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Weekend in London


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We've just had an interesting weekend up in London covering the Sci-fi / Animé Expo at the Excel centre in Docklands. Apart from 3 hours on Sunday whilst visiting a friend on the return journey (she's very old school/formal) I spent the whole 3 days from Friday in heels :wave: We were returning from a wedding in Cornwall so was a long way home so to speak. Our youngest is into the NARATU animé and is a regular visitor. Many of the kids follow this style, costumes manly premade by suppliers. The more adult following varied from Dr Who, Star Wars, Batman, Avatar and Alien and more, and in those cases the costumes where very clever and professional. A few older teen/early 20s girls where in quite stunning costumes and heels that would be just at home at the Erotica show later this month. We stayed at the Premier Inn in Beckton commuting in to the show and into London on the Saturday when we went to Kensington palace. Can't be many guys that have heeled it in a royal house. For the whole weekend I think about 5 people spotted the shoes, 1 (male) at Swindon services walking towards me giving that odd look. 2 women in Hyde park whilst having a cup of tea, They watched us walk away and finally a couple having a meal at the hotel restaurant, the girl spotted told her boyfriend, it was quite fun watching him looking round a pillar to get a view. No bad vibes, comments or dirty looks during the whole time in the expo, on the trains or in London while on walkabout. I think I can honestly say I have been not previously had so much time in heels or have felt so safe. Al

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