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Posts posted by Shafted

  1. Movies are something that I am a professional expert on. For much of the early days of cinema silent films relied on music for a sense of mood. It was lost for a bit with the first talkies or sound motion pictures of the 30's. By the mid 30's and early 40's it regained an important part of cinema for setting the mood of a film.


    While it is very difficult to choose a particular movie or score for that movie, Star Wars was a masterpiece of scoring and stands on it's own as a masterful piece of symphonic music even without it's film footage.


    It makes me want to spin that double record set of vinyl again tonight with the London Symphony Orchestra with John Williams conducting.

  2. Isn't it interesting how a woman touched your calves and nothing happens but the other way around would result in something a bit different I'll wager. Then again the average woman is paid less for the same job a man does. One of life's many strange comparisons. HappyinHeels

    But many women also enjoy the benefits of paid maternity leave. 9 months of wages paid for no work. Many do not consider this.

  3. I tried flying in heels when I returned from SF this weekend. It was a cool experience, even though the foot swelling is a problem. I did manage to fit into my new payless pumps upon landing, but the feet were quite swollen when I got home. I don't know if it's a problem healthwise.

    Swelling feet is a common problem when flying due to a drop in air pressure.

  4. No one, or at least myself, seems to know what gravity heels are. So, please explain or offer a pictorial of what they are. I've heard of cement shoes which are used to illegally weigh a cadaver down to the bottom of an area of water.

    Don't you mean a Cadaver to be?

  5. I will be flying to Phoenix here in the not too distant future.  The temptation is strong to wear heels for the flight but my wife will be picking me up inside the terminal.  Changing into sneakers before I get to the waiting area inside the terminal seems like a pretty lame thing to do.


    She "allows" me to wear heels out and about from time to time if I am cautious about my location.  She isn't comfortable going out with me and really, really does not want the, "Did I see your husband wearing heels?" question should I ever run into people that we know.


    So, I believe that respecting her boundaries looks like passing on this opportunity to wear heels while flying.




    Sounds like wives have even more fear to overcome than the guy wearing the heels.

  6. Yes, you're right. You don't want to provoke a fight. Good judgment is paramount, and sometimes it's better just to walk away than try to educate an idiot. Always look out for your own safety first. Getting beaten up over clothing is not a good outcome.



    Hence, my original comment.

  7. He will be missed. He worked as Spock up till the very end. That is just awesome dedication to a character that had an infinite future in Star Trek and is beloved by many who weren't even rabid fans of Star Trek. I wish Zachary Quinto (don'r know if I spelled that right), the now new Spock the best in filling his ears.

  8. As I have said in the past, heels have done wonders for my lower back.


    The reason for this is not much that you have to stand up straighter, but the heels induce a pelvic tilt forward which causes the spine to take on it's proper s-curve. This in turn causes the pressure to be evenly distributed on the discs. Simply standing up straight in flats will not accomplish this.

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