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Posts posted by WobbleFan

  1. Well, we finally discussed this matter. It turns out she's not digging the heels thing at all. The rare occasions she does wear heels in the house, it's just to indulge me. She just can't see the point of it. To her, it's just uncomfortable and makes her feel uncomfortable too. No spectacular high heels for my wife then. It doesn't mean she won't wear heels at all, but she limits them to 8 cm max (little over 3 inches) and stilletos are out of the question. This subject is now closed between us. Too bad, but such is life. I'm still married to this wonderful woman. :evil:

  2. Give her a chance to work up to them. This takes time and practice to master a heel like that.

    I agree. The problem however is that I can't find a way to motivate her to practice.

    I like the look of them. How high are they?

    I agree. They're absolutely fabulous. The outer sole is man made, but the rest is a high quality leather. They fit her perfectly and shoe looks absolutely stunning in them. Untill she gets up that is. At the moment, I don't think she'd be able to walk the length of the living room without help in them.

    Anyway, they're 12cm high, wich would be close to 5 inches. That's high by any standard.

    Does she wear heels at any time? Inquiring readers would like to know.

    She does wear shoes and boots with a three inch heel, but the heels are much wider then these.
  3. <<SNIP>>So if we assume that your wife has no physical limitations that would prevent her from wearing the shoes, your first order of business is to find out what it is SHE wants and make it point to give it to her. And I don't mean bargain, I mean GIVE! Usually, when she is well-pleased her natural reaction will be to please you.

    Well, she has a thing for me sporting a two-day beard... :-) The thing is, and maybe that's the major issue here, she doesn't really care for stuff like that. But maybe I'm not quite getting your meaning here. Do you mean: going out for a great dinner, al dressed up nicely and so forth? Not to brag, but we do go out for good dinners regularly, and I do mean good, sometimes even Michelin star restaurants. And she'll dress up nice, but wouldn't even consider wearing these shoes. But then again, it might be the height.

    Pfew, it keeps coming to the fact that I need to discuss this with her. Strange as it might be, I find it hard to bring up the subject. Although we're completely at ease in our marriage, on this subject, I still fear rejection.

    [My former girlfriend had quite a few physical issues that prevented her from wearing heels in public. But because I did my best to keep her pleased, she made it a point to wear heels for me at home.

    OK, point taken. We need more wine, tonight! I think :evil:

  4. If she'll wear lingerie where no one else is looking, will she wear heels where no one else is looking?

    No, that's not how I meant it. She wears designer lingerie on an almost daily basis. What I meant to say is: no-one will notice the lingerie because it's covered by her clothes.

    Even when we're in the privacy of our home, she still doesn't feel like wearing high heeled shoes.

    What do other women who live around you wear? A lot of women try to fit in. If she sees other women going to church in the good flip-flops, it may be very hard for her to go out in public in shoes like that, gorgeous though they are.

    Well, that might be part of the issue. This part of Holland isn't famous for the taste women around here display when it comes to the choice of footwear. I've been to London on a business trip recently and during that one day I've seen more women in high heels then I normally do in a year at home. Just to illustrate the point here.

  5. Wouldn't it be easier if we just scrapped the whole measuring system madness and went with one uniform measure that everybody could agree on? For example we could have something like a zotny that is equal to some precise measure - say 50000 angstroms - and then have everything measured in those terms. But even if we did, somebody would probably come alone and screw that up too. :evil:


    Yeah, using *that* scale would probably do the trick! Let's hope Alternative Footwear knows which shoes are my 565987 zotny...

  6. Well, I can see why these are not recommended for walking. They arrived this morning and I'm positive I won't be able to walk in them what so ever :-) Unfortunately, I got the whole sizes thing mixed up with UK, US and European sizes, so I'm returning them to be exhanged for a smaller sized pair. They're way too large, even for me. Anyway, these shoes are a size 12 US, 10 UK and the heel is exactly 17 cm, so well over 6.5 inches! No way I'm walking in these. <<edit>> I did a re-check on the ruler I used to measure the heels. They're actually 17.5cm, that's is 6.9 inches! No wonder.... <</edit>> But boy, they look fabulous, sort of aggresive, but beautiful at the same time. I'll keep you posted. WobbleFan

  7. Okay,

    Ask yourself this, does she look incredible in them or do they look incredible on her?

    I think this could be the key to her wearing them.

    Do you want her to wear them or the shoes to be worn?

    If the shoes need to be worn, get a pair in your size, if she looks fantastic in them, tell her that it is all about her.


    Allright, point taken. Let me refrase your honour :-)

    I'd really like my wife to wear high heels, because I think she looks terrific in them. Besides, I think all women should consider wearing high heels more often. The world would be much more beautifull.

    Allthough I have told her she looks great in them, I may have not made myself completely clear. The funny thing is, though, with lingerie, there's no discussion. But then again if she wears that, no-one will see and she won't be sticking out of the crowd.

    So, has anyone had the same experience with their wife, or can one of the gals comment on this?



  8. Hi All,

    The first thing my wife said when she opened the box was: "Wow, if I can walk in them, I'll wear them!"

    She tried them on twice in 6 months since and never even tried to walk a single step in them. They look absolutely increadible on her! Does anyone have a constructive idea how I can help my wife with these shoes?

    I know, this has probably been asked a zillion times already, but to make it up, here's two shots of the shoes. :evil:


    Posted Image

    Posted Image

  9. Hi all, I've found a pair of 6 1/2 inch oxford on alternative-footwear.co.uk. It's the Scream 18 Oxfords. I'd like to buy them, but there's a note that says these shoes aren't recommended for walking. Does anybody know what they mean? Is it because of the height or is this a flimsy shoe that'll fall apart after a few steps? Thanks for your help. WobbleFan

  10. Wobbling isn't neccessarily due to the heels being too high, but something the wearer often allows to happen as it's such a great tease.

    I can see that and that would certainly be great to see. To me however, the whole picture is important. Posture, wobbling, the lady in question might be a little off balance, that'd really make my day. Would a heels wearer be able to give such a display on purpose?


  11. Hi All, Recently stumbled on this forum. This is great! A little about myself. I'm married, a father of two beautiful little girls from The Netherlands. I work in the IT business. I've been obsessed with high heels since puberty, but it's gotten increasingly intense. Women that wobble on their too-high heels is probably the second most stimulating thing in life, immediately after my wife's lovely body. Unortunately, in the area I live in most women don't see the point of wearing heels. Athough I've bought my wife several pairs of very nice heels, she hardly wears them. A couple of times a year, she'll indulge me in the bedroom. I wear my wife's shoes as well and that's a thrill, but it's still a long way off from the real thing. Even on the internet, there's not much stuff I can find on this. Anyway, in this forum I hope to find likeminded people and maybe even some tips. I'm glad to be in! WobbleFan

  12. Being new to this wonderful forum I did some searching in older posts. That's where I found this old thread. To me wobbling and teetering is not just mildly erotic, it's my biggest fascination! And the best thing is, in this forum I found out that I'm not the only one on this planet that thinks so. Heelfan, thanks for this! By the way, I did some reading on this and it seems the Damsel in distress thing does actually wake up some very old instincts in men that force hem to protect women. The more vulnerable a woman looks, for instance because she has a problem with the height of her heels, the more (some) men will be drawn to her. Works for me at least. :roll: Heelfan, the pictures seem to have gone, any chance of a repost?

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