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Status Updates posted by ashamedman

  1. Hola ljhh Yo soy de mexicali vi que estabas interesado en un heelmeet? Veo que no estas activo en el foro desde abril asi que no se si esto te llegue como una notificacion a tu correo Nos vemos

  2. Are you from mexico? If so what part? I'm from mexico too, and I'm looking for someone near by becuase I can't relate to anyone where I'm from and my girlfriend is in favor of wearing heels. But still I need to talk someone about it Laters!

  3. shes not that tall, but he makes up for it with 5inchers, ankle sandal boots with a platforma, round toed, pointy heels, but we have come a to conclusion that we both love ankle straps, and i found some on youtube, that are just fuckign gorgeous and i want to buy them those but i cant see to find them anywhere, you can find a psot from me in the Wanted section- Im from Mexicali. if you want you can add me to msn messenger or look for me on facebook with this email: ruben_mckoy@hotmail.com

  4. mine is not a heel fanatic, but since im taller than her, she started to getting into them, because she desnt want to be on her toes while i want a kiss of we are walking and she decided for super high heels

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