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She who dares, hopes to win

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I know most people do not visit this section and read the messages here. But those who are deeply connected in our high heeled community may, and I would like to mention something. If you look at the pictures I have just posted in the Favourite Shoe Picture section, you will notice the resolution is much clearer. One can even see the scratches on the back of the first pair. Beg, borrow, steal, whatever it takes. She who dares, hopes to win. In that, my little venture may end up ruining me, but, I have managed to pick up a digital camera. I still have to pay for it, naturally. I am hoping I can! Things like this are important, because they allow me to share better quality pictures, and more of them. I would think this is important to the community. It is also going to be very important as Firefox and I work on rebuilding Jenny's page. Good quality pictures seem to be important to the people here. So I have taken a risk, and managed to get a digital camera. I am hoping it is a risk that was worth taking, but then, only the members of this community will be able to let me know. I thought I would share this, since I could. :(

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Laurieheels; In your quest to please the members of this forum, I do appreciate you making the effort to obtain a digital camera to improve the quality of your photos that you post here. However, I am concerned that you had to take a risk to accomplish this. If you made your personal situation any worse by taking this risk, I hope you would reconsider. I know I would understand.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.

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