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Who else is having one today - September 20th?

I have a jubilee - 25... I wish you birthday folks all the best and the sweetest cakes :smile:

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HH forever!


:bday: :bday :bday: :bday: Happy birthday Stellah. I had a 25th birthday once, but its a few years ago now :smile: Have a great day.

Do your own thing. Don't be a victim of conformity.



25th birthday ! what's that? don't remember mine :grin: must have been :drinking: that day :smile: anyway :bday: and all the best ! hope you get some nice shoes to go with your day :grin:


Happy birthday, Stellah! I wish I remembered the words to the Danish birthday song, it sounds pretty cool even though I don't understand what half of it means... It would go like this, sort of... (in english) Today is Stellah's birth-day, hurrah hurrah hurrah! But after that I keep forgetting. It's only 6am here and I am NOT calling my mother to find out the rest of the words. :smile: Happy birthday, 25 is a fun age!


:bday: :bday: :bday: Enjoy many bottles of Vana Tallinn liquor. Allu


A belated Happy Birthday to you Stellah. Hopefully you are :sleeping: after a night of :drinking: , or you might look like this :morning: . All kidding aside, best wishes and again happy b-day. :bday: Dan


Thanks to everyone, my party went well, too :smile:

I'm so glad that I post some thigh-high pix here:

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Credits to southerncharms.com


HH forever!

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