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Well, finally i found some half way decent heels for myself. After visiting every heel shop in my city, i went on a bussines trip to the capital city of my country. Besides meeting with some clients, i was shoe shopping. I also went to ALL the major stores in the city accessible with the car, but no result. All i could find there were sizes up to 39 european. And i know those don't fit me. However, i got lucky in the last shop i visited. It was Yello shoes. I found a pair on the aisle where they kept the last examples of a pair. At $3 they were dead cheap, so i decided, wth. Black strappy sandals, with 4" heel and 0.5" plattform, and block heels, european size 40 (i'm amazed how nice they fit). The biggest size heels i could find. I was hoping for at least 4" without plattform. But hey, i'm happy i found a pair that fits. YAY!


No. But not because i was afraid peopl'd see me. I tried them on the last time i went shopping. But since none fit me, i was almost angry. This time, i just thought wth, grabed them and went to the counter. Since they were so cheap i didn't really care if they fit me or not. The people that were shoping at the time didn't care at all that a bloke in a bussiness suit is buying some high heel sandals. :twisted: I now have 2 pairs of hhs. I'll try to make some pics of them during the day, and post them later on.

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