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Hi, I found this website a few days ago while searching on google and started reading a lot of the forums regarding high heels for men. I have always had a secret obsession for these things and was always afraid of following that obsession in fear of society judging me a certain way. Though after reading this forum and being somewhat encouraged by my girlfriend (I've put her through too much regarding heels), I have become a little more comfortable on the subject. I live in Lawrence, KS (don't know anyone else on here from there) and I finally bought my first pair of heeled boots today from Payless- $22 (on sale), some American Eagle brand. I was scared while trying them on in fear of being seen... and somehow an old friend of mine managed to walk in right after I finished trying them on. I had to paper clip the extended calf length together- otherwise, they are great! I think they're around 3", maybe a little more. I'm not exactly sure how I'll wear them yet (or hide them... I'm 17 years old with crazy parents and a little brother).

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Welcome here young member ! You are only at the beginning of beautifuls adventures wearing heels . I remember having the same secret obsession when i was younger than you , at 48 it's still there . Get ready to carry this feeling for a long time , but don't worry it'll always good sensations . Enjoy the forum and take care .

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