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testing if it works.. and odds from my collection

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I have lurked here for a really long time and decided to try my hand at posting few pics and being more "productive", this is my first try at a pic.. hope it works.

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found these at a reasonable price, and while they look really nice they can be very uncomfortable to wear, those straps could have been softer :lol:

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The see-through styles are quite rare in South Africa and I was fortunate enough to pick up a pair as well, tried my hand at a bit of image manipulation too..

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normally they look like this

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they are surprisingly easy to walk in but those straps are a pain, my left foot is slightly larger than the left and its not easy getting them on.

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This is one of my favourite pairs of HH's and also the tightest of them all. I must admit I like the look of a simple sandal and these just "did it" for me. Alas they dont seem to make a style like this in SA anymore and I will have to hang on them and admire only from a distance.

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If straps are bothering you, try some moisturizer. See, if you rub something into the material a few times, it can make it wet and pliable. Well, it has worked for me, anyway. I have managed to do this to help straps feel better. As well, take a blade of some sort and rub the inside of the strap. This can help at times, and my mother has taught this to my sisters and myself as we've grown up and couldn't wait for shoes to be broken in before wearing them a good deal. :lol:

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If straps are bothering you, try some moisturizer. See, if you rub something into the material a few times, it can make it wet and pliable. Well, it has worked for me, anyway.

Sheesh, now why didn't I think of that ages ago.... aaah well thats one of those things they dont teach males at school.

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There are differences in the way a woman would wear heels as opposed to the way a man would wear them. See, the issue is this - I like them because they enhance my feminine attributes. If I wrote something based on my experience, it may not be 100% applicable. I could try it, if I ever find motivation, and we could then see just how much would be appropriate. :lol:

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