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Posts posted by e

  1. I used to think it was no contest between Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer for best legs on the morning news shows. But this week I've noticed that Katie is back to wearing her 5 inch pumps Monday and Diane was right with her this morning. Is the high heel "war" escalating? I'd say the audience wins.

  2. I thought the question was pretty straight-forward. We can all rate someone else's footwear good, bad, or in different. I thought it would be interesting to hear some of the gals rate their own choice of footwear, for instance, where they work. Are you more in fashion , i.e. stilettos, at certain times,compared to others? Do you set the "pace" at certain times, or do you look to others at certain times?

  3. I drive past one office everyday and watch the women heading out to their cars,especially if I'm stopped by the light. There seems to be peer pressure at "work" to at least wear some kind of heeled shoe. Virtually all the gals, regardless of age, wear a heel, even in pants. Mind you, not the kind we like on this board very often, but occasionally there will be an above average sight to see. Do anyof you ladies feel peer pressure to wear some kind of heel at work? Perhaps at church? Or at one particular friend's house? Or some other event? Thanks for sharing.

  4. Went to a summer wedding yesterday, and I can report that only the 14-16 olds were wearing high heels. Why do so many good looking adult ladies cede the "high heel" ground to the young teenagers in the summer months The wife was even remarking on the young ladies shoes...

  5. It seems to me that the board has become a little dull lately. I've also noticed that some of the hh sites I used to visit regularly are not being updated like they have in the past. Maybe we can build up some enthusiasm and give some folks incentives to update (or start?) a new site. I will rate Missy's High Heels as my favorite sight right now. Hers seems to change most frequently. Sensual Sara is good, but the updates have really fallen off... What are your favorites?

  6. I've seen the Sara Evans music video on the CMT channel several times. I'm NOT a country-music fan, but I must say pretty girl, pretty song, pretty shoes. What do you think of her shoes? I'd love to find a pair for the wife...

  7. ...In our household, I probably pick out most of the wife's dress shoes. She picks out most of her work shoe and boots. In other words, the mundane stuff. Since she usually takes a size 11, I think she was "traumitized" as a teenager going into shoe stores and not finding much in her size. She will rarely go into a shoe store herself and even pick up anything that looks dressy,let alone sexy. Sometimes it's a push, but I think she's glad I extend her shoe wardrobe beyond her picks. Who picks out most of the lady's footwear in your household, her or her S/O ? Is there a little tension in the choices, or is it a bonding thing? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-04-09 20:11 ]</font>

  8. Your own words explain what to do... "I can't wear one pair of shoes all of the time. Yet how do I continue to develop my skills for five inch heels and beyond? I admit, I am a bit depressed..." This may be sacrilegious on this board, but I think you're heading for disaster with your feet if you wear 5"+ heels eight hours a day and weekends. I believe everything in moderation is usually best. Variety in your heel heights will not only help your feet, it will help your disposition. And the folks around you will enjoy the variety. We know which days will be special. EVERYONE will have something to look forward to. IMHO.

  9. When you want the attention, do you ever do anything "extra" or unusual to draw attention to your footwear? I'm thinking about how you might stand, tapping, dangling,etc. Or perhaps you've found yourself doing something unconsciously that drew extra attention. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Let's face facts. A small minority of women wear high heels regularly.The gal that "lives" in her high heels compared to other types of footwear is few and far between. But they are out there! My question: what does the woman have to overcome to wear high heels on more than rare or special occasions? Is it how the heels feel or how they look?

  11. I certainly notice, but I've always wondered what the gal who is wearing the highest heels in a room is thinking? At work, a restaurant, a wedding, a church,etc. Do you mentally notice the other footwear and see where you "stand"?

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