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Sociological profiles of highheel wearers

Epi Cene

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As an avid fulltime observer of highheel wearing women, it seems to me that many heel wearers seem to have similar general characteristics. But, we all tend to see what we're looking for... More highheel wearers are relatively young (16-60) than older. (Some of the 40 to 60 year old affluent baby-boomers are still wearing heels, unlike earlier generations) More highheel wearers are urban rather than rural. More highheel wearers are upper rather than lower income. More highheel wearers are fashionably dressed than not. More highheel wearers are single than married. By ethnic group (I live in an ethnically diverse area), it seems I see highheel wearing women ranging from the most, to least, percentages, in this order: Asian, White, Mexican, Black. Regardless of the type women, they simply look better wearing heels! Profiles of heel wearing men are murkier, despite reading these forums, to me.

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in the late '60s and early '70s most Black women got rid of their heels and went to wedges or flats. The last group to give them up seemed to be mature white women. It seems that Asian and Hispanic women never gave them up, at least not the younger ones. My childrens' generation grew up at a time when an insult was; "Your mama wears roach killert" (pointy toed pumps). When I was growing up an insult was; "Your mama wears combat boots" (anything other than pointy toed pumps). Now mama can wear whatever she feels like, and so can daddy.

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