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Status Updates posted by eoneleg

  1. Nice to hear from you. And thanks for the mortorcycle configuration. Since I have only my left leg, I think that I should abandon any thoughts of riding. I am near Sarasota, FL and dating is confined to one man and depending on timing, don't know if a walk here would be a good idae, but try me anyhow. E

  2. Don't be concerned about your delay in responding, I just did it as well. Been out on business flying out in early am and back in late pm, try to make most trips without an overnight which is difficult, but I have tip money in my pocket for those that give me a hand. So much for self pity, sorry. Stilll trying to make the meet, but not looking good and disappointing. Will be on the west coast on business for three days including Sat evening. Still, I appreciate your friendliness and I am sure that if I do attend it will be a nice event. I have friends that are trying to get me to try one of their bikes. I don't know one from the other so I can't tell you what they are. My concern, not having seen any of the bikes is that the shifter is right footed and brake opposite. Don't k now if any are hand shifters. What can you tell me? And stopping, can only put down my left foot - sound reasonable? Maybe I should stay away. Nice to hear from you; always. E

  3. Don't do pics, sorry. I do have one that I am trying to get onto my page here, but time is a problem right now. Would it bother you that I use crutches. It does some men adn that's ok with me. E

  4. Nice! Would you prefer me in a 4" pointed toe pump with or without a sling, or I have several very nice very nude sandals and I could wear one of those. E

  5. If you wanted to take a walk in your heels I would be happy to accompany you, of course, in my heel. E

  6. OK i can wear only one shoe, but I will be in a heel and open for fun. E

  7. Thanks for your kind reply. I am trying to arrange it. Will let you know. E

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