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Posts posted by ashamedman

  1. Hello everyone, I'm a 25 year old mexican male. Might as well get it out where I will be received with open arms for my shoe preferences. I'm not gay, nor a transvestite, I would hate shaving, I love my goatee, the thing is that I just love pointy toe heels boots and pumps 4inch and higher. I would kill for a Di Marni pair of boots. Don't know why I started this affection but it was since I was a child, and I wore my moms heels, just liked the way they felt on my feet. But here's the thing, I don't own any pair of heels or boots and logically never wore them in public, specially where I'm from, small town next to the border in the US. I've talked with my girlfriend about it and she encourage that I shouldn't care what they say, and I love her for that and she let's me buy her the heels I would want to wear and wears them all the time. Hope to find a place here. And that one day I could walk proudly with my boot cut jeans, striped blue shirt, leather jacket and a pair of Di Marni boots... Even though the biggest size they make is 42 and I'm a 43. Thanks for everyones future support

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