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Yesterday when I went shopping I had a cool sighting. On my way to the checkout I almost run into a woman and a younger girl; looked like mother and daughter (from behind). At least that's what I took them for first. I then took another look down on the woman and noticed stiletto heeled boots - cool! - because she walked as if she was on high heels. Hm, couldn't tell if they were knee-highs or just ankle boots. Anayway, the heels seemed to be in the 4"- to slightly 4"+-range. But then someting made me suspicous. It was the way the high heeled 'woman' strode (don't worry, at the end of the story the 'woman' will remain female - just in case you were tempted to think in another direction -- we'll see in a moment why I put 'woman' in "'"). The steps she took weren't actually small enough to call it ladylike. She rather 'ran' through the aisles. Good performance if you would only take the 4"+ into consideration. Anyway, she went outside to wait for the younger girl who had to pay for a CD. Then I saw her face: Although the was dressed all black and wore goth-like make-up as well (okay not extremely goth but it was pretty much like that) you couldn't really tell her age but she wasn't definitely what I was taking her for on the first glance. She must have been somewhere in-between the age of like 12 and 16. As said, one couldn't tell because of the make-up but she still looked very young. Secondly, the way she handled her heels expressed that she'd probably worn such kind of shoes for quite a couple of years already. Anyway, provided that both girls were classmates - the way they communicated with each other suggested so - then the heelsgirl in black was rather more at an age of 12 or 13 than 16. -- I wouldn't have taken her for trying to look older or like a hooker to get some dedicated affection, I just thought of her as if she would do that because it's her philosophy and she really liked the way the stuff looks on her. I must admit if I was female I probably would have looked the same way at that age. Maybe not entirely black but that would have been it.

Anyway, stunning sighting...

In case the girl reads along and recognizes herself: Way to go girl, way to go!


-Mike *QuiteEnvious*

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I work at a large IT multinational and today during lunch time I saw a girl with some nice heels at the cafeteria. I think the heel was somewhere between 5 and 6 inches. They were olive green, open toe sort of like these but with a bit of a platform.

She was the first in line to get her food and if I had arrived a minute earlier I would have been next to her and could have complimented her on her heels. I hope I get to see her again in some nice heels and get my chance to talk to her. ;)

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