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Posts posted by Sway

  1. Well I dont know what to think, should I get my hopes up? :lol:

    I fired off a volley of emails yesterday to every address I could find for the company from my work address (thinking I may be on a blocked sender list). Guess what I got a response stating my boots were shipped standard international mail on October 29th.

    So now I wait again for 2 to 3 weeks to see if they arrive and what they look like. I dont know what they are sending me due to the lack of returned mail and me giving them the option to change the toe and heel to make the process easier. Guess its a grab bag chance..........

    I have a cold 12 pack in the frig im going to :drinking: and then :sleeping: it's been a long year.



  2. Hi Bubba136, In my last email to them that was answered I asked for a delivery date or refund and was told they would go out next week. I dont mind waiting several months for a pair of custom made shoes/boots just to get something that fits and looks nice. This being my first pair of customs has left me a little leery of ordering anymore. I cant find anybody with within a reasonable distance on the East Coast that I can drive to and be fitted. I have though of calling them on the phone but the person I have been working through is the only one that speaks English, so what if he is not there at the moment. More money lost on the boots and if I were able to speak to him I could get the same thing. It would be very nice and much appreciated if there is a person on this board that lives near Le Boupere-France that could drop and see whats going on. I did send emails to Western Ranch and The Little ShoeBox asking if they could make a pair of ankle boots like this "http://www.silhouette.nl/fotoos/volledig/2418-10-5.jpg" . Next time I will have to get some type of guarantee of delivery time or a refund. My credit card holder will not refund anything over 90 days from original purchase so 2 to 3 months sounds like a delivery time. As for getting a lawyer I dont know if the expense would be worth it for $326.00 just more money tied up in the same pair of boots I may or may not ever receive. I hope the high heels gods are not angry with me for some reason :lol:

  3. Hi Gang, I ordered a pair of custom-made high heel knee boots October 4th of last year. I did receive a pair a 2 months later on December 16 they were too tight and had a different style heel than pictured on their web page. Dont get me wrong they were a nice looking pair of boots. To my untrained eye it looked like a rush job, the shaft was made to fit my leg but the lower foot part looked like a standard off the shelf size 45 and that size was stamped on the boot sole. My shoe size is a US 13EEE (Euro size 47 ?) and this was made clear to them before I placed the order and they said we can make them. I sent them back to the manufacture in France and customs held them wanting 20% tax paid on them because I had indicated an insured value. I filled out the customs form like they asked but Im not mailing a pair of boots that I paid several hundred dollars for uninsured. The manufacture finally received the boots back on March 11th of this year so there goes 6 months of waiting. I have sent many emails to this company and received a few back most with excuses, customs held them, I sent the wrong measurement the first time?, the main key maker for the boots had been sick and in the hospital but was back part time with an enormous back log. June 4th I was told they would be ready for shipping mid June. Another email and a response back on July 8th they were having a problem making the last wide enough and it was trail and error hope to have them read to ship later this month. I tried to be flexible and sent another email on July 12 saying if the boot style was causing a problem due to the width and the boot has a semi pointed toe to change it to a square toe boot with a matching heel he said they would look at it. After waiting another month I sent an email and he said they were closed until August 21st for summer vacation and he would send me an update when he returned, still waiting...... I started sending emails in early September and got a response back that he had just returned from trade shows and would let me know something ASAP, still waiting....... On September 27 I sent yet another email and received one back the same day saying they would be shipped next week. Well the week of September 30 has came and gone and its now October 29th he will no longer answer my emails asking for a shipping date and what mail service they used. Im rambling but this is a rant form and was just wondering if anybody here has had similar problems. I will give them a plus for the quality of boot they sent the first time very nice and some of you have boots in you collection from this boot maker. Can any body here recommend a good boot maker that will deliver and not leave you hanging in the wind to twist....... :x Am I asking too much ? Thanks, I feel better now. Kelly

  4. Well for me its the 518s they are just right along with the Old Navy Low Rise. I find them very comfortable compared to the mens style jeans. The rise is about 2 1/2 to 3 inches lower than the typical men's jeans so they button just below your stomach and not across it. They feel a little strange at first and you worry about you crack showing when you set down or bend over but these jeans are fairly safe. Just remember to wear a nice thong just incase you would happen to put on a little show :smile: I think they look real good on a guy or girl but leave the ultra low rise like the girl above for the women guys are just not built for that. Women can show a lot but the guys only need to give a little peek aver now and then :grin:

  5. Hi Gang, I fell in love with the girls low rise look last year. Being a teenager of the 70's the look went out of style before I could get into it. I went to the mall and tried on some of the womens Levis 518 last year and just had to have them only problem is I'm 6'5" but you can special order up to a 40 inch inseam from Levis "Original Spin" arond $80.00 :smile: So I bit the bullet and ordered a pair with at 36 inch inseam "really shows the shoes". The first time I wore them out a girl told me she loved my jeans just when I walked into the bar, friend of my but that made me feel good. Didn't get any comments on the PayLess ankle boots with a 2 inch block heel but I felt I was pushing it enough for the time, I had dropped 65 pounds over the summer that was a shock to alot of my friends along with the look. I put in an order last week for a pair with a 39 inch inseam and just cant wait till they get here so I can get my blade heel boots out :grin: and go :drinking: Don't mess with the guy's jeans I have tried them on and they are nice but too loose and not much lower than the standard.... Keep them low and tight with the right top + heels = fun :grin: Kelly

  6. Hello All, Thought I would drop in and say hello to everyone and look around the new message board. Nice place! I haven't posted anything lately due to chronic foot problems that were brought on by high heel court shoes, guess I’m a little put off by them right now. Several years back I use to wear 5-inch stiletto heels in the house and on Halloween. I took several years off and this past summer I decided to get ready for Halloween again :smile: I bought a new pair of 5 inch pumps and started the stretching procedure to get them wide enough for my feet. Boy what you loose by not wearing them often! I stared with little short trips around the house and up and down the side walk several times a week working up wearing them for an hour or so everyday after a couple of months. Things were going well till I got up one morning and it felt like I had a pebble stuck to the bottom of my left foot?. A quick inspection reveled nothing so I though it must be bruised. I backed off on my training to little short trips across the room and back once a week but the problems got worse I had already done the damage. Morton's Neuroma between the 3rd and 4th toe in both feet, this feels like you have pebble in your shoes. Sesamoidtis in the joint of the big toe in both feet (pain in the ball of the foot) all this aggravated by Metatarsalgia the inflammation of the metatarsal heads in the ball of the foot. This has been going on for about 5 months now and after many trips to the doctor, 12 visits to the rehab center for Iontophoresis treatment, 3/4 length orthotics, Metatarsal pads, a cortisone injection, anti-inflammatory medication and a pair of very ugly but comfortable shoes I’m not better. My feet rejected the orthotics after about a month, I then went to the metatarsal pads and after a week or two I was no longer able to wear them.....B) I have several other options, alcohol injections to the Neuroma’s twice a week for about 5 or 6 weeks to kill the nerve or surgery to remove the Neuroma. Also this is getting expensive. People don’t buy shoes unless they fit, I thought they could be stretched like my others had but age and other factors worked against me. Anybody else here had these problems or have any suggestions. TripleEEE

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