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Went to the barbers today wearing my 5" shoe boots with thin heel, which is worn to the nail and needs re heeling, but I like the noise they make. I sat in the chair and didn't try to hide my heels, the lady that cut my hair and her assistant both noticed my heels, but didn't say anything. Another guy came in and sat next to me, but he didn't notice. As I was leaving 2 school boys came in, they noticed because I bent down to pick up a coin I had dropped and that exposed all of the heels, which were mainly covered with my jeans when standing up. One just smiled. Just goes to show, nobody is really bothered, and apart from making an arse of myself, when I caught a heel in the door mat and nearly fell over as I was leaving, it was a great little adventure. Cant wait for next month when my hair needs cutting

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yep need to get into my thick head, that people dont really care!! am always worried about people and their reaction, so far have not had issue, when heeling out, however only ventured out when very quiet and almost no one around, we do have plans to do a night out, will see how that works!!:) thanx for the inspiration!!:P

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Done the doormat thing. our front door has a mind with intent to catch me out when not watching. As to the "watchers" I believe the individuals are quite safe, stares and questions. Those, with practice will come easier. It's the groups that have the risk - unpredictable "pack" behaviour. Normal crowds,- get in and be there, use the mass to blend in seems to be the general advise. Done it a few times in wet weather on the high streets and it seems to work. Al

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