dont know what anyone looks like :lol: Also ive just made an investment for a nice new digital camera capable of some nice pictures for the board should anyone be interested. Ive become quite fond of it, so this will be accompanying me instead of Jade (ho ho). No im not that cruel but she couldnt make it so im all alone but lookin forward to it as the days tick closer

  11. Name: Darren Age: 20 Gender: Male Location: England Occupation: Banking Height: 173cm 5'8" Weight: 10st 4 Shoe size: uk8/9 What's your favourite heel style: Stiletto What's your favourite shoe style: Ankle boots Do you wear your heels outside: Not as often as id like, but workin on it What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 4.5inch (:lol: Your highest heel height: 4.5inch How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: When i can get chance (:lol: Your highest heel height: as above Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Socks with boots. Anything else you wish to add: Workin upwards still an outdoor novice, but as above im workin on it

  12. How did all you people (if you have) release the news to the people who know you well, e.g. friends and family. We all know in our heads that its our choice etc, but how have you gained acceptance with people. My gf is fine with it, but i know my mate would find it amsing and probably call me gay, and wouldnt be interested in an explanation, and im not sure how my family would react. My heeling so far has been out or away from home, but as you can probably imagine, hiding 3 pairs of shoes can be quite tricky especially when youre trying to get them in and out :lol:

  13. not a problem. im determined not to give up on the day, even having the nerve to go from the car at doncaster station (i think) the trouble is round here, there is a lot of druinked up yobs a lot of the time, plenty of pubs and stuff. I just meant to xaphod how does he signal down these idiots when they laugh. Yes you are right, these veteran heelers eg Firefox + xaphod etc are an inspiration and its always good to hear their opinion on what you think. Im sure it will be a good day next week. daz

  14. hi xaphod nice to finally speak with another 'legend' so to speak. just wanna ask, ionic said you waved off a group of teenagers that was laughing. In what way do you ignore these fools. my trouble is been round about their age t 20, i always fear that i might get my head kicked in, some gangs like an excuse for a fight

  15. dont know about others but i think as a fashion item the designer needs shooting as these are dire. on the other hand with the heel made quiet, under some long jeans they may cover up as a pair of normal trainers for us streetheelers

  16. i hate to blow my own trumpet, but i seem to always have been able to cope with a decent heel size without any obvious outdoor continuous experiences like teenage girls who seem to live in heels (unfair). Ive mucked about with heels since i was small, i'e my mothers and have quietly owned a few pairs, although i never went through the door. But for example i was at sutton on sea with my gf (Jade) and we walked along the quiet sea front path, for a couple of miles, then back in my 4.5 inch boots, and it didnt seem to bother me at all. I know some people might find that hard to believe but it is true.

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