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Should Men Wear Heels?



Here is an great article from www.heelstoday.com about men wearing heels.


September 20, 2019 High heels for men High heels size 13 and up

Men In Heels

The concept of having men wear heels sounds very strange for a lot of people. And that’s because we are expecting the obvious.

Women are known to be the ones to wear heels, so when a man does that it’s very strange and quite a bit uncomfortable. Which is exactly why it’s important to know what men think about it.

Debate.org has created a poll where they asked the audience to see whether men should actually be wearing any type of heels or not. And it turns out that 35% of the men voted No, but 65% of them voted yes.

man in high heels black

What men think about wearing heels

Obviously, most men that agreed to the idea of wearing heels stated that they should wear heels in private. Which is a very important aspect to keep in mind here.

Men still want to impress their ladies and even do some role play. But that won’t really leave the comfort and safety of their home.

Those that are against men wearing heels go with the idea that this is not something masculine at all. It sounds and looks interesting, but it’s also a tad problematic as you don’t know what to expect with all this kind of stuff.

The primary focus when you wear high heels is to feel comfortable and to constantly try to push the boundaries yourself.

But doing that is not that simple for some men, so it can be rather daunting and demanding at the same time.

The problem with all of this is that men are expected to wear particular things and they are imposed these shoe types. Which is not fair.

Wearing what you like

Men and people, in general, should be able to wear whatever they want without having to deal with any restriction.

That really goes to show how important it is to focus on growth and value, and the quality itself can be very interesting and powerful at the same time here, which is exactly a crucial aspect.

We always wanted men to be more serious and to wear only shoes. But times have changed, we are in modern times and it’s important to allow men to wear whatever they want.

That’s a crucial thing, to open up a great range of new ideas as we bring in more support and outstanding options to the table. That’s definitely a tricky aspect, but with the right approach, nothing can stand in your way.

man in brown high heels

So, should men wear heels?

That’s up to every man and what he wants to do. No one should impose a person what to wear and how to do that.

If a man wants to wear heels and if he feels better doing that, then that’s all you need to know.

Of course, there are demanding situations along the way, but the results themselves are among some of the best. It’s just a great opportunity and the options themselves are among some of the best every time without any hassle.

We encourage you to wear high heels even if you’re a man, as you get to showcase your ideas and notions without rushing or imposing this idea to anyone.


I liked this article it is well written and echos closely how I feel about wearing heels. It is each man's choice as to what clothes he wear or shoes he choices to wear. While it is somewhat sad that a lot of the 65% that said they should wearing heels, yet they feel pressured by society to only wear them indoors. Hey I know what it feels like wanting to wear my heels in public and taking that first huge step out the door in heels. But I know from experience that the fears you have about walking in heels in public are not as bad as your mind makes them. You just have to make up your mind that you like wearing heels, they make you feel good, look good and just take that first step. Like the poem says in "Lord of the Rings":

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

So then in 2020, if you have not yet taken that step down from the door and out in public in your heels, let this be the year that you start this new adventure!

Good luck, and like I say, "Keep strutting those heels! Ciao!








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