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Posts posted by FreeMannWorld

  1. Yeah, that's come up once or twice -- there is a poll on that subject: http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/everybody/6007-minimum_height_high_heel.html

    I think the numbers came out to 3.5".

    And there was a poll about how to make the determination: http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/everybody/5929-how_high_high.html?highlight=how+high+is+high

    I am certain the subject has been addressed in a number of the older threads too.

    Then, on the subject of ugly shoes (only if you dare!): http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/everybody/1992-your_worst_idea_ladys_shoe_fun_pics_please.html

    (Un-) Fortunately, most of the picture links have died. This thread was hilarious in its day.

    It´s this a free sith.......? i have seen otters post ther flats to here i can´t see its eny harm done.... Ohhhh Btw No i don´t i the mood to get Mad over this... But you relly getting on to my fellings here.... :rocker:

  2. As a matter of fact most shoes pictures in this thread can make a high heel lover puke. Shouldn't there be at a least minimum heel height for anyone to claim to talk about high heels? I mean there are few threats talking about what minimum height of a High Heel should be the. It is of course a matter of perception and shoes size but please give me a break with a few of the shoes that are being posted here. :rocker:

    Come on give me a break... If you don´t my shous kick out off this sith and i will post eny more... No need to YELL.... Well go on do go up to sky over otters to ho Post ther Falt here ? hope not

  3. Had a LAN yesterday with Loads of Call of Duty2 games played. I also enjoy Warcraft Frozen throne and F.E.A.R. Combat.

    I've got a small AMD 939 4400+ dual core with 2gb RAM, MSI 7800GS and 950gb harddisks. Gaming Rules!!

    Hehhe Yeah Lan Party is lotz off fun :rocker: Nice PC you have then... Hmmm you have 100GB HardDrive more then me :biggrin: heheh

  4. PC Yeah Oblivion...Heroes of Might and Magic V....Roma Victor....F.E.A.R.....Call of Duty2...Anarchy Online..... Love MMORPG... If you like you can see my "littel" Pc 2@ my Photo Buket link :biggrin: P4930D 3,0@3,8 XFX7900GT 550/1630@578/1754 OC Love it and WaterCooling Rocks :irked: All made by my self... Next step on it is to paint it Black indside and get 1 more 7900GT for SLi and drill some holds for the Cables.... Sorry my happy ness for it got me up and running :rocker:

  5. That is a massive collection of shoes you have, many of which I find attractive. The ones pictured here are not me though. I much prefer leather soles and a narrower wedge.

    :rocker: Well yeah i have 1 ore 2 pairs off shoes :irked:

    I can say the last pic i postet i got today and i have use them yet, well i deside to wher them to the movie true the night today, so that 8 houres for a brand new pair off boots and NO complains at all from me ore nobody els..... Tho merby all ind this days are to bissy to shop for chrismas :biggrin:

  6. How to discover that your man is cross dresser • He has a HUGE box of clothes hidden in the garage. • He keeps the pink sunglasses you found at the beach. • Your husband doesn't mind holding your purse for you while you shop. • Buys Fredrick of Hollywood stock to get the annual report. • He packs his own bags for business trips - and takes a suitcase where an overnight bag would suffice. • His eyebrows have a better arch than yours do. • He has both ears pierced "by accident"! • He seems to *really* enjoy going to costume parties. • You seem to be going through more Make-up than usual. • He is on Hanes Outlet's Preferred Customer List • You come home and notice his lips are redder than usual. • He prefers Secret deodorant to Right Guard. • He has more silky underwear than you do. . . . • Your husband seems to know more about makeup than you do. • Your husband asks you a lot of questions about fashion. • Your husband likes to browse through women's shops with you. • Your husband likes to watch female impersonators on the talk shows. • Your husband doesn't mind you taking your time to get ready. • Your husband watches you intently as you get ready. • Your husband's fingernails are well manicured. • Your husband knows more about skin care than anyone you know. • Your husband likes to fix your hair. • Your husband denies wanting to wear women's clothes. • Your underwear seems stretched out. • It appears as if someone has rummaged through your things. • Your husband likes to get chatty and share experiences. • Your husband looks at a voluptuous beautiful girl and comments on her shoes. • Your husband is catty about other women and what they are wearing. • Your husband takes you to see "The Bird Cage", "Queen of the Desert", "Tootsies", or to female impersonator shows. Or if you own these videos. • Your husband is able to accessorize you. • Your husband doesn't have a problem buying you items that are exclusively for women while you are not with him. • Your husband finds excuses to shave his legs. • He "mistakenlingly" buys you women's clothes that are actually his size and never gets around to returning them. • Your husband stays on internet chats all night as “Darla”. • Your husband takes longer to get ready than you do. • You catch your husband looking at women's magazines, or has a subscription to Victoria's Secret in his name. • Your husband has mangled fingernails where he has removed glue-on nail tips. Benefits: 1.He won't mind waiting on you or your girlfriends and he won't forget to curtsey. 2.If you need a slip for that new dress you bought and he happens to have the perfect one, and lets you borrow it. 3.You can switch off wearing the high heels while on a long shopping spree. 4.A man in a dress makes a good cook. 5.He loves to smell perfume and will give you an honest opinion. 6.You can test a new shade of lipstick on him. 7.If you purchase something for your home, it won't be too feminine. 8.At least the toilet seat will be down. 9.He is a lot easier to buy gifts for. 10.He knows just the right way to make love, takes his time and knows just what makes you tick! 11.He will understand much better that the best thing a girl can have when she feels down is new clothes 12.If he buy's you clothes, you know he sizes them right 13.You can take him to the hair salon with you and he will sit quietly while you both get your hair done and he will never complain. In fact he will thank you. 14.The only time he will ever care if you wear curlers to bed is if he has to wear the oversized rollers. 15.He understands why you don't care for spending 8 hours a day in pantyhose and high heels 16.Never complains about leaving delicate underwear out to dry 17.You have a girlfriend who doesn't get PMS. 18.He will not only shop with you but pay the bill as well! 19.He knows how to handle delicates when he does the laundry 20.Satin and velvet are more snugly than denim and wool. 21.He understands the need for quality cosmetics. 22.You have even more excuses to go shopping, and he will even carry the bags. 23.You can borrow his jewellery, clothes & makeup. 24.He understands why you go through so many pairs of stockings. 25.He no longer expect you to get ready for a night on the town in 15 minutes or less. 26.The world needs more feminists in lipstick. 27.You can take the Cosmo quizzes together. 28.You can ask him how an outfit looks, and get an intelligent response. 29.His new friends don't spend all day watching football. 30.He knows to walk slow when you're wearing heels. 31.If he says "Hon, you look nice." you know he really means it. 32.He can spot makeup smudges better than any other guy. 33.He's like having a live in cosmetologist 34.He loves to go shopping with you and watch you try on clothes 35.He knows how to treat a lady with care, sensitivity and respect 36.He's a girl friend that will stick around and won't flake out on you or stab you in the back 37.He loves to dress up and have long chat sessions 38.You can have a threesome without adding another partner 39.If you've ever been bi-curious you can experiment a little 40.You know one of you will have a tissue with you when you need it 41.Dress him up in a French Maid's Uniform and you have a house cleaner for the day

  7. looks comfy and something i'd get for my lady when she's not in the mood for heels


    :evil: Yeah do that... She gona love ypu :D I shure love them..

    But my Mom don´t lol. Well she don´t like my heels ither....

  8. Hiya

    If you find any more like this then please do PM me the link and I will .pdf the pages for permanent reference and include them into the articles section of the high heel community if thats ok....

    nothing worse than the linked website removing the page and a year later others cant find it :D

    I have just .pdf'd this one and will add it shortly when I get a moment to update all the articles on the news/advice/articles section

    Oki i will Try to rember it! :evil:

    Ohhhhh BTW.. Is ther eny on here ho like to say some words to a Paper/Tv (Public) about Menn and Nylons!!

    www.legwear.dk (Oven by a Woman Sara.. Ho just need some menn to promote Nylons for menn http://fashionblog.dk/?post=54#Comments

  9. Well i can only say for myself. It´s just not the Heels but more the varision off type off what you can get for grils i miss for mann, Low, High, mid, dossen matter for me. Just like some more for menn, but you can´t have it so what is ther to do.. :evil: Ono otter thing is that Most off the shoes for menn that are comfoterble look like something from otter space :D But take Acher for girls GOOD looking AND comfoterble! And i Haet the BIG GOFFY look on mens shoes!

  10. Nice Shoes!!! I have some from Bronx ind light brown! Yes Mikey63 We need to rember 1 thing! (From my experisen) When you go ind and take some from a Girl the often gets offendet by it.. Not like us men when grils take some offe ower stuff, "We don´t care" but the thing "Stay away for MY sthuff" That what i thing!! Secrto.... Greet heals btw!!! Love thos kinde off boots! Mikey63 you are so right!! """By all means be more discrete if you wish, but whatever you do there will always be people who react in that way, its just a reaction to something they dont approve of. I guarantee you'd get the same response if you did something as simple as getting your nose pierced.""" Well some off us here do allsoe look when Gooth...Etc come bye!!! Not don´t mind it, but WE ind here just look and thing what the hell!!

  11. Well i thing THER is no right time for a good talk betvine 2 persones... 1 just need to open op for the bag... Sorry to sayed it but u ther have so much ind u head to thing about, Let it come out ind a good way now, rader ind a "NOW I CAN`T HANDEL IT ENY MORE I AM GONE FOR GOOD" ....Plzzz i not sayed it to head eny boutty.... But if u can´t talk about something like this ( YES it´s hard i no) u both can´t handel the futher he/you NEED to TALK sorry to say it..... Yes merby he will get mad but it will get good ind the end! We men are protreting over pride! we do not like to be called cissys just becruse we are drifent...

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