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Posts posted by Fred87

  1. Hi Malinheels

    I met MrsF when a co worker (female) asked if she come out on a night out with me and my male friends. I said yes and she asked if her friend could come.

    She told me MrsF was married so I was polite to her during the night out but didn't take that much notice as I was mainly with the lads, of course we ensured the two girls were ok.

    We went out about two weeks later, same group of people and my friend told me that MrsF, although still married was in fact separated from Her husband, during the evening I spoke to MrsF quite a bit and things began to click. She was a mad fanatical supporter of my beloved football club, she liked wearing high heels and short skirts and as the evening progressed I began to realise what a lovely girl she was.

    We went out the following week for the third time and this time we knew we liked each other, by the end of the evening we were officially a couple.

    At this point I was happy to have a girlfriend but as I had only split up with my wife of 17 years a few months before it was my intention to have some fun and not to get into a serious relationship for a while.

    However, after only a few days I knew there was something special about MrsF so I told her about my love of heels and that I would like her to wear extremely high heels, she obliged without hesitation.

    After 10 days I though ok be honest from from the start and nervously told her I liked wearing heels as well. She told me it wasn't a problem and told me she loved me. We went shopping for heels for both of us two days later and so began my relationship with my perfect girl.

    WOW ! Great story, May you two be blessed with many years of fun happy marriage.:silly:

  2. Already did, nobody joined it. I guess for the same reason people dont use their real names here... Facebook is connected to peoples friends, families and personal lives, and seemingly very few are willing to openly share with their friends/family that they "like" hhplace...

    You can imagine the questions from those who see it....

    If I could Share on facebook the way I do here, I'd sign up, But this is why I'm here and Thank you everybody for making me feel welcome.
  3. I would definitely agree with this. I originally caught the eye of my fiance because I was in heels. I do notice guys taking notice of me as I walk by. Some of their wives didn't approve of that.

    I agree with both the attractiveness of the sound and the physical apperence. Now do you ladies wear them to attract the attention or do you enjoy more the way the heels make you feel? So far my wife hasnt hit me yet, because I have definatly turned too look!

  4. I enjoy looking at open toe and straps provided the toes compliment the shoes and own a few pairs of each but only for myself. I've been in town a few times in over 3in heels but only closed toe. for what its worth. With or without hose or socks again depending upon toe appearance.

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