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Posts posted by Maninheels

  1. I wear polish openly FAR more than wear heels in public. I live in sandals in the summer and my toes are polished all year long. Same applys as for the heels, those who notice usually say nothing, those who have it has all been positive. I have had several women tell me they wished that they could get their husbands to take care of their feet.

  2. SF, have always liked the way ballet flats look but I have not ever been able to find a pair that feel good on my feet. I stick mainly to sandals and a smattering of heels.

  3. I polish mine all the time and wear them openly with sandals a lot. My wife and I are going on a cruise in July and we will be getting a pedicure before we go and will only take sandals on the trip.

  4. I have not seen any information for this site posted anywhere else so my apologies if it has already been posted. I was looking around and found this article about an out-of-work shoe salesman who started a business that sells women's shoes in mens sizes only and up to size 15. I think the prices are a bit high for the shoes but where else are you going to find sizes like that for men. I am fortunate enough to wear a size 10 in women's but I though there might be others here that would be interested.



  5. Agree very much with this.

    But if ye look at the stories here and other forums a lot of woman/men don't agree with this.

    They think: A man has to be a man and look like a man

    Just because a man has on a pair of heels does not mean that that he is not being and does not look like a man. I am know that there are those out there that disagree with me on that to me those are just the people that have the social stigma stuck in their heads because they are too afraid to form their own opinion.

  6. I very much enjoying being a man so I would have to say no, I have not ever wished to be a woman. What I have wished for is that society on a whole was not as judgmental as they are and that they would realize that at one time a good portion of the things woman wear and claim as their own was originally worn by men. But with that said I am getting to the point in my life where I could really care less what others think, I have a great wife that supports me in all I do so I am no longer interested in the irrational social pressures to conform. I know that myself as well as some others have said this before on this site but it is always worth saying again; in two generations no one will know who I was let alone what I wore when I was on top of the dirt...

  7. Woohoo! Good for you. I really like the sandal wedges. I think we all should be who we are, in two to three generations no one will remember our names let alone what we wore when we were on top of the dirt. Enjoy it while you can. :-)

  8. I do not ever "encourage" my children to do anything other than to be who they are. I always have and always will support my children in the person that they are and hope that they never feel they have to hide their personality to fit-in anywhere. So the real answer to the question is that I would not ever encourage them to wear heels but I would support them if that was their choice.

  9. I second that! I am sure that would cause some re-consideration of this ridiculous proposal...


    What? My response isnt what people expected? Lemme explain..

    Make ALL the ' girls ' INCLUDING the Female Staff put into a set of parameters that encompasses Skirts, Shoes ( no sneakers of any kind ), Blouses and a required pair of tights/hose/socks. Absolutely NO trousers of ANY kind!

    Make ALL the ' boys ' including the Male Staff members wear Shoes, Socks, Trousers ( no shorts at all ), Collared shirts and a tie.

    Have those proposing this ' rule ' all adhere to the SAME rule as the one thats being made by them. Lead by example!

    ALSO : Ditch ALL cosmetics/makeup, this includes the Adult Staff! Only allowable ' jewelry ' is a wedding band.

    See how well this ' rule ' holds or is supported when brought into a real perspective. Have it for ALL or have it for NONE. I dont think those ' making the rules ' would like to be held accountable to their own deeds anymore.

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